View Full Version : Hi, I am new to this page.

01-10-2022, 05:27 PM
Hi I will make my story short. I met a really cool guy on Facebook we started to talk about lt1 and the next thing I know it he was telling me he was into lt5s now. So I said the 1990 lt5 I love them. Well long story short he found me one. She has had a hard life. Needs alot of love and parts. So guy please be patient with me as I am new to owning a vette let alone a zr1 lt5. I will post some pictures soon. Thank you for reading my post and if you would for inspiration post some of your ruff rides that you have fixed up please.

01-10-2022, 10:15 PM
Hi I will make my story short. I met a really cool guy on Facebook we started to talk about lt1 and the next thing I know it he was telling me he was into lt5s now. So I said the 1990 lt5 I love them. Well long story short he found me one. She has had a hard life. Needs alot of love and parts. So guy please be patient with me as I am new to owning a vette let alone a zr1 lt5. I will post some pictures soon. Thank you for reading my post and if you would for inspiration post some of your ruff rides that you have fixed up please.

Welcome! You're in the right place. Check out Marc Haibeck's website, and Jerry's Gaskets for tech and parts. The Heart of The Beast mag has lots of tips too, they are archived on the registry website for members.

The forums here are super helpful too. There are plenty of projects you can search for and follow in the forums, most likely any problem you encounter has been solved several times over.

Does she run?

Best of luck on your ZR-1 adventure! :cheers:

01-10-2022, 10:30 PM
Welcome! Look forward to seeing you provide the care your car needs and deserves.

01-11-2022, 12:19 AM
Welcome to the madness.
I'd say she needs a little love and some TLC.
Is she Polo Green, the first pic looks that way.
A little polish and elbow grease and it'll shine up nicely.
Id guess shes a 1990 or a 1991.


01-11-2022, 09:48 AM
I see now the things I left out.
It is a 1990 number 525.
It is green in color, but looks like someone stripped the paint with a grinder. Then rattled can it black with texter.
It dose run but not correctly. I hope after I fix the pvc system it will help out. It has a irregular idle goes from 1500 RPM to normal.
Oik lines are leaking.
It was someone daily driver and it seems like they just stopped loving and caring about the car and a lot of things just need replaced.
The more I think about it. Maybe I over pay.

01-11-2022, 12:33 PM
.................................................I t was someone daily driver and it seems like they just stopped loving and caring about the car and a lot of things just need replaced.
The more I think about it. Maybe I over pay.

Maybe you did & maybe not, it doesn't matter now. You chose to buy a ZR-1 Corvette that obviously needed some TLC, so I think you are the type who will enjoy working on his Corvette. Apart from driving it, you will derive a lot of satisfaction seeing it coming back to its former glory by your own doing.

There are NCRS guys whos chosen objective s to restore an perfectly as possible to original condition.

There are waxers that enjoy seeing and showing their cars in the most pristine condition.

There are drivers. They get their "kicks on Route 66" and cruising "main street!"

There are builders, making it "their own" by modifying looks, performance and comfort with more power, different wheels, special paint and body changes.

In between are all sorts of hybrid owners with a little bit of it all.

Bottom line.... you got your first ZR-1. Have it your way! Go for it and have a great time doing it.

Paul Workman
01-12-2022, 01:34 PM
Maybe you did & maybe not, it doesn't matter now. You chose to buy a ZR-1 Corvette that obviously needed some TLC, so I think you are the type who will enjoy working on his Corvette. Apart from driving it, you will derive a lot of satisfaction seeing it coming back to its former glory by your own doing.

There are NCRS guys whos chosen objective s to restore an perfectly as possible to original condition.

There are waxers that enjoy seeing and showing their cars in the most pristine condition.

There are drivers. They get their "kicks on Route 66" and cruising "main street!"

There are builders, making it "their own" by modifying looks, performance and comfort with more power, different wheels, special paint and body changes.

In between are all sorts of hybrid owners with a little bit of it all.

Bottom line.... you got your first ZR-1. Have it your way! Go for it and have a great time doing it.

Couldn't have said it better, Jerry! And, I believe the "FBI" gang in the Chi-town area is a MECCA for most anything to be done related to ZR-1, and close by to CR too! Marc Hiabeck (ZR-1 Specialist) is there along with Pete Polatsidis, -=Jeff=-, Dominic, LGAFF, Bob...to name but a few there that together can (and HAVE) done "it all" when it comes to ZR-1s.

Watch for the announcements for one of the "PIZZA NITEs" when a good deal of the gang gathers and meet n greet. It would be a 3+ hr drive, but would be worth it to get to see a big group of guys n gals crazy about the ZR-1s!

01-14-2022, 01:28 AM
Here's some motivation for you,you'll get there. This site is the very place to be for ZR-1. While my car wasn't bet to begin with it has gone through a few changes.

We Gone
01-14-2022, 09:30 AM
Welcome, No bad ZR-1s just some that need more bonding time than others.

01-14-2022, 11:02 AM
Happy New Years Paul hope to see you soon for the spring pizza night.

01-14-2022, 01:58 PM
Awesome dude. Welcome!!!

01-17-2022, 12:19 PM
So having recently complete a complete low mileage rescue 90 to my idea of the almost prefect ZR-1 (stock with the usual hidden goodies and mods not only for upgrade but functionality) . #1 Read EVERYTHING YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON ABOUT THE ZR-1/LT-5. You will need a Vetronix Tech1 or Tech1a with Mass Storage cartrige and correct adapters. Tuner Cat is also my loaded on my laptop. Now make a list of everything that you want to correct. Correct I am make is driveable or make it to it's full potential. Get a C4 PDF parts catalog. Find what you can NOS or similar - Ebay is not always your friend. Make a list of priorities , decide what order they work makes sense. Write down a REALISTIC BUDGET ONLY AFTER YOU TECHNICAL READINGS AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE USUAL LT-5 ISSUES. Also nice to see a new member try to help themselves before the forum post question about oil filters, oil leaks, a/c programmer Bose Amps, weatherstrip etc. It is ALL on the forum but we are glad to help but it is appreciated and necessary that you become proficient in LT5 repair and operation. Buy the FSM WITH and it is a MUST LT5 supplement (covers 2 and 4 bolt main). Put it all together nice and neat and sorted with a good plan. Go over it with your significant partner if applicable. Now the MOST important part, take that plan stick it in a drawer and have a few cool ones with your favorite adult beverage and blow that budget all to hell. I seen to have a multi-restore average of 25% initial budget to about %150 percent over budget. Put the parts on a special ZR-1 account.Hate to choose between wifey and ZR-1 but logically there are still a bunch of NOS parts for the ZR-1, wifey NOS parts are no longer available.

Vette Guy
01-25-2022, 09:46 AM
I'd have to research my source, but believe your ZR-1 was a "Other Market Export" in the GM system, and spent some time in Atlanta. Would be interested to see your build sheet. That said, agree with Corvette95:

- Read everything you can. Loads of help here.
- Purchase the Field Service Manual - believe many are now electronic and way cheaper than what many of us paid for the hard-copy. Make sure to get both the Electrical and LT5 Supplements as well
- Find a ODB1 scan tool. Doesn't need to be an expensive model (Tech 1/Snapon), but later you will want one.
- Make your to do list and prioritize.
- Lots of parts are available, and vendors such as Jerry's Gaskets and Mirrock Corvette have much of what you'll need.
- You have a project ahead of you, but also an opportunity to make your ZR-1 just the way you want it.

Good luck, stick with it, and keep us posted on your progress!
