View Full Version : side and rear emblems

04-24-2023, 06:26 PM
I'm sure this has been posted before, but I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for with the search function..

I bought new emblems for hood sides and the rear bumper. My car is a 1991. the emblems have 2 posts on the back but did not come with any hardware, just double sided foam tape cut to the shape of the emblems.

What is the purpose of the two posts? Is there hardware to attach them from behind if I drill holes in the hood?
Is the adhesive sufficient so that I don't have to drill holes in the hood? (just cut the posts off?)

Can someone post or send me a photo of a later year car showing the inside of the hood where these attach?

And how about the rear emblem - any tips for removing the old one to install the new one?



04-24-2023, 07:27 PM
There is no hardware that attaches from the back. Holes are on the sides of the hood and on the bumper as mounting guide.
I?ll try to remember to take a pic and post.

04-24-2023, 07:35 PM
Whatever you do, do not drill holes in your car for the posts. Just cut off the posts and the 3M double stick tape is plenty strong to hold them on. There are specific measurements in the factory service manual or otherwise can be posted and shared for placement.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

04-24-2023, 07:54 PM
Perfect thanks guys. I will use measurements I found in another thread and use painters tape to make a guide edge. Glad to hear I do not need to drill.

04-24-2023, 07:56 PM
Oh, could still use advice on removing old rear bumper emblem.

04-24-2023, 08:00 PM
fishing line

04-24-2023, 08:59 PM
Or skinny weed whacker line.

The early Z's only had the rear bumper emblem. The side hood emblems didn't come along until later. As stated just trim off the nubs and mount :cheers:

04-24-2023, 09:46 PM
I'm sure this has been posted before, but I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for with the search function..

I bought new emblems for hood sides and the rear bumper. My car is a 1991. the emblems have 2 posts on the back but did not come with any hardware, just double sided foam tape cut to the shape of the emblems.

What is the purpose of the two posts? Is there hardware to attach them from behind if I drill holes in the hood?
Is the adhesive sufficient so that I don't have to drill holes in the hood? (just cut the posts off?)

Can someone post or send me a photo of a later year car showing the inside of the hood where these attach?

And how about the rear emblem - any tips for removing the old one to install the new one?



Did all 91?s come with side emblems or is there some cutoff? Curious about your ?later year? comment.

04-24-2023, 10:07 PM
Did all 91?s come with side emblems or is there some cutoff? Curious about your ?later year? comment.

91 did not have side emblems. I'm adding them and was asking if anyone had inside hood photos of the later year cars that had factory installed emblems on the hood.

04-24-2023, 10:08 PM
fishing line

ah great tip! thanks!

04-25-2023, 02:11 PM
Pics of 1994 ZR-1 side emblems on the inside as promissed.
Note that I defeated double sided tape and used philps head screws and resulting flaring of the plastic posts (actually hollow inside) to secure the emblems.
This way, I can periodically remove the emblems for cleaning and waxing the hood. I did the same with the front and rear emblems which are attached with 10 mm speed nuts.


04-25-2023, 09:34 PM
I put them on my 91 a few weeks after I bought the car 3 years ago. Just 3M double sided tape, no holes or posts. No issues in almost 3 years.

04-25-2023, 09:42 PM
Looks great, Ram_g. I did the same when I had a 91. Mine was red too.

04-26-2023, 12:58 PM
The rear emblem maybe harder to remove. I replaced mine on my 91 and used waxed dental floss....The rear had 2 posts, that I had to reach under the rear bumper and remove the littl wing nuts that hold them on. Be careful when removing the rear ZR-1 emblem, good luck and post some pics of finished Z.