View Full Version : door light switch replacement source

06-05-2007, 11:21 PM
I have a 1991 ZR1. All of a sudden the interior lights would not shut off with the doors closed. I discovered that slight pressure,approx.1/8"
on the outside of the right door would switch off the lights. I placed a wad of duct tape inside the door well opposite the switch and this solved the problem. I searched the registry and one post stated this was a common problem for the ZR1 and the remedy was to replace the door switch. First of all, I can not see how I can make the door close any tighter. Also I searched the net for replacement sites, such as Ecklers, and could not find a replacement. Do any members have another remedy or source for the door light switch? Thanks for your time and suggestions ! George

06-06-2007, 08:55 AM
I have a similar problem and just ordered some from Corvette Central, p.no 594326


Ecklers lists them as part no. 20196 but CC was closer for me and works with the Canadian customs... :(

Good luck.


06-06-2007, 01:32 PM
Sounds like the plunger is sticking inside the switch unit. I had the same problem with both doors on mine. I pulled the plunger to the full out position and then applied a small amount of lubricant then worked the plunger in and out until it would return to the full out position on its own.

You will find a couple of photos on this subject in the "ZR-1 How to" section of the Registry. BTW you get to the "How to" section through the page on vehicle maintenance.

06-06-2007, 02:11 PM
BTW you get to the "How to" section through the page on vehicle maintenance.

Wow! I managed to somehow entirely miss that! Thanks! :thumbsup:

06-06-2007, 10:15 PM
Thank you . I did oil the center plunger and got it to stick out farther and activate the switch. thank you. YOU saved me some money in ordering a new one. George