View Full Version : Well, I think It's Now Time to Find My ZR-1

08-16-2021, 11:53 AM
About 18 months ago, I first came here as I had gotten interested in C4 ZR-1s and I wanted to learn about them. I didn't want to just dive in...I wanted to understand the car and save some money before committing to it.

I'm now ready to commit and find my car.

Here is what I am looking for. I would be interested to know what you guys think as far as difficulty to find and what I can expect in the current market. I don't think I'm looking for anything too crazy...but please let me know if I need to dial back my wants.

I would like to find a 1994 or 1995 (but 1995 is preferred-double ideal is a double Dunn car but I'm not holding my breath on that).

Red is ideal, but black or yellow would also be considered if the right car came along...but I really want red.

I'm not super picky about interior colors. As I understand it, red cars could have black, red, or tan interiors and all look good in my opinion.

I'm looking for a pretty stock/original car. A couple little updates is OK but I need it to have catalytic converters and be able to pass emissions. 100% stock is preferred.

I would really prefer a car which comes with 2 tops.

I would prefer an original (or reproduction) ZR-1 windshield with minimal delamination but wouldn't pass up on the right car with a standard C4 windshield.

I want a driver. I'd rather not buy a car with more than 50,000 miles on it...but I'm not looking for a 1000 mile survivor. A well maintained driver is the goal.

08-16-2021, 01:48 PM
Based on what I am seeing, low mileage (below 1000 miles) are creeping up to the $65K to $75K range. That green 1990 selling for $73K on BaT recently is one example - and the later 405HP cars should be more valuable given the rarity.

Over 50K miles should be possible in the $30-35K range. I would estimate that what you are looking for (assuming a car in excellent condition) could range from high 30s to mid 50s.

There were 120 red ZR-1s in 1994 and 140 red ZR-1s in 1995. In 1995 there are reputed to be approximately 130 dual Dunn Head cars (although all 95s have one Dunn head). Based on these estimates, there may be 40 to 45 red 1995 Dual Dunn Head Cars. 1 red/red 1995 Dual Dunn Head ZR-1 is in the Corvette Museum (with awful delamination). I have another. They are out there so be patient.

08-16-2021, 02:14 PM
Based on what I am seeing, low mileage (below 1000 miles) are creeping up to the $65K to $75K range. That green 1990 selling for $73K on BaT recently is one example - and the later 405HP cars should be more valuable given the rarity.

Over 50K miles should be possible in the $30-35K range. I would estimate that what you are looking for (assuming a car in excellent condition) could range from high 30s to mid 50s.

There were 120 red ZR-1s in 1994 and 140 red ZR-1s in 1995. In 1995 there are reputed to be approximately 130 dual Dunn Head cars (although all 95s have one Dunn head). Based on these estimates, there may be 40 to 45 red 1995 Dual Dunn Head Cars. 1 red/red 1995 Dual Dunn Head ZR-1 is in the Corvette Museum (with awful delamination). I have another. They are out there so be patient.
I just watched a 21,000 mile red/red 1994 sell on BaT last week for around $36K. I would think a higher mileage car would be less than that. I almost bid on that car but I could not get my wife to give me the thumbs up on short notice.

I'm also not going to hold out for a dual Dunn car. If I find one, that's great. If not, that's OK too.

TX '90 ZR1
08-16-2021, 05:17 PM
I just watched a 21,000 mile red/red 1994 sell on BaT last week for around $36K. I would think a higher mileage car would be less than that. I almost bid on that car but I could not get my wife to give me the thumbs up on short notice.

I'm also not going to hold out for a dual Dunn car. If I find one, that's great. If not, that's OK too.

I watched that car also. Honestly, I think the seller got the short end of the stick that day. Auctions depend on two people competing for the same item. There may not be two on every occasion.
Good luck in your search and be sure to post up here with any questions about any you are looking at. I would suggest you try to buy a car from a member if possible. The properly vetted car is definitely worth the difference!

95 LT5
08-16-2021, 07:23 PM
About 18 months ago, I first came here as I had gotten interested in C4 ZR-1s and I wanted to learn about them. I didn't want to just dive in...I wanted to understand the car and save some money before committing to it.

I'm now ready to commit and find my car.

Here is what I am looking for. I would be interested to know what you guys think as far as difficulty to find and what I can expect in the current market. I don't think I'm looking for anything too crazy...but please let me know if I need to dial back my wants.

