View Full Version : Need Help Please

09-21-2023, 10:10 AM
I have a 1995 ZR1 lined up to buy and just want to be sure it has original engine and trans.
the guy texted me pics of the trans vin 1S5800264 and the last digits end in the same number as cars VIN 800264. As for the engine vin he gave me 10ZUDX309280006, doesnt match and the registry mentions Merc 93 was 10ZVC.

is there supposed to be a derivative engine vin ending in build number???
thank you in advance for a NOOB and hopefully a ZR1 owner...

09-21-2023, 10:58 AM
I posted this in another thread on engine numbers (https://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=34671&highlight=engine+number) --Bob

Here are a couple of pictures of the VIN and engine number on the block. The VIN "409" is lightly stamped and just barely visible above the number "11". The larger engine picture shows the location of the VIN stamp pad; it is in the lower left of the picture, on the passenger side at the rear. The engine number is on the opposite side of the block. Hope that helps.--Bob

09-21-2023, 12:09 PM
Thanks Warp Ten. so i have seen all these pics in forum and for some reason, i cant open them now, hahaha.
in any event, the big question is the Engine VIN supposed to end as the same as Car VIN.
it sure appears no from what he supplied.

09-23-2023, 12:02 PM
Thanks Warp Ten. so i have seen all these pics in forum and for some reason, i cant open them now, hahaha.
in any event, the big question is the Engine VIN supposed to end as the same as Car VIN.
it sure appears no from what he supplied.

Here is an enlarged picture of the VIN stamp pad that shows a better, but not perfect, look at the VIN. You can see that it does indeed include the last 8 digits of my '95's VIN, "S5800409". You can see the location of the stamp pad in the picture above of the engine with the heads off. Here is a closeup picture of that as well. I believe the other numbers under the VIN are the date of manufacture, October 23, 1993 and its number in the production sequence for that day, 11. --Bob

09-23-2023, 05:13 PM
thank you very much. the guy did find it and texted it to me matching. The bad news is when i drove 4.5 hrs today to look at the car, the clear coat had major runs all thru it and the guys said GM had bad paint that year. wow. this guy waisted 9 hrs of my time.
back to the search and thank you very much for the info, at least now i know where to look.
take care!!

09-23-2023, 10:47 PM
GM had bad paint at times but not with clear coat runs.

09-24-2023, 11:08 AM
I should have taken pictures. These were giant dollar bill size clear coat runs on roof sides and quarter and door, it was just a horrible repaint. This clearly(no punn intended) didn't come off 68k GM line and not sure how much was paid to do it but i'd ask for my money back!!
Dude should be ashamed not disclosing this and making me drive 4.5 hrs each way for this junk!!
just emailed about another black one with 11k, gonna set up and go see this one!!

appreciate all the info guys!!