View Full Version : ZF Doc short throw shifters

02-20-2021, 07:16 AM
Anyone got a short throw shifter from ZF Doc? Can they be bought outright or does it require sending in the original one?

A bit time and money consuming from Norway.

Any other brand short throw shifters to consider?

Experience with a shorter shifter, pros and cons?

Thanks guys.

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02-20-2021, 08:17 AM
Here is the ultimate short throw shifter thread.


Double check with zf doc but I am pretty sure they can be purchased outright.

1991 Corvette ZR-1
02-20-2021, 08:57 AM
I have a shifter modified by ZF Doc. I went this route because I wanted to retain the lockout plunger feature for reverse. Even though reverse is all the way out there compared to 6th gear, I figured if anyone could find reverse instead of 6th, it would be me. Plus, I wanted to retain the factory look. Doc provides a few extra shims that are placed in the linkage assembly to help fine tune the feel of the shifter. If you specifically want your shifter to be shortened, he could do that. I sent mine as a core while he shortened another one for me.

Overall I am happy with the shifter feel. Doc can also help you source the small cradle the linkage assembly bolts into and the rest supporting bracket. As these parts have rubber bushings that wear out. Mine were pretty bad, which let the shifter wiggle a lot when shifting gears. With the new parts and the ZF Doc short shifter, the shifts are very positive and solid.

02-20-2021, 10:37 AM
I had Marc install Hursts in both the '93 and '95 and they were a vast improvement over stock. He said that Bill's shifter is just as good as the Hurst, maybe even a bit better but both are excellent. I really wanted to get rid of the lift ring in the '93 and the spring detent in the Hurst was certainly enough to keep me out of reverse. Never hit reverse on a shift at the drags. Along with 4.10 gears and Corsa exhausts it was one of the best "bang for the buck" modifications I made. --Bob

02-20-2021, 12:04 PM
I had Marc install Hursts in both the '93 and '95 and they were a vast improvement over stock. He said that Bill's shifter is just as good as the Hurst, maybe even a bit better but both are excellent. I really wanted to get rid of the lift ring in the '93 and the spring detent in the Hurst was certainly enough to keep me out of reverse. Never hit reverse on a shift at the drags. Along with 4.10 gears and Corsa exhausts it was one of the best "bang for the buck" modifications I made. --BobIs this the type you got:

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02-20-2021, 12:28 PM
Only a Ripper feels like a true short shift the rest just feel shorter

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02-20-2021, 02:22 PM
I purchased a 1990 ZR-1 two years ago and have since rebuilt the LT5 along with some other minor issues. This car has the Hurst Short throw shifter 3915084 fitted to it. It has no reverse protection. Although great at shifting through the gears, I am always aware that reverse would not be difficult to mistakenly select whilst travelling forward at a rate of speed!! My advice is to ensure that, whatever system you go for, make sure it has 'reverse protection'.

02-20-2021, 03:52 PM
Since I had the Hurst in my 90 and now B&M in my 95, a few years ago I wanted to try a ZF Doc special, but have yet to install it. I like the B&M better than the Hurst. When I get back to Japan I have a lot of Z projects to tackle.

At that time Bill said he discontinued making the Mid-Year chrome T-handle lift-ring with chrome shift ball feature.

But he had a one-off crash-thru modified gear shift lever with a polished stainless steel neck segment just below the knob threads if I have a leather shift boot that shows more lever. I had a custom leather shift boot made for it so I need to get her done. From what I read here I will be happy with the ZFDoc shifter and will install his C4 beam plate at the same time.

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02-20-2021, 06:20 PM
I've got the Hurst short throw, short shaft, no reverse protection (who power shifts 6th?).
Love it.

02-20-2021, 09:38 PM
I?ve been happy with the Hurst. On the stock shifter, your elbow ?breaks? a great deal when shifting into 2nd, 4th and 6th - it?s a long throw. Any of the ones you are asking about will be much more positive and quicker to shift. There is some increase in effort, but not so much you would dislike it.

02-21-2021, 09:05 AM
Is this the type you got:

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Yes I believe that shifter is the same as the Hurst. I had Hurst Shifters in both cars, Isabel just about forgotten the stock shifter is longer. Hurst just seems right.

02-21-2021, 09:18 AM
I have used the short shifter by ZF Doc in both my '92 and my current '91 ZR-1 and absolutely enjoy them. The shift is a lot more positive and the aesthetics of a shorter shifter was more pleasing. :thumbsup:

Thomas ZR-1
02-22-2021, 05:35 AM
If shipping inside EU is preferred: I have a new HURST shifter for sale...just send PM me.


