View Full Version : Ccm location and steps to get it

06-27-2023, 11:23 AM
hi!! Im trying to get to the ccm module its behind the central panel, Marc tell me that is hard to reach and surely it is.
By far I get the carpet side knee partially open( folded back) I take out the driver behind dash carpet and have another metal panel. I saw a big Black block in the side of the radio an Orange box behind and farly back what its look like the ccm
Any further step to get there, its really difficult

06-27-2023, 11:27 AM
In your picture.. the metal panel tot he left has to come out.. 13mm and 10mm bolts

Sliver Angle bracket bottom Center needs to come out and the black bracket on the right, that bolts to the sliver angle bracket needs to come out, then you might be able work the CCM out..

It is not easy but it will come out. I cannot fix your unit, but I can program a replacement. I actually have an extra 1990 CCM that is working.. if you need it

06-27-2023, 03:34 PM
Thank you so much I will let you know if I need it,Im gonna take poca of the process