View Full Version : Ceramic coating DFW area

07-21-2022, 03:33 PM
Looking to have a paint correction/ceramic coating done on my red 1994 in preparation for a road trip in September. Anyone have a recommendation for someone in the Dallas area (close to Rockwall would be great)?

07-22-2022, 06:51 PM
Looking to have a paint correction/ceramic coating done on my red 1994 in preparation for a road trip in September. Anyone have a recommendation for someone in the Dallas area (close to Rockwall would be great)?

I have a August 4th appointment with a paint correction specialist out of Arlington. I have a black car which is most difficult. I'll let you know the results.

07-23-2022, 10:25 AM
Thanks. I talked with a local shop yesterday that gets really good reviews and was quoted $1500 for a 2 stage paint correction and a ceramic coating with 5yr warranty. I had a bit of sticker shock, but I do know it is a lot of work to do correctly, so the cost may not be out of line.

I?m interested in your experience for sure, would love to see some before/after pics when it?s finished.

07-23-2022, 02:02 PM
Thanks. I talked with a local shop yesterday that gets really good reviews and was quoted $1500 for a 2 stage paint correction and a ceramic coating with 5yr warranty. I had a bit of sticker shock, but I do know it is a lot of work to do correctly, so the cost may not be out of line.

I?m interested in your experience for sure, would love to see some before/after pics when it?s finished.

I can't post pics here, but email me at campotter@yahoo.com and I'll send you some.

The paint tech said it would probably take him a full day because the clear coat on these cars is very hard. I didn't ask him the cost because I want it fixed right.

07-24-2022, 01:43 PM
Thanks. I talked with a local shop yesterday that gets really good reviews and was quoted $1500 for a 2 stage paint correction and a ceramic coating with 5yr warranty. I had a bit of sticker shock, but I do know it is a lot of work to do correctly, so the cost may not be out of line.

I?m interested in your experience for sure, would love to see some before/after pics when it?s finished.

There are 3 cost components for this work.
1- paint correction heavy polish, then glaze
2- sealant, in this case ceramic
3- warranty


Actually there are 4.

First is a thorough wash, dry and clay bar prep

Most do not come with a warranty, but very good ones will.
Your price is very fair given what you are buying.
Likely 8-10 hours of labor plus material and warranty.

You could spend less, but the result may not please you.
Go for it.
Good Luck.

Paul Workman
07-24-2022, 05:50 PM
Boy-yo-boy what a shiny topic!

OK, I admit it: I am more of a "WARRIOR" than a show car "WAXER" person. I love a beautiful car as much as anyone, but I'm not fond (nor capable as my bones get older) of hours of rubbing or need the physical therapy that comes from endless polishing (even the under carriage!), as some enjoy. Shine. Once that box is checked, I don't what to come back to it again for as long as possible.

Jumping ahead, after the polymer phase (that supplanted to dethrone the carnuba wax era), ceramic coatings were the clear answer to fantastic shine without the need for constant maintenance - almost maintenance free if one avoided rain or road dirt. But, I hung w/ polymers b/c I couldn't swallow the $$$ tab for a professional ceramic application. But, progress in ceramics moves on.

Below are some quick shots I took of my car after a year of testing the Torque Detail Ceramic Shine (Torque Detail product line) for this post that kinda give an idea of the kind of finish coat I'm getting. I don't know how it compares to a pro ceramic job, but I have always been pleased with the polymer stuff I'd been using (waaaay mo bettah than carnuba was), but this stuff tops the polymer in terms of shine, AND ease of application. One spritz and buff is equal to several applications and buffing of the high end polymer stuff I'd been using to now.

The shine and refection (see sky, trees, and clouds, etc) are stunning. Anyone else tried the TD stuff? What do ya think?

07-24-2022, 10:48 PM
There are 3 cost components for this work.
1- paint correction heavy polish, then glaze
2- sealant, in this case ceramic
3- warranty

Most do not come with a warranty, but very good ones will.
Your price is very fair given what you are buying.
Likely 8-10 hours of labor plus material and warranty.

You could spend less, but the result may not please you.
Go for it.
Good Luck.

Thanks Marty, you are right on track with what I have discovered. The shop I spoke with said $800 for the 2 stage paint correction plus $775 for a silver level 5 yr warranty ceramic coating plus some extra hardness layer. They also indicated they would need the car for up to a week to do the work. They have stellar reviews, a nice clean/large shop and they are close, so will probably end up pulling the trigger.

Appreciate the input!