I would like to find a 1994 or 1995 (but 1995 is preferred-double ideal is a double Dunn car but I'm not holding my breath on that).

Red is ideal, but black or yellow would also be considered if the right car came along...but I really want red.

I'm not super picky about interior colors. As I understand it, red cars could have black, red, or tan interiors and all look good in my opinion.

I'm looking for a pretty stock/original car. A couple little updates is OK but I need it to have catalytic converters and be able to pass emissions. 100% stock is preferred.

I would really prefer a car which comes with 2 tops.

I would prefer an original (or reproduction) ZR-1 windshield with minimal delamination but wouldn't pass up on the right car with a standard C4 windshield.

I want a driver. I'd rather not buy a car with more than 50,000 miles on it...but I'm not looking for a 1000 mile survivor. A well maintained driver is the goal.

RED with Gray interior is possible as well.
10 in 1995.

08-17-2021, 10:49 AM
RichieDMD, I think your approach to seeking a ZR-1 is right on. What you need, though, is a considerable amount of patience. Absent some remarkably good luck, plan to spend the better part of a year searching for the car that fits you best. My ZR-1 searches definitely predated BAT and other online auction type forums, but the plan was the same: I wanted to get the latest used ZR-1 I could afford. In 1994, that was a 1993 and in 2012 it was a 1995. I am definitely a fan of the last three years of production for several reasons. Rarity is one, the engineering improvements made in the later years of the model run are another, and the slight increase power (any porting or other power increasing modifications negate that advantage of course). Dunn heads don't make a bit of difference to the car's performance; GM simply replaced one foundry with another making the same heads. But most of the '95s had one or two Dunn heads if that is important to you. My #409 had two and I think that two were on cars back to about #150 or so, but others can comment on that.

If a ZR-1 has been well maintained, preferably by one of the well known C4 ZR-1 experts like Marc Haibeck, Pete, Steve Schroder, Aaron Scott, Corey Henderson, and several others including the Wazoo group, that would be much more important to me that mileage. If you can find a car you like from a Registry member that would be a plus in my mind. I sold my '93 in 2007 with 74,000 miles and it today has more than 120,000. C4 ZR-1s are quite durable and trouble free. Many are over 100,000 miles. The LT5 is essentially bulletproof and the rest of the car is for the most part an ordinary C4. There are a number of common maladies in all C4s ZR-1s, and there is a large owner's group here and on other forums with an extensive knowledge base and experience to help out on fixing almost anything.

On my 1993, I spent about 8 months looking for a Dark Red metallic car but by happenstance found a 6,000 mile Quasar Blue one and got that. Kept it for 13 years and put almost 70k miles on it. On the '95, my search took about 9 months in 2011-2012 until I finally found a relatively low mileage (20,000) stock car in a color I wanted. I paid a little more than I wanted to for it but got what I was after. In both instances upon acquisition I immediately sent them to Marc Haibeck for him to go through thoroughly and make them perfect drivers. He changed all the fluids, fixed things that needed it and even found a few needs that I wouldn't have even thought to ask about. Money well spent. I also added a few modifications like 4.10 rears, Hurst short shifters and Corsa exhausts. But no need to do that. So my overall advice is to clearly decide what you want in terms of colors, stock vs. modified, mileage and keep looking. By the way, modifications done by the well known experts like Marc are nothing to worry about and can increase enjoyment. I eventually did Marc's 510 HP package on the '95 but kept the look stock. A very enjoyable eimprovement. Good luck with your search. --Bob

08-17-2021, 11:23 AM
RichieDMD, I think your approach to seeking a ZR-1 is right on. What you need, though, is a considerable amount of patience. Absent some remarkably good luck, plan to spend the better part of a year searching for the car that fits you best. My ZR-1 searches definitely predated BAT and other online auction type forums, but the plan was the same: I wanted to get the latest used ZR-1 I could afford. In 1994, that was a 1993 and in 2012 it was a 1995. I am definitely a fan of the last three years of production for several reasons. Rarity is one, the engineering improvements made in the later years of the model run are another, and the slight increase power (any porting or other power increasing modifications negate that advantage of course). Dunn heads don't make a bit of difference to the car's performance; GM simply replaced one foundry with another making the same heads. But most of the '95s had one or two Dunn heads if that is important to you. My #409 had two and I think that two were on cars back to about #150 or so, but others can comment on that.

If a ZR-1 has been well maintained, preferably by one of the well known C4 ZR-1 experts like Marc Haibeck, Pete, Steve Schroder, Aaron Scott, Corey Henderson, and several others including the Wazoo group, that would be much more important to me that mileage. If you can find a car you like from a Registry member that would be a plus in my mind. I sold my '93 in 2007 with 74,000 miles and it today has more than 120,000. C4 ZR-1s are quite durable and trouble free. Many are over 100,000 miles. The LT5 is essentially bulletproof and the rest of the car is for the most part an ordinary C4. There are a number of common maladies in all C4s ZR-1s, and there is a large owner's group here and on other forums with an extensive knowledge base and experience to help out on fixing almost anything.

On my 1993, I spent about 8 months looking for a Dark Red metallic car but by happenstance found a 6,000 mile Quasar Blue one and got that. Kept it for 13 years and put almost 70k miles on it. On the '95, my search took about 9 months in 2011-2012 until I finally found a relatively low mileage (20,000) stock car in a color I wanted. I paid a little more than I wanted to for it but got what I was after. In both instances upon acquisition I immediately sent them to Marc Haibeck for him to go through thoroughly and make them perfect drivers. He changed all the fluids, fixed things that needed it and even found a few needs that I wouldn't have even thought to ask about. Money well spent. I also added a few modifications like 4.10 rears, Hurst short shifters and Corsa exhausts. But no need to do that. So my overall advice is to clearly decide what you want in terms of colors, stock vs. modified, mileage and keep looking. By the way, modifications done by the well known experts like Marc are nothing to worry about and can increase enjoyment. I eventually did Marc's 510 HP package on the '95 but kept the look stock. A very enjoyable eimprovement. Good luck with your search. --Bob
Hi Bob. I really appreciate all of the advice. What I really want is a moderate mileage, well maintained, original (or mostly so), 94 or 95 red ZR-1. I have a whole list of things I would like (like double Dunn heads) because I think it makes it more desirable...but they really aren't necessary and aren't deal breakers.

I think you are right, just take time and keep my eyes open and one will come along. I'm kicking myself for not jumping on that 94 that sold on Friday on BaT...but I hadn't really been vocal about my desire to actually buy one of these with my wife and when I mentioned it I don't think she believed I was actually serious (and I'm not going to spend upwards of $40K of our savings on a car without her consent). Oh well, another will come along.

What I need to do is not buy the first car that comes along. In the past I have gotten excited and jumped on a bad deal (once or twice). I can't do that here.

As far as more performance, I'm pretty confident I will be happy with stock. I don't need a car that's going to be insane to drive. My former daily driver is a special edition 2002 LS-1 Camaro which I love and am turning it into my hot rod. My daily driver is a 2017 M3 so plenty of power there as well. I don't need absolute power here. I just love the story behind the C4 ZR-1 and think it is an awesome piece of American auto history and I want to have one for myself to enjoy.

I've also never owned a Corvette (I'm a huge Camaro guy...in fact on most message boards my handle is CamaroDMD but I didn't think that would work here). I think a C4 ZR-1 is the ideal first Corvette.

08-17-2021, 11:42 AM
I agree on the ZR-1 being an ideal first Corvette (but a regular C4 will be outta the question after owning a Z) as we did the exact same thing.

We bought a white on red 91 ZR-1 that was stock besides 4,10 gears, but sold it after a year to buy our dream ZR-1 - an Admiral Blue 94.

We (well mostly me I guess) wanted a modded car and found one with Watson headers and Corsa exhaust, lightweight flywheel, 4,10 gears and Haibeck chip. We sendt it by Marc Haibeck who gave it a full tune up and service before it was shipped over to Norway where we live. Highly recommended!

We got quite a bit of $$$ invested in it, but getting the right car was important to us.

Best of luck in your search. 16028

Sent from my SM-G955F using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

08-17-2021, 12:01 PM
Hi Bob. I really appreciate all of the advice. What I really want is a moderate mileage, well maintained, original (or mostly so), 94 or 95 red ZR-1. I have a whole list of things I would like (like double Dunn heads) because I think it makes it more desirable...but they really aren't necessary and aren't deal breakers.

I think you are right, just take time and keep my eyes open and one will come along. I'm kicking myself for not jumping on that 94 that sold on Friday on BaT...but I hadn't really been vocal about my desire to actually buy one of these with my wife and when I mentioned it I don't think she believed I was actually serious (and I'm not going to spend upwards of $40K of our savings on a car without her consent). Oh well, another will come along.

What I need to do is not buy the first car that comes along. In the past I have gotten excited and jumped on a bad deal (once or twice). I can't do that here.

As far as more performance, I'm pretty confident I will be happy with stock. I don't need a car that's going to be insane to drive. My former daily driver is a special edition 2002 LS-1 Camaro which I love and am turning it into my hot rod. My daily driver is a 2017 M3 so plenty of power there as well. I don't need absolute power here. I just love the story behind the C4 ZR-1 and think it is an awesome piece of American auto history and I want to have one for myself to enjoy.

I've also never owned a Corvette (I'm a huge Camaro guy...in fact on most message boards my handle is CamaroDMD but I didn't think that would work here). I think a C4 ZR-1 is the ideal first Corvette.

What you'll find is not only is the C4 ZR-1 a very special car due to that very special LT5 engine, but it also comes with an amazing group of dedicated, enthusiastic owners and specialists who are always helpful. Great camaraderie and knowledge. When we get back to Bowling Green gatherings you must go to one. And I like your choice of a DD. I have owned M3s and now drive a 2019 540xi, swapping it with my 2016 Z06 as my two DDs (another great Corvette). But I do miss my ZR-1s!

08-17-2021, 12:05 PM
I agree on the ZR-1 being an ideal first Corvette (but a regular C4 will be outta the question after owning a Z) as we did the exact same thing.
I've done the downgrade thing and it doesn't work. I currently own 2 Camaro's, an LS-1 M6 car and an LT-1 A4 car. I owned the LS-1 car long before I got the LT-1 car. As much as I like looking at the LT-1 car, I never drive it because it is boring to drive. I always wanted one, but it's currently for sale as I just don't enjoy getting behind the wheel.

I honestly wouldn't buy a standard later C4 anyway...I just don't trust the LT-1 distributer. I've never had an issue with the one I have, but every time I start that car I wonder if it's gonna be the last.

08-17-2021, 12:37 PM
When it comes to the wife you have to ask yourself, is it better pleading for permission or begging for forgiveness?

08-17-2021, 01:04 PM
When it comes to the wife you have to ask yourself, is it better pleading for permission or begging for forgiveness?
Well...I don't want to push my luck. Our 10th Anniversary is this Friday and she decided I should get the Rolex I have always wanted as an anniversary gift. She's actually very tolerant of my toys and puts up with me liking far flashier things than she does.

I also know that she will have no issue with me buying a ZR-1 provided it is a planned out thing and she is aware of it. I had been watching them online for a while getting a feel for the market...not expecting a really good fit to come along. So, I couldn't get her prepared in time. She's actually cool with the plan now. So, I'm officially looking and will jump on the right car when it comes along. I'm also selling a car so I have space for a ZR-1 (her biggest issue with my car hobby is I have too many cars and not enough space...if a new one is coming in then one has to go).

08-17-2021, 10:19 PM
You just missed a 94 with 19,000 miles on the ZR-1 page on Facebook, we sold for $27,000. It was the color you want but that car on BaT would have gone for maybe $35,000+. As time drags on you may have to start removing things from the wish list and find something lose to what you want. Prices are on the rise so my advice to anyone wanting a Z to act on it now. The Dunn head thing is nothing,just a minor rarity to add to the conversation,It means nothing really. Good luck on your search,once you drive that Z,zing it up to 7000 you'll go home and throw rocks at that Camaro.😁

08-18-2021, 09:41 AM
You just missed a 94 with 19,000 miles on the ZR-1 page on Facebook, we sold for $27,000. It was the color you want but that car on BaT would have gone for maybe $35,000+. As time drags on you may have to start removing things from the wish list and find something lose to what you want. Prices are on the rise so my advice to anyone wanting a Z to act on it now. The Dunn head thing is nothing,just a minor rarity to add to the conversation,It means nothing really. Good luck on your search,once you drive that Z,zing it up to 7000 you'll go home and throw rocks at that Camaro.😁

Well, a lot of what I want on my list is already "would likes" anyway. The big things for me are year, color, and condition. If I can find a car that has those and fits my budget then I will be happy. If it has a few other "goodies" off the list even better.

Is there a ZR-1 Registry group or was it a different Facebook group that you are talking about? I did a little looking for ZR-1 groups on Facebook but didn't see a ton of activity.

One thing I need to do is make a list of websites to check daily.

08-18-2021, 10:17 AM
Well, a lot of what I want on my list is already "would likes" anyway. The big things for me are year, color, and condition. If I can find a car that has those and fits my budget then I will be happy. If it has a few other "goodies" off the list even better.

