View Full Version : 1990 ZR1 Keys

09-03-2021, 01:45 PM
Just bought a low mile 1990 ZR1 however, the original knockouts, along with the original round keys were MIA.
I found original valet keys, with knockouts, from a member here on ZR1.net and then asked Joe Jesser to replicate the square and round keys with original knockout numbers.
Joe was on time and on budget with good communication during the process. Below are a couple pics. Just wanted to give credit where credit is due.

https://i.postimg.cc/dtSdNYt2/8-AA8975-D-1-BDE-41-ED-B8-CD-DE81-B966-B95-B.jpg (https://postimg.cc/TpgphBb1)

https://i.postimg.cc/SxysGzkJ/D6-BB804-C-E8-A6-4-B39-919-B-36-DB6-C4-F0854.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

09-09-2021, 06:32 AM
Are the knock out required for ncrs? My keys didn?t come with knock outs. Thanks.

09-09-2021, 11:58 AM
It will be a minor deduction, with NCRS and/or Bloomington Gold, if the knockouts are absent.

09-09-2021, 02:28 PM
One more question. I found two power keys. I have one currently but just noticed the 3D logo has been rubbed against something in the past and it now blurs the logo. Do they judge the condition of the keys or just that you have them. Knock out is still there. Thanks

09-09-2021, 03:05 PM
This is a question better suited for Tom Barr (NCRS National Team Leader) but, I'll try.
Looks like 3 condition points assigned to 'Valet Key System'
I'm not sure what that represents but, if it's only 2 valet keys, it would be 1.5 points for each key. If one key has no issues and the other key is in otherwise good condition except for the logo, the total deduction would not be 33.3% of 1.5 points. With that being said, I would guess either no points loss or, just a dot for a minor accumulated loss, later.
Clear as mud?

12-01-2021, 04:43 PM
I have been a C4 judge, if you can get them, I would get the other keys but same your old ones. I am also looking for an extra 90 Valet key. (would also like a 90 radio trim bezel if one is out there. Make sure you clean the spare tire and the support it rides on as they will have you open those items for inspection.

12-12-2021, 10:31 PM
I have a 90 power key with knockout still in it

12-14-2021, 11:19 AM
I have been a C4 judge, if you can get them, I would get the other keys but same your old ones. I am also looking for an extra 90 Valet key. (would also like a 90 radio trim bezel if one is out there. Make sure you clean the spare tire and the support it rides on as they will have you open those items for inspection.

I might have a 1990 bezel

12-14-2021, 05:06 PM
I might have a 1990 bezel

Interested if you do have the bezel

01-05-2022, 02:56 PM
This is a question better suited for Tom Barr (NCRS National Team Leader) but, I'll try.
Looks like 3 condition points assigned to 'Valet Key System'
I'm not sure what that represents but, if it's only 2 valet keys, it would be 1.5 points for each key. If one key has no issues and the other key is in otherwise good condition except for the logo, the total deduction would not be 33.3% of 1.5 points. With that being said, I would guess either no points loss or, just a dot for a minor accumulated loss, later.
Clear as mud?

Having had cars judged in the past, the power key switch might also be included on that line, so each key and the switch may be assigned one point each. That said if one logo is worn it should be less than a one point condition hit. I agree that a reasonable judge would only assign an accumulation dot, but I also have seen unreasonable judging decisions.