View Full Version : For those who have had their dash apart...

04-26-2022, 09:04 PM
I'm indulging my OCD and chasing down every minute squeak, vibration, click, tick and buzz in the car. Through hours of taking things apart, adding foam, zip ties and tightening everything I can get a wrench on, my car (for a C4) is remarkably quiet.


I have a slight "wobble" noise coming from somewhere in the dash that only seems to appear when I go over a "washboard" type uneven road. I'm having difficulty locating left, right or center in the dash. I've had the dash apart looking for this little guy, but never pulled the actual dash pad. I've read the TSB on noises and followed them all down. I'm stuck on this one and although admittedly crazy, I'm hesitant enough to not pull the dash pad-- yet.

For those who had had the pad off, is there anything "going on underneath" that may be making the wobble noises that is pretty common/obvious enough to reconsider pulling the pad?

04-26-2022, 11:07 PM
Short answer... YES! Lots going on with entire dash out. I have done them all from 84-96. I can't really go over all I did as the same year and model can be different (noise wise) but I am OCD as well. Dash gets ripped out of every new C4 I have ever bought. High temp foam, heat reflector pads, ALL wiring lined with felt, plastic parts get small strips of hook and loop material, butyl tape is also a miracles cure for some spots. Mid trans tunnel is always a problem area. I fill each side of the tunnel with heat proof foam - heavy foam. Top windshield cowl is also a culprit. Use butyl to seal the plates that go on top of the targa mounts.You see, this list can go on and on. Feel free to PM for help. Next week would be better than this week, but I have no wind noise an MINIMAL body noise. BTW also the door lock slides have a plastic sheeth on it that get lost. Use a small piece of heat strink wrap or small vac/fuel lines for the lock rod.

04-27-2022, 05:54 PM
I am OCD as well. Dash gets ripped out of every new C4 I have ever bought.

A Crazy Kindred Spirit!

So if you had to "generalize" is there some commonalities that seem to pop up with the 90-96? What I'm looking for is, if you were to buy another C4, from your experience, what would your initial attack points of the dash be?

04-28-2022, 07:16 AM
I really can?t tell you anything specific with a ?wobble??sound.?I don?t know what a ?wobble sound??sounds like. If you want to try figure it out, send me a PM with your contact info I am happy to try and help. Maybe you could record the sound with your phone and email it to me. Note: My son is getting married Saturday and won?t have any time until Sunday.