View Full Version : Daaaaaaaaaaamn!

06-11-2021, 07:35 PM
A 14,000 mile 93 convertible just went for $34,000 on BaT.

06-12-2021, 06:58 AM
A 14,000 mile 93 convertible just went for $34,000 on BaT.

I saw that too. Those are ZR1 prices. I guess its a good thing

06-14-2021, 07:58 AM
Makes no logical sense apart from that there were two people in the room that for which the car had immense value. I get that the color combination is somewhat rare, Comp Yellow over white leather.

06-14-2021, 10:54 AM
im happy to see that

06-16-2021, 09:38 AM
Be happy. Remember, a rising tide raises all boats.--Bob

06-16-2021, 10:25 AM
Oftentimes, there is very little thought, objectivity, or logic at play when someone decides to buy a car.

This is particularly true when it is a toy car being purchased for some nostalgic reason, or to fill some type of void in one's life.

Very intelligent, smart, sane, logical, rational, conservative, pragmatic, responsible, business-like individuals often behave like complete fools when in the presence of a car that makes their dream come true.

Money is of little importance or consequence when one has the opportunity to enhance their life, and rarely is even considered if one has access to it.

I should know.

My name is Marty, and I have a problem with cars.
I know this to be true for me as it is for countless others, as I cannot get past the first step in the above sentence.
Nor do I want to.

So talk about bad investment or any other type of foolish thing and you have lost my (our) attention immediately.

(Problem ? ) continues.


06-18-2021, 06:51 PM
I've seen that mentality with firearms lately as well. Was at a auction couple months ago and 2 guys bid a Ruger Mark IV .22 up to $2100. I know the FFL guy who runs the firearms for the auction house - asked him a few days later what was special about that one - as I had looked at it and didn't see anything. He said "Nothing - there's another new one just like it on my wall for sale right now for $689"... :eek: