View Full Version : 95 Slave Cylinder Replacement Cost

09-28-2023, 02:08 PM
I realize this is a very stupid question, as information is readily available, but I am in the position of dealing with bankers and lawyers who know nothing about cars and they want me to get a range for replacement of my dad's 95 ZR-1 slave cylinder which went bad thanks to them neglecting to maintain the cars after his death, so it just sat.

I am finally close to taking possession and need numbers on this repair, done correctly so I can sell it. Anybody recently had this done that didn't just do it themselves? I realize it's a simple fix if you're mechanical...but they're not and they don't think I have any idea what I'm talking about. OEM exact replacement parts and labor should cost approximately what, on the high side?

Thanks for humoring me so I have something to show them from folks with the same cars who had the same repair done somewhat recently. Everything I searched was years and years old.

09-28-2023, 03:23 PM
I'd suggest giving Marc Haibeck a call at 630-458-8427. He can surely get you an accurate quote and he is the guy you want working on your ZR-1. You are in IL and he is located in Addison, IL. http://zr1specialist.com/

09-28-2023, 03:29 PM
Thanks very much! I appreciate it.

10-02-2023, 03:11 PM
The slave cylinder itself, IIRC, is about $80 or more depending on where you buy it. And you also need to buy brake fluid. It's not particularly difficult to replace, I did mine, but you either need the car jacked up or put on a lift to get under it, and then you have to bleed the system. It took me a few hours total, to get the car up and down and time for the proper bleeding. If you're not particularly mechanically inclined, pay someone else to do it for you. Just figure out the labor costs in you area - ? 100-150+/ hr. But I like to work on my own cars if I feel I can do the job and have the right tools, and if not, you have a perfectly good excuse to go buy more of them.

10-03-2023, 04:46 PM
mlipmd described it pretty well.

To answer your original question, I would consider any quote over $500 for parts & labor to be high.

It is recommended to replace the hydraulic line to the slave cylinder when replacing the slave cylinder, and that will cost another $100-$150.