View Full Version : Anyone here a Honda (automotive) technician -have a 2019 Pilot I need tech help with

10-21-2021, 06:06 AM
Worth a shot to ask...the short version. I have a 19 Pilot in my shop from a collision center. They repaired heavy front end hit but after repair and reassembly, had some electrical issues. I have found the issue, but it is a section of harness behind dash,behind heater box . There is NO Honda OEM service procedure to repair or replace this harness. I have contacted Honda, have Honda OEM service subscription and even asked I-CAR ( I am a platinum level tech so ask I-CAR is free for me). Honda, Alldata, and I-CAR all said pretty much the same thing. No service information/procedure on the harness. Now, I am not afraid to pull a dash at all. This model is built around this harness. R/I engine cradle, EPS/ , SRS, Heater core/evaporator - 20.5 + additional labor hours (not counting the 20+ hours I have in it now). I will do if needed (don't have the shop space and time to keep this car torn apart) but have R/I's everything I can and can see the connector, cannot get my hand, pliers , needle nose - basically anything where I need to get to. I traced the problem with a open trace signal generator after initial diagnostics. Have visually confirmed 2 broke wires with borescope... can't get to them. The connector is pretty rough too so not really wanting to put in jumper wires (this is a 20k mile car as well). So, anyone here with a Honda engineer contact or any ideas or products I may not be aware that will "push on and capture a loose wire(s) without needing a crimp (this would make a major assumption I could get a connector on it via borescope and a yet to find pair of super long needle now or hemostat's or such. I have looked a "jelly connectors" but doesn't seem viable at this point.