View Full Version : Help With Coolant overflow

12-18-2022, 07:56 PM

I have a 1990 and Something is going on with the coolant overflow. any help is appreciated.

I am far from an expert, and rarely drive the car, so apologies for not using the correct terminology.

Long story short, my car does not seem to "suck" in coolant from the overflow in front of the right front tire. When it heats up, it seems to flow from the main reservoir properly down into the overflow, but it doesn't pull any back in. I get a "low coolant" warning when cold, so I add some to the main reservoir. After running for a while there is a puddle on the ground underneath the overflow tank, the overflow tank is completely full, but the main reservoir is low again...

Could it be something as simple as the cap to the main reservoir not sealing properly?

Any advice welcome?


12-19-2022, 08:11 AM
I would start with replacing the coolant reservoir cap since they are pretty cheap. I think they are 14 or 15 PSI. Personally, I would stay with AC Delco OEM cap.


Also, are you running silicone hoses by any chance? If so, take time and tighten all hose clamps. Hose clamps tend to loosen (or the hose deforms) andseep minute amount of coolant.

12-19-2022, 06:15 PM
I'm in the process of learning about the coolant bleed process after just buttoning up a top end clean up and refresh of gaskets. These articles may help as I wonder if you have an air bleed problem:


http://zr1specialist.com/HAT%20Web/articles/Clogged%20Engine%20Coolant%20Air%20Bleed%20Restric tors.htm

12-19-2022, 10:52 PM
Thanks guys...

I'll check the hoses, and I'm about to read those links!!


Dean Nelson
12-29-2022, 03:34 PM
many years ago I had the same problem.
replaced all the hose, change the cap, even changed the tank on the fire wall
nothing fixed it..........

turned out I had broke head gasket......
Marc Haibeck pulled the motor and changed the gaskets and the problem was gone.

and when I got it back from Marc it had.......510 HP
such a deal.........

Dean Nelson

12-29-2022, 04:03 PM
As stated above replace the cap.