View Full Version : How to Report a Possible Scammer on the Forum?

07-05-2023, 11:30 PM
Hey Guys. Who or what do I do to expose a scammer within the forum ranks?

07-05-2023, 11:35 PM
Hi, I'd use the contact us button at the bottom of one of the forum pages. One of the admins should pick it up. Many of these scammers pose as if they are older and not very technically savvy, look like they have a pretty good story, and of course want Paypal payment via friends and family. Unless it's a very well-known forum member, do NOT use friends and family. Pay the fee if they won't and you really want what's being sold, then at least you can get your money back. Otherwise Paypal doesn't care. My $.02.


07-05-2023, 11:37 PM
Mark Horner aka "Vette Guy" can be messaged - he's our registry president. Also if the "scammer" posted on the forum, you can click the warning triangle on the left of the post to flag it.

07-13-2023, 06:33 PM
Yes, be careful.
Our recent issues have been from someone new to the Forum (not a Member),
who nobody has ever heard of before, "selling for someone else."
These are not new cars: be cautions of someone who just joined the Forum.
And if a deal sounds too good to be true, be extra careful. That is not to say
that you can't be scammed for a full-price item. We are trying our best to throw up
road blocks to scammers, but some are incredibly sneaky.

Ted Feder
ZR-1 Net Registry Forum Admin