View Full Version : I Know, I Know. Forum CRASH

04-30-2021, 07:12 PM
It's not just you. Yes, the world dependent ZR-1 Net Registry
Forum crashed again. No Bueno. Every month when our Forum
host company "updates" the program, our Forum crashes.

Thanks to Dennis this time and Mark in the past for their efforts
and ability to communicate internationally, we are up and running

In the future, I will be another option to deal with this problem.
The best solution of course would be to not have it happen again.
We will try.

Ted Feder
ZR-1 Net Registry Board
Forum Admin

TX '90 ZR1
04-30-2021, 10:51 PM
Thanks Ted,
I think most of us understand that s**t happens.
Seems as the world has become accustomed to instant gratification. I am of the age that it was not unusual to wait for the mail, or catch someone on their phone that was attached to the wall.
Again, "THANKS" to all you guys for what you do to help us keep in the loop on a "mostly" smooth fashion.