View Full Version : Denso 10pa17c oil drain

Matt B
07-24-2021, 10:39 AM
How is old compressor oil removed from a Denso A/C compressor?
Manual states "see section 1D for proper compressor draining procedures" but nothing is written there.

Is it just drained from the refrigerant in/outlets? How much should be expected?

To refill the old amount +1oz shall be added. Same question in general: where is it added?

Maybe it's a stupid question but I tried to figure out by myself for 2 hours now and just can't find how exactly this is done...

I may need to add here that I actually DID drain the oil via the refrigerant ports but it spilled merely 3-4ml which seems literally nothing. That's why I assume something is done wrong

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07-25-2021, 06:33 PM
How is old compressor oil removed from a Denso A/C compressor?
Manual states "see section 1D for proper compressor draining procedures" but nothing is written there.

Is it just drained from the refrigerant in/outlets? How much should be expected?

To refill the old amount +1oz shall be added. Same question in general: where is it added?

Maybe it's a stupid question but I tried to figure out by myself for 2 hours now and just can't find how exactly this is done...

I may need to add here that I actually DID drain the oil via the refrigerant ports but it spilled merely 3-4ml which seems literally nothing. That's why I assume something is done wrong

Sent from my SM-G991B using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

When I removed my old compressor I just turned it upside down so to speak and let the oil drain out.....I think I got a little more than 2ozs out of it....if IIRC....its been a few years....

Then entire system holds 8 ozs of the oil.....replacement Denso's units come with 4.1 ozs from the factory as per the Denso tech rep I spoke to also years ago....the oil that you will add.....goes only into the accumulator.....as per the rep....if you don't drain the evaporator.....you will need to determine about how much oil is in there....(don't ask me that one)...because I don't know ..... so I am going to drain the evaporator and with the new accumulator and compressor that I have....I will be adding 3.9 ozs to the accumulator...therefore giving me a total of 8 ozs.....he also mentioned that if you are an ounce over or under.... it is not a big deal....but if it is more than that....it could cause problems down the road.....and to also use the correct oil for what your system calls for....either the R12 or R134a.....do not mix whatsoever.....he was adamant about this more than anything else....as he said this would cause big problems.....also don't forget to do a vacuum pull on the system....before adding the freon....of course.....I still have this all ahead of me to do.... good luck...hoped this helped you out somewhat....:):)