View Full Version : Moving drivers seat forward

04-22-2023, 04:31 AM
My wife wants to start driving my LT4 and I need to move the drivers seat forward about 1". What is the best way to do that? move the whole track forward? or move the seat mount on the track forward? Has anyone done this for their short legged wives before? LOL



04-22-2023, 03:49 PM
? easier to put blocks on the pedals to move them closer to her feet?

04-23-2023, 12:38 PM
? easier to put blocks on the pedals to move them closer to her feet?

I think I would opt for at least trying to see about moving the tracks, but I admit that I once had to put blocks on pedals. I sold my 1954 Aston Martin DB 2/4 to a lady doctor who was about 5 feet tall. She couldn't reach the pedals and said she would buy it contingent upon raising the pedal height. I sent it to my English car mechanic and he fixed her up, although I don't know exactly how he attached the blocks to the pedals. Bob

04-23-2023, 03:05 PM
They bolt right on, or through, the pedals. You can easily make something yourself out of a short length of 2x4 and glue or bolt through a covering of rubber or something to prevent foot slipping if you want to. Or paint over with a good non-skid paint. I did this in on MG TD kit car and it worked out great and was very easy to do. It was way easier to do than moving the seat track.

04-26-2023, 05:59 AM
All fixed. I drilled four new holes in the bottom rail where the seat mounts to the studs thru the floor. She only needed about 3/4" and I made it work.

04-27-2023, 01:29 PM
The seat track is already to close to the tunnel when the seat is moved All the way forward. Might have to modify the stoppers in side the tracks to get that extra inch

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04-28-2023, 10:36 AM
The seat track is already to close to the tunnel when the seat is moved All the way forward. Might have to modify the stoppers in side the tracks to get that extra inch

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I like that suggestion but how do you modify the stoppers? I am interested.....

04-28-2023, 04:44 PM
I would not have adjusted the seats anymore forward because of the airbag. It's could be a serious safety issue for the driver. These are the 2nd and 3rd order of effects from modifying the seats.

In a race car so be it, the airbag is out of the question. However if your intention is to allow your spousal support unit to drive the car......

However, I would have looked into something like this first

https://www.amazon.com/DriFeez-Extenders-Adjustable-Accelerator-DF-YCQ200/dp/B09P667Z8R/ref=sr_1_1?crid=K7C3NF2C3TBR&keywords=Height%2Bcar%2Bfoot%2Bpedal%2Badapters&qid=1682714460&sprefix=height%2Bcar%2Bfoot%2Bpedal%2Badapters%2B% 2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1&th=1

Just my thoughts. I'm sure there are better units available however, this is the direction I would have recommended.


04-29-2023, 03:33 PM
You make a good point - "I would not have adjusted the seats anymore forward because of the airbag. It's could be a serious safety issue for the driver."
I don't know if an inch makes a real difference but if you are small and closer and get hit in the face with that thing, it could. That's why I suggested moving the pedals closer instead of the seat. But moving the seat forward an inch may also make it easier to reach the steering wheel if that were a problem too.
Just tell her to drive slow (Ha).

04-30-2023, 10:55 AM
I would not have adjusted the seats anymore forward because of the airbag. It's could be a serious safety issue for the driver. These are the 2nd and 3rd order of effects from modifying the seats.

In a race car so be it, the airbag is out of the question. However if your intention is to allow your spousal support unit to drive the car......

However, I would have looked into something like this first

https://www.amazon.com/DriFeez-Extenders-Adjustable-Accelerator-DF-YCQ200/dp/B09P667Z8R/ref=sr_1_1?crid=K7C3NF2C3TBR&keywords=Height%2Bcar%2Bfoot%2Bpedal%2Badapters&qid=1682714460&sprefix=height%2Bcar%2Bfoot%2Bpedal%2Badapters%2B% 2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1&th=1

Just my thoughts. I'm sure there are better units available however, this is the direction I would have recommended.


Good idea--much better than my old wooden blocks. --Bob

04-30-2023, 01:41 PM
And $100 more expensive.

04-30-2023, 11:22 PM
You make a good point - "I would not have adjusted the seats anymore forward because of the airbag. It's could be a serious safety issue for the driver."
I don't know if an inch makes a real difference but if you are small and closer and get hit in the face with that thing, it could. That's why I suggested moving the pedals closer instead of the seat. But moving the seat forward an inch may also make it easier to reach the steering wheel if that were a problem too.
Just tell her to drive slow (Ha).

The reality is "she" could have been doing everything right before being hit. It happens everyday. Please don't take me down a road of pronouns. Let's just assume the spouse is "she". I dont want to offend anybody.

When you modify anything on any car you have normally put it beyond accepted engineered solutions. There is always an offset.. More power, requires more cooling, braking, etc. now back to the airbags. These are not "smart air bags or Gen III airbag. The 90 Corvette was one of the "first" in any American car to have an air bag and dual airbags in 94.

If these airbags do deploy... they are coming out at one speed. Do I really think an inch makes the difference? Maybe or Maybe not but I caution anybody that modifies a seat by moving it closer should consider it as a potential problem. If is deploys earlier than it would have with a calculated restraint factor. Or not soon enough calculation because the "math" at the time took into consideration the 5ft 10inch person in the seat should not be in this space yet but now they are closer than designed.

It may be "ok" I honestly don't know... However I do know a lot about 2nd and 3rd orders of effects on decisions :cheers:

I would have went with a pedal decision that moved them rearward to avoid the occupant to have to move forward beyond the engineered design ...

That's all..... your mileage may vary.....:cheers: