View Full Version : c4 zr1 wheels on a c4 gransport

08-31-2023, 02:40 PM
will zr1 wheels clear on a gransport, buying a gs and its been sitting dont want to drive it with flatspots on the original tires 4 hours away

08-31-2023, 03:05 PM
I believe the ZR-1 will bolt right on and clear, meaning they shouldn't rub anywhere... but I do believe the 11in ZR-1 rims will stick out just a hair wider on the GS due to the different offset...

Someone chime in if I have that incorrect


...post some pics of the GS when you get it, those cars are awesome :fahne:

08-31-2023, 09:47 PM
Pretty sure ZR-1 rears are 38mm offset, GS are 55mm, a difference of 13mm. (.51 inch)


Vette Guy
08-31-2023, 10:25 PM
Be very careful with ZR-1 rears on a GS. One nice bump and you?ll crack a fender or both. Ask me how I know!

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09-01-2023, 01:14 AM
I agree with Mark on this and have seen the outcome. Perhaps you could temporarily adjust the rear spring bolts. It will get you just a little additional clearance on stock bolts but even a smidge could help.