View Full Version : EZPass

10-09-2022, 08:24 AM
I have mine posted in the windshield cutout but understand some use the license plate transponder mounted under the hood rather than on the front of the license plate. Anybody have success with the under hood install and can you send some pics? Thanks

10-09-2022, 10:22 AM
I have mine posted in the windshield cutout but understand some use the license plate transponder mounted under the hood rather than on the front of the license plate. Anybody have success with the under hood install and can you send some pics? Thanks

Sorry Charlie (no tuna pun intended) I have never tried under hood on any of my Corvettes but I know that in the C8s and C7s people have done so with good results. One caveat is that those hoods are Carbon Fiber so I don't know about how the hoods on the C4s would work. Some have also had luck having the transponder near or attached to the roof panel. Also I know the license plate mounts work but I think you would need to have it on the front so you would need to have a front plate unless it works under the cover. When I had my C4 I did exactly what you do--had it in the cutout, but held firmly in place by my V1 radar detector. It was still white and fairly obvious but it worked. Since then, I have discovered a neat black silicon cover for my transponder (I think I got it from Amazon but maybe just a Vette products vendor). I swap the transponder between my Z06 and my BMW 540xi (in the lower left corner of the windshield) so it has velcro on the back and shows a little white but it is still must less obvious that the pure white one was. If you decide to keep it in the cutout, the black cover might make it disappear better. --Bob

10-09-2022, 12:16 PM

I have my transponder inside the front license plate cover.

10-11-2022, 03:44 PM
Works like a charm....187181871918720

The older I get the faster I was.

10-12-2022, 04:28 PM
Thank you all for the response, just what I needed to know. Question answered and thanks!

10-17-2022, 10:25 PM
I just ordered the front plate IPass so I can do this hidden method. Perfect solution for me. Thanks for the pictures!

1992 Polo Green ZR-1, DRM500

10-18-2022, 06:17 AM
One more question, in MD we must use a front plate. Can I put the transponder behind the metal plate so it is hidden from view (backwards from what EZPass shows for install) or zip tie it somewhere under the clamshell?

10-18-2022, 09:01 AM
One more question, in MD we must use a front plate. Can I put the transponder behind the metal plate so it is hidden from view (backwards from what EZPass shows for install) or zip tie it somewhere under the clamshell?


I would try mounting it around radiator shroud. As long as you avoid metal panel between the top of the transmitter and the receiver at the toll booth, you should be fine.

10-18-2022, 10:43 AM
Here's a pdf on bumper mount of the EZ Pass unit from Virginia with pictures. Mounts with the two license screws holding the front plate on. This is the way we mount them in Illinois. (All the loaner cars in my local BMW dealer's loaner fleet do this). Not beautiful but I'll bet you could spray paint the unit to match the background color of your plate without any interference to the signal. --Bob

10-19-2022, 06:53 AM
when I went to carlisle, I just held it at the windshield and I had no problems. :)