View Full Version : primary timing chain

06-13-2022, 08:14 AM
Anyone have a NOS primary timing chain they are willing to part with?

Thank you


06-13-2022, 09:44 AM
Might have one. I'll have to check.

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06-13-2022, 11:29 AM
I would appreciate that greatly.


06-15-2022, 12:49 PM
Found some here

06-15-2022, 01:24 PM
I do not find any primary timing chains there. do you have a specific link to one?
thank for your help

06-15-2022, 01:29 PM
https://www.ebay.com/itm/175186485752?hash=item28c9eda1f8:g:kC4AAOSwUC1iInL 7
They had left and also right

06-15-2022, 01:32 PM
Here is the right
https://www.ebay.com/itm/175186485740?hash=item28c9eda1ec:g:IjkAAOSw~IdiInL ~

06-15-2022, 02:27 PM
Left & Right are Secondary Timing Chains, not Primary. The Primary Chain connects crankshaft to Idler Sprocket in the center, straight above the crankshaft.

Jerrys Gaskets has NEW & USED, L&R OE Secondary Chains and also the IWIS mfg Secondary Timing Chains.

We only have used Primary Chains. The Primary chain is very robust and seldom requires replacement.

06-15-2022, 02:33 PM
Got it and thanks. This is why I am the group cook !

06-15-2022, 05:39 PM
I am very impressed with IWIS chains. I have a set of your cam chains in hand and they are very very nice. I will tell you more once I get this thing fired up....

I was telling the wife, If Jerry was not here we would all be pretty screwed when something breaks.

So, Thank you for all that you do


06-15-2022, 10:47 PM
Left & Right are Secondary Timing Chains, not Primary. The Primary Chain connects crankshaft to Idler Sprocket in the center, straight above the crankshaft.

Jerrys Gaskets has NEW & USED, L&R OE Secondary Chains and also the IWIS mfg Secondary Timing Chains.

We only have used Primary Chains. The Primary chain is very robust and seldom requires replacement.

Indeed the NOS primary chains are almost non existent and the secondary chains are becoming hard to find as well. I peeled away some of the plastic but it is indeed a beefier chain. I will be using mine in my current 380 build but I bought that chain over ten years ago and I have NOT seen one since. Currently used for the primary chain is the only way forward.