Is there a ZR-1 Registry group or was it a different Facebook group that you are talking about? I did a little looking for ZR-1 groups on Facebook but didn't see a ton of activity.

One thing I need to do is make a list of websites to check daily.

Richie, this is the only significant ZR-1 Registry group. All the other groups or forums are simply offshoots or pale imitations of the ZR-1 Net Registry. --Bob

08-18-2021, 10:27 AM
I append this quote to every car on my site.
It succinctly states one of my strongest beliefs gained from years of making the mistake of trying to "save" when buying something.
Since religiously adhering to the quote below, I have become a significantly happier person, hence my reason for sharing it with you.

"Buy the best example of what you want and pay whatever it takes. That way, you cry only once."

Bruce Meyer Founding Chairman of the Peterson Automotive Museum


08-18-2021, 10:57 AM
"Buy the best example of what you want and pay whatever it takes. That way, you cry only once."
I think you are 100% correct. I have not followed this advice in the past a couple times and regretted the decision. No more.

08-18-2021, 02:12 PM
I append this quote to every car on my site.
It succinctly states one of my strongest beliefs gained from years of making the mistake of trying to "save" when buying something.
Since religiously adhering to the quote below, I have become a significantly happier person, hence my reason for sharing it with you.

"Buy the best example of what you want and pay whatever it takes. That way, you cry only once."

Bruce Meyer Founding Chairman of the Peterson Automotive Museum


08-21-2021, 06:51 PM
So, I might have found a car. I've made posts here and on other forums looking for a ZR-1 and today someone responded to one of them. He told me he has a 1995 Torch Red ZR-1 that he's thinking about selling. It's red/beige. Approximately 38K miles, original, new tires, and passed California Smog within the last 2 months.

He said he only has one top (transparent), original windshield, that the car is in very good condition but the key fobs don't work.

This sounds like it might be a really good fit. But, I am excited and I don't want to let that excitement push me into making the wrong decision. So, I sent him a message and asked for photos and I also asked the following questions about the car:

First, are there are dings, cracks, or damage to paint or body?
Does the A/C work and blow cold?
Does the windshield have delamination present?
Do power windows, seats, and adjustable suspension work?
Does the stereo (including CD and tape deck) work?
Do any interior buttons not work or function properly?
Do the headlights come up and down smoothly?
Does the car come with the original owners manual and targa top wrench? Are there any original window stickers?
Do you have a maintenance history for the car?
Does the car have any history of accidents?
Does it have a clean title?

I would really appreciate the help of the rest of the community here with what else to ask and what to look for. I'm worried that in my excitement I might miss or forget something.

Also, I have never purchased a car from another state from a private party so I'm a little worried about making sure I do this safely. It's a lot of money to spend (and I don't want to risk getting scammed).


08-21-2021, 08:01 PM
I remember you from when you were first searching. Glad to hear you are still pursuing the dream and taking your time to find the ?right? car. Here is a buyer?s guide from the Registry:


My 95 (3rd Z) purchased in 2016 had 28K miles at that time. Everything was working and still does so I was very fortunate and the reason I bought it despite was I checking it out for someone else (they decided they wanted a different color). I would ask for help from one of the Z veterans here in the area where your potential car is. Some of the brothers here will check it out for you. The best way is to have it checked in person by someone you trust. Best wishes in your quest.


Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

08-21-2021, 09:11 PM
I remember you from when you were first searching. Glad to hear you are still pursuing the dream and taking your time to find the ?right? car. Here is a buyer?s guide from the Registry:


My 95 (3rd Z) purchased in 2016 had 28K miles at that time. Everything was working and still does so I was very fortunate and the reason I bought it despite was I checking it out for someone else (they decided they wanted a different color). I would ask for help from one of the Z veterans here in the area where your potential car is. Some of the brothers here will check it out for you. The best way is to have it checked in person by someone you trust. Best wishes in your quest.


Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)
Thank you Craig. I was planning on seeing if anyone here was nearby and could check it...or I'll find a local shop to look it over.

I've been reading and learning for over a year now and am finally ready to do this. I'm super excited and hope this is the right car.

08-21-2021, 09:17 PM
Thank you Craig. I was planning on seeing if anyone here was nearby and could check it...or I'll find a local shop to look it over.

I've been reading and learning for over a year now and am finally ready to do this. I'm super excited and hope this is the right car.

