View Full Version : 1993 #379 First Issue: LTPWS Sensor Question

11-19-2023, 10:12 AM
First "real" drive for the car yesterday since it arrived several weeks ago (paint correction/fluid changes/OEM tires swapped out for new, but I took the only the tires and wheels to the shop for mounting). Took the car on the highway and was fine until running it up around 80mph when it began to vibrate/shake. Figured the tires weren't balanced correctly; easy fix.

As I'm pulling back into the driveway, I hear a meta-on-metal clanking; very slow speed. In a panic I pulled the left rear wheel looking for broken suspension/loose exhaust/whatever. As I roll the wheel out of the way, I notice that the sound is coming from INSIDE the tire/wheel. My assumption is that when mounting the new tires, the shop cracked the sensor, and at highway speed it broke away from the band clamp.

Since this is a '93, I'm expecting that removing this failed sensor from this one wheel will trigger the DIC light. Since these sensors seem to be hard to come by, outside of pulling the bulbs (and of course replacing the sensor), are there any other ways to turn off the warning light?

11-19-2023, 11:00 PM
I removed all my sensors without a problem, but my car has several upgrades done before me and with those came things that no longer work like my performance key. It no longer works as its always in high performance mode. I didn't want those sensors because if one brakes and they do it could actually throw you off the road with vibrations. If you remove them and you get a signal just clear it.

11-27-2023, 05:29 AM
If the sensor managed to survived, (sounds like it did since the LTPWS light didn't come on) you can get cheap bands only and reattach it. There is a procedure of where to mount them in the service manual but basically opposite the valve stem. ALWAYS tell the tire shop about them. They don't have a clue about these older type sensors.

11-27-2023, 09:01 AM
Appreciate the replies. The sensor board survived, but the housing was trashed. It appears as if the plunger struck the housing just enough to crack the base, which then completely let loose at highway speeds.

The shop has admitted fault, but I have yet to hear back about them sourcing a replacement sensor. The "Service LTPWS" did illuminate on my drive after having the tire remounted. So we'll see...but I'm on the lookout for a replacement myself, if anyone has a unit sitting on a shelf somewhere.