View Full Version : Fall Classic Car Show - National Museum of USMC 10/15

10-11-2023, 06:42 PM
Maybe a little too late for people to make plans, but figured I would share. There (https://www.facebook.com/events/1304915890152449/?acontext=%7B%22source%22%3A%2229%22%2C%22ref_noti f_type%22%3A%22plan_user_invited%22%2C%22action_hi story%22%3A%22null%22%7D&notif_id=1696998437841863&notif_t=plan_user_invited&ref=notif) is a classic car show at the USMC museum outside Quantico. Free to register, limited space. I registered as part of ZR-1 Net Registry.

Weather doesn't look promising, but if its decent enough I will be attending. Show runs 11-3, check in 930-1030.

The museum itself is free, and is pretty awesome if you haven't been there before.

Register here (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3P0lhYK%3Ffbclid%3D IwAR0ibl3gNI1aP-QNy1G1GwHz-7X8pFLOrWj6vNWOikaZTzJx1nZ4qje4_UI&h=AT0dbx5njEOp10-Z-FAFynDPlK7uaTQ-HWioTO_R6EYWm6R1fZxP57kYidK6uGluMPQT-qdk-UX8wm0Du2mXmqQJ7cgfR62h6S2_HvlvwckYaSvXVDEga4fKjLp 6amepk6dBlUy5t4Wqa5mkGw&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT2vvnhsHF3vpHm9dGhbaDSAh8ulFjNArG8aR7sV7EC3Qgz-lczz5foYjSWblYL6bt3xp7OE3qn9FK1LadKp_FakCa4Z-lzZXZKLzTXxhm2lCdsiq_J23sFxVpwmpWtoexSOpOhILznCV7e jMLwt7IRsMHgU). Registration ends 5pm on 10/12.

Again, sorry about the lateness. I just found it myself.

10-14-2023, 05:45 AM
Heads up about this. They didn't max out on preregistered cars. You can register at the event on a first come first served basis. In case anybody wanted to come but couldn't register in time.

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10-15-2023, 09:23 AM
Thanks wish I could make it....take pics and have a blast!