07-24-2022, 11:01 PM
Boy-yo-boy what a shiny topic!

OK, I admit it: I am more of a "WARRIOR" than a show car "WAXER" person. I love a beautiful car as much as anyone, but I'm not fond (nor capable as my bones get older) of hours of rubbing or need the physical therapy that comes from endless polishing (even the under carriage!), as some enjoy. Shine. Once that box is checked, I don't what to come back to it again for as long as possible.

Jumping ahead, after the polymer phase (that supplanted to dethrone the carnuba wax era), ceramic coatings were the clear answer to fantastic shine without the need for constant maintenance - almost maintenance free if one avoided rain or road dirt. But, I hung w/ polymers b/c I couldn't swallow the $$$ tab for a professional ceramic application. But, progress in ceramics moves on.

Below are some quick shots I took of my car after a year of testing the Torque Detail Ceramic Shine (Torque Detail product line) for this post that kinda give an idea of the kind of finish coat I'm getting. I don't know how it compares to a pro ceramic job, but I have always been pleased with the polymer stuff I'd been using (waaaay mo bettah than carnuba was), but this stuff tops the polymer in terms of shine, AND ease of application. One spritz and buff is equal to several applications and buffing of the high end polymer stuff I'd been using to now.

The shine and refection (see sky, trees, and clouds, etc) are stunning. Anyone else tried the TD stuff? What do ya think?

Very impressive! If mine looks that good afterwards, I certainly won?t be disappointed. I admire you for taking on the job yourself. I considered it, but just don?t know that I?ll have the time to do it right before I leave.

I have about an 800 mile round trip with a local car show in the middle, so hoping the ceramic job will allow me to make the drive, do a light spritzing/wipe down the morning of the show and still make a reasonable showing.

07-25-2022, 08:06 AM
Comments on the Art of Automotive Detailing:

Having fibbed about my age at 14, I began working after school at a car wash.
Eventually, I became the "compound and wax" "expert"???

Since those humble beginnings, I have washed, polished, detailed, paint corrected and preserved or sealed literally every car I have ever owned, and those of many family and friends.

While I consider my skillset to be very good, it pales by comparison to my detailer at the dealership.

He has likely done well over 1,000 vehicles; Likely, way more.

I don't call myself a plumber because I can successfully replace a toilet flapper, nor a doctor because I can put a band aid on.

Nor would I call myself a paint correction and sealant professional after watching Jason do any of my cars.

While I do pretty well, watching him bring back the finish on any type of paint is simply watching an artist at work.
Some cars are finished in 4-6 hours while most take much more time, a few, a week or more.
However, when they are finished, I actually watch people stop and stare into the paint, as I often do myself.

I was a banker for 40 years, and became pretty good at it.
I smile when someone from another profession who read a couple of books and managed to make some money in a climbing stock market starts giving everyone at a gathering his advice while I quietly sit there.

My point.

My cars look pretty darn good.
I have used and own nearly EVERY detailing product dating back to SIMONIZ to Graphene / Ceramic, which take up shelving units in my basement until discarded. I have high speed buffers, D/A polish machines, enough towels to dry the inhabitants of a small city and more.
That said.

Jason's experience and skill trumps my best effort every time.

So while I still enjoy "playing" detailer, I know my limitations.

So when it has to be the best, I hand the key to Jason.
You also might consider doing likewise with your local experienced shop.
Or, if near New Jersey, bring your car to Jason at Conte's Corvettes!
Once done correctly by an expert, I then resume my "professional"? upkeep, which I still enjoy.

07-31-2022, 04:23 PM
I'm paint correction guy to. Reading these responses let's me know I need to up my prices.

08-04-2022, 05:22 PM
Scott's Mobile Car Detailing finished the cut/buff/seal paint correction job on my car today and I can honestly say he's a miracle worker. My clear coat was a train wreck and he made it look like a show car again. DFW folks can reach him at 817.235.5376.

08-12-2022, 02:16 PM
Got my car back today and am very pleased with the outcome. They had the car for 3 days and it really cleaned up nicely.


I even had them do the 95 gills from the cars time as GMs long lead 1995 press car


Looks almost as good as it did when it was the cover car for the Heart of the Beast book.

The shop was Renegade Auto Spa in Rockwall, TX. It was not cheap, but I felt like the car was in good hands. They did a two stage paint correction and a silver package with a 5yr warranty. Also did the wheels and windshield, which looks a lot better in spite of a little delamination over the last 28 years.

With the new Pilot Sport AS4s, it's ready to go on a road trip!