View Full Version : CDM Fuse Panel Removal

06-19-2021, 10:49 AM
Pulling the CDM to send in for repair and can't figure out how the fuse panel is attached to the plastic bracket underneath the CDM.

Any help and ideas are appreciated.



Matt B
06-19-2021, 03:36 PM
If I remember correctly step 1 is to split all connectors and get the entire wiring out of the way. Then there are 4 10mm hex Nuts that hold the plastic carrier in place. Remove them to get some clearance. But be careful as the plastic latches they attach to are prone to break.
The fuse holder is slid in from underneath (again, if I remember correctly). So pushing the CDM upwards and pulling the fuse holder vice versa will allow you to remove it. Maybe it's the other way around, just try.
Even then it's a PITA to actually pull the CDM out of the dash. I strongly recommend to remove the seat - not necessarily needed but makes things way easier.

I will have to pull mine again shortly due to a unsuccessful repair. Beer will play a key role in that operation...

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06-19-2021, 09:29 PM
This may help :thumbsup:

Post 139 - Bose Speaker Amps and CDM Replace (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp-7.html#post1585219757)

TX '90 ZR1
06-20-2021, 01:04 PM
Here is a link to the thread I posted while doing the CDM in my '90.


Notice I did 90% of the work from the side. Did not disturb any of the connections under the CDM.
As I mention in the thread, the worst part are the connectors on the drivers side. Took me a couple of stabs at getting the CDM turned just right to go in and out, but at the proper angle was not too bad.
Good luck!

Matt B
06-20-2021, 02:02 PM
Just to make sure I understand - did you eventually remove the CDM towards the footweel or did you pull it to the side with all other connectors remaining plugged? That would save a lot...

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06-20-2021, 02:12 PM

Appreciate everyone's posts. My question is - how to get the underdash fuse panel off of the plastic wiring loom retainer that's under the CDM/DCM/Radio?



TX '90 ZR1
06-20-2021, 08:18 PM

Appreciate everyone's posts. My question is - how to get the underdash fuse panel off of the plastic wiring loom retainer that's under the CDM/DCM/Radio?



Sorry. I just assumed you were trying to remove the CDM.
I did not do anything as far as removing/disconnecting the fuse panel.
Wish I could help, but have not been there and hope I don't have to go!

06-20-2021, 08:25 PM
see the photo in post #1

Am unable to get the plastic bracket out that's underneath the CDM/DCM/Radio until the fuse panel can be detached from the plastic bracket.

How to detach the under dash fuse panel from the plastic bracket that the wire looms are attached to, so the plastic bracket can be removed to enable removal of the CDM/DCM/Radio unit.



06-20-2021, 08:27 PM
The plastic "rider" that the CDM sits on has three 10mm bolts on it. If you are referring to the (going from memory here) the 4 fuse holder that includes the fuse to FP2 slides off like the relays from under the steering column. The are two retainers on the back of the rider and the fuse panel (4 fuse) slides off to passenger side BUT I found the only way to remove it without breaking either the plastic housing or the retainers is to remove the CDM and plastic carrier, lower that then slide the fuse panel off. I have seen MANY that the dealership, back in the day, purposely broke the housing to facilitate quick removal and then just shove the fuse panel back in where it will fit - causing , at the very least, rattles, and more common, a short to ground. ( I removed the upper dash pad, and the passenger side braces last time I did it but I was working on other items in the area as well)

TX '90 ZR1
06-20-2021, 08:35 PM
see the photo in post #1

Am unable to get the plastic bracket out that's underneath the CDM/DCM/Radio until the fuse panel can be detached from the plastic bracket.

How to detach the under dash fuse panel from the plastic bracket that the wire looms are attached to, so the plastic bracket can be removed to enable removal of the CDM/DCM/Radio unit.



OK Gary. If your goal is to remove the CDM you do not need to remove the bracket or the fuse box. The CDM can come out the side without disconnecting anything under it.

TX '90 ZR1
06-20-2021, 08:50 PM
Just to make sure I understand - did you eventually remove the CDM towards the footweel or did you pull it to the side with all other connectors remaining plugged? That would save a lot...

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Matt, don't want to hijack the thread. See my last reply above.

06-20-2021, 08:50 PM
Yes, the plastic bracket and auxiliary fuse panel does not have to removed to R/I the CDM. I posted instruction as far as the aux fuse panel and bracket went in case the OP was trying to do something other than just R/I the CDM. I "borrowed" this image of the bracket from Ebay.