You are welcome. That is great if you can find someone that understands these cars. A local shop would be better than nothing. A well-cared for car by a member or enthusiast should already be in top running condition so hopefully that is the case. If the seller is a well known member here the car may already be well known too. Best wishes and I hope it is the right car too. [emoji1374]🤙🏼

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

08-22-2021, 11:50 AM
Where is the car located?

08-22-2021, 02:47 PM
Where is the car located?

Somewhere in the Bay Area...don't have specifics yet. I sent the owner a PM on the Corvette forum yesterday and waiting to hear back.

08-23-2021, 03:19 PM
So, the owner responded to my questions and so far things look good. Still waiting on photos and exact location of the car.

Here are the questions I asked and the owner's resposes:

First, are there are dings, cracks, or damage to paint or body? NO
Does the A/C work and blow cold? Yes
Does the windshield have delamination present? Yes
Do power windows, seats, and adjustable suspension work? windows/seats, Yes - suspension, I assume so
Does the stereo (including CD and tape deck) work? Yes, but slight buzz just when the radio comes on
Do any interior buttons not work or function properly? Yes
Do the headlights come up and down smoothly? Yes, at least the last time I turned them on, but it has been a while
Does the car come with the original owners manual and targa top wrench? Are there any original window stickers? I have the original manual (and VHS tape), top wrench, and reproduction window sticker/build sheet
Do you have a maintenance history for the car? Not much from the first two owners, I believe I'm the third,, I have receipts for everything I've done. I do know before I owned the car the plenum must have been pulled
Does the car have any history of accidents? Not that I know of
Does it have a clean title? Yes, although when I purchased the car I ran a CARFAX which noted a mileage inconsistency. What was explained to me was the car was purchased new in San Rafael CA by a guy that owned some sort of company. I believe the car was actually purchased in the name of the company. At some point after purchasing the car the company moved to Florida, but the guy that bought the car and the car stayed in the San Rafael area. However the car was reregistered to the new Florida company address. I was told that during the title transfer from California to Florida a clerical error must have occurred that resulted in the CARFAX mileage inconsistency.
Along with a few other things, I have replaced the clutch master/slave cylinders. Also within the past few thousand miles, I had the brake master cylinder and brake pads replaced.
Let me know if you have any additional questions. Please let me know before I take and send pictures that you still have interest in my car.

I told him that I am interested and asked for photos. I also asked:

Just to clarify (as my question poorly worded)...all the interior buttons function properly?
Does the steering column have any play in it?
Does the car run and drive properly?

I also asked for a location and if he would be opposed if I had someone come and look at it.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I should ask?

08-23-2021, 04:28 PM
Ask how good the weather stripping is. 30 year old rubber is 30 year old rubber.....And while on rubber ask about the tires and when they were last replaced , if ever. Tires for these cars are not cheap.

08-23-2021, 04:50 PM
Ask how good the weather stripping is. 30 year old rubber is 30 year old rubber.....And while on rubber ask about the tires and when they were last replaced , if ever. Tires for these cars are not cheap.

Car has new Michelin tires, I will ask about the weather stripping. I also know that it is ZR-1 #121 and does not have double Dunn heads.

08-26-2021, 05:32 PM
So, I got photos from the owner of the car. Car looks really clean. I don't see any obvious defects in paint or body. Delamination of the windshield looks pretty isolated to the perimeter. Engine looks clean (a little dusty) but I don't see any evidence of fluids leaking in the photos. Interior looks to be in great shape.

There is no way for me to view the car in person...so there is gonna be a degree of risk here. Is there anything I can/should do to minimize that risk?

I also ran a CarFax on it and it looks good. 3 Owners, no accidents or any issues with title.

08-26-2021, 09:22 PM
Post the city and state and see if someone here is willing to check it for you. Depending how far offer you pay something for time and gas or whatever. It would be worthwhile unless you feel comfortable enough to buy it as is.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

08-26-2021, 11:14 PM
Post the city and state and see if someone here is willing to check it for you. Depending how far offer you pay something for time and gas or whatever. It would be worthwhile unless you feel comfortable enough to buy it as is.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)
The car is in Hayward, CA.

08-27-2021, 01:29 AM
The car is in Hayward, CA.

There are a couple of members in the area. Coincidently when I lived in Pleasant Hill, CA I drove to Hayward, CA to look at a Cadillac CTS for a friend in Hawaii; he bought it and had it shipped. You might want to start a new post/subject in here and the Corvette Forum C4 ZR-1 to see if someone can help you check a car out.

Best wishes! 🤙🏼

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