View Full Version : Best way to kill A/C compressor operation?

Matt B
03-29-2021, 04:12 PM
During import my precious R-12 was drained from my A/C system. I can't refill shortly (need to upgrade to R-134a) so to avoid damage to the compressor due to empty lines I need to avoid the clutch to engage.

I thought pulling the AC fuse was a great idea but it isn't. Kills the entire climate control system and (for reasons I currently don't understand) the "Full Power" mode.

So, what is the best (=easiest) way to cut off the compressor?

03-29-2021, 04:28 PM
During import my precious R-12 was drained from my A/C system. I can't refill shortly (need to upgrade to R-134a) so to avoid damage to the compressor due to empty lines I need to avoid the clutch to engage.

I thought pulling the AC fuse was a great idea but it isn't. Kills the entire climate control system and (for reasons I currently don't understand) the "Full Power" mode.

So, what is the best (=easiest) way to cut off the compressor?

Unplug the wire to the clutch?

Matt B
03-29-2021, 04:56 PM
That easy? Didn't think it could be that simple on a ZR - where "complicated" is a feature :D

03-29-2021, 07:49 PM
Just turn off the "Auto" part of the system. When you press either of the two climate control buttons to the far right, the system operates without the AC clutch engaging. I drive my car that way all the time. The AC never comes on, but the fan blows and the heat will come on. When I want AC I hit the "Auto" button or one of the other buttons to the left of the two to the right.

03-29-2021, 08:52 PM
is all the R-12 gone? if so, the compressor will not cycle due to low pressure/ low refrigerant in the system

03-29-2021, 09:19 PM
is all the R-12 gone? if so, the compressor will not cycle due to low pressure/ low refrigerant in the system

Good point!

Matt B
03-30-2021, 04:02 PM
I think so, yes. I have an official certificate that all the precious R-12 was evacuated from the system and nicely given to recycling. I tested the system operation today and there is no cooling at all.

So, if the compressor is deactivated due to low system pressure I should be fine. I'll try to activate the "ECO" mode as described above on top of that. Thanks for telling me - lacking an "ECO" button my assumption was that in 91 GM didn't really care about it. So I accepted there is no ECO mode ;)