Matt B
06-21-2021, 03:44 AM

Appreciate everyone's posts. My question is - how to get the underdash fuse panel off of the plastic wiring loom retainer that's under the CDM/DCM/Radio?


....Sorry if my first reply wasn't as helpful as it should as I forgot to mention the retainer clips. However what I wrote is what you may want to try - considering the clips need to be unlocked.

If removing the fuse holder is your goal you will - according to my own experience - first have to clear grounds around it get clearance to the CDM holder.

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06-21-2021, 12:50 PM

Goal is to remove CDM.

Problem is the 4x2 fuse panel is prohibiting me from moving the plastic bracket that's underneath the CDM, so I can see to finish removing the CDM.

That's why I was asking about removing the fuse panel from the plastic bracket.

Any suggestions/tips on how to move the plastic bracket out of the way is greatly appreciated.



06-23-2021, 04:50 AM
I don't understand how it's possible to pull the CDM NIGHTMARE out of the car from the side. And it's been so long since I've done this I don't recall any fuses in that location.

TX '90 ZR1
06-23-2021, 09:58 AM
I don't understand how it's possible to pull the CDM NIGHTMARE out of the car from the side. And it's been so long since I've done this I don't recall any fuses in that location.

Jeff, I am referring to the fuse panel on the passenger side of the dash in my posts. To make it clearer, it is the fuse panel that the passenger door closes up against.
There is also a smaller fuse panel under the passenger side dash, but I did not disturb it or any of the connections in that area.
If you remove the cover and trim panel from around the fuse cover the passenger side of the CDM is visible. No trick at all to remove the nut and connectors by working from the side of the dash. The drivers side of the CDM is attached the same way. Not easy, but can be released by reaching up from underneath. Remove the nut and the 2 connectors. The connectors must be removed before trying to move the CDM.
With everything loose, push the CDM towards rear of car, lift front of CDM and work towards front of car. When it is clear of the attachment clips it can be worked down and out the side of the dash around the fuse panel.
I am not saying it is easy, but can be done. Dr. Don talked me through the procedure. I went with his advise as I figured he had done it probably more than anyone else.

06-23-2021, 10:14 AM
Yes, the plastic bracket and auxiliary fuse panel does not have to removed to R/I the CDM. I posted instruction as far as the aux fuse panel and bracket went in case the OP was trying to do something other than just R/I the CDM. I "borrowed" this image of the bracket from Ebay.

This isn't the CDM bracket, that bracket holds the computer under the hood.

06-23-2021, 10:16 AM
Jeff, I am referring to the fuse panel on the passenger side of the dash in my posts. To make it clearer, it is the fuse panel that the passenger door closes up against.
There is also a smaller fuse panel under the passenger side dash, but I did not disturb it or any of the connections in that area.
If you remove the cover and trim panel from around the fuse cover the passenger side of the CDM is visible. No trick at all to remove the nut and connectors by working from the side of the dash. The drivers side of the CDM is attached the same way. Not easy, but can be released by reaching up from underneath. Remove the nut and the 2 connectors. The connectors must be removed before trying to move the CDM.
With everything loose, push the CDM towards rear of car, lift front of CDM and work towards front of car. When it is clear of the attachment clips it can be worked down and out the side of the dash around the fuse panel.
I am not saying it is easy, but can be done. Dr. Don talked me through the procedure. I went with his advise as I figured he had done it probably more than anyone else.

I wish I had known I could be removed this way,I did it by pulling it out from the footwell,never again,it goes out I'll out a nice system in the car.

Matt B
07-16-2021, 04:02 PM
This is the release tab, at the tip of my screwdriver. Push it in with a small screwdriver and slide the holder upwards against the CDM tray.

I just had to pull my CDM again for another overhaul.
Took me about 10(!!) minutes to do the job. Unlike during the first attempt I didn't unplug the harnesses under the CDM. Just removed them from the plastic clips that attach them to the CDM tray.
Auxiliary fuse holder easily slides out upwards once unlocked.
Then I pushed the CDM forward, removed the 2 locking Nuts and all attached wires, pulled it into the footwell and ... job done.
Terribly easy considering my painful first attempt.
Anyway, getting it back into place should become way harder. 15814

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08-29-2021, 08:58 AM
thanks to Chris aka Corvette95 etal for sharing his learned experiencing in removing a CDM.

My CDM is removed and off to Dr. Don's on Monday.

Thanks again to everyone that helped.