02-22-2021, 05:38 AM
Marc Haibeck told me this:

-I like the OE shifter. The Hurst shifter shortens the throws by 25% and increases the effort by 25%. The Hurst has a solid shaft so it conducts a little transmission noise into the car. The Boudreau shifter has 25% shorter throws, 25% more effort, but retains the rubber isolator in the shaft so that it does not conduct noise. The rubber oscillator also cushions the shifts like the OE shifter."

Anyone else feel there is more noise with the Hurst?

I have lightweight flywheel and already a bit of transmission noise.

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02-22-2021, 05:39 AM
If shipping inside EU is preferred: I have a new HURST shifter for sale...just send PM me.

ThomasI cannot send you a PM for "security reasons". Can you send me one? Thanks.

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02-22-2021, 09:36 AM
Marc Haibeck told me this:

-I like the OE shifter. The Hurst shifter shortens the throws by 25% and increases the effort by 25%. The Hurst has a solid shaft so it conducts a little transmission noise into the car. The Boudreau shifter has 25% shorter throws, 25% more effort, but retains the rubber isolator in the shaft so that it does not conduct noise. The rubber oscillator also cushions the shifts like the OE shifter."

Anyone else feel there is more noise with the Hurst?

I have lightweight flywheel and already a bit of transmission noise.

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Marc's advice is never something I'd lightly ignore.

02-22-2021, 11:03 AM
Is this the type you got:

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I am not sure based on the picture; it was a long time ago and I really only saw it installed. But the Hurst was a bit shorter than the stock one and that is apparent in these photos if you look closely. The first one (#11) is stock; the second is with the Hurst installed. I remember that with the stock shifter, if I had a CD in the slot that had been ejected so it was sticking out, I would hit it with my knuckles shifting into 3rd; with the Hurst I did not hit it. --Bob

02-23-2021, 11:12 PM
My stock shifter looks great and shifts with 2 fingers.
Does a short shifter make my Z faster?, or safer?, or more reliable?, or handle better?, or more comfortable? IMHO spend 200 bucks on performance brake pads and bias spring, or braided brake lines, or replacement brake, clutch and slave cylinders, cooling hoses, ECM chip.
Hey that?s me. I?m a practical guy.

02-24-2021, 04:00 PM
My stock shifter looks great and shifts with 2 fingers.
Does a short shifter make my Z faster?, or safer?, or more reliable?, or handle better?, or more comfortable? IMHO spend 200 bucks on performance brake pads and bias spring, or braided brake lines, or replacement brake, clutch and slave cylinders, cooling hoses, ECM chip.
Hey that?s me. I?m a practical guy.


02-24-2021, 04:52 PM
My stock shifter looks great and shifts with 2 fingers.
Does a short shifter make my Z faster?, or safer?, or more reliable?, or handle better?, or more comfortable? IMHO spend 200 bucks on performance brake pads and bias spring, or braided brake lines, or replacement brake, clutch and slave cylinders, cooling hoses, ECM chip.
Hey that?s me. I?m a practical guy.

After performance brake pads and bias spring, or braided brake lines, or replacement brake, clutch and slave cylinders, cooling hoses, ECM chip, I replaced the shifter.

1991 Corvette ZR-1
02-24-2021, 05:00 PM
The stock unit has a pretty long throw. I would think it is this way to accommodate all levels of strength that differ per driver. My wife had some friends over and one of them has loved Vettes all her life and wants one. She was excited to sit in mine when I offered. She even got to start it but she had to get it in neutral first. I could see it took a lot of effort from her pulling it from first to neutral but mine has the ZF doc short shifter. Yes, she did have the clutch pedal pushed down.

02-24-2021, 07:17 PM
In my opinion, having options and being able to taylor one's car to his or her liking is what makes Corvette (and other Detroit performance cars) ownership so much enjoyable compared to typical European performance cars.
If you recall, late 60s performance styling was tall and bent Hurst units at times with macho looking pistol grip. More recent trend is short shifters with short throw. ZF 6 speed shifter feel is very heavy and mechanical and short shifter somewhat exaggerates this feel.
Some mods I made to my 94 are for performance gain in motion forward (HP & torque), turning, braking and entertainment and some are simply to update to more current trends.
I am simply grateful that we have support from vendors and able to taylor to my personal taste and preference.
It is always entertaining to go to events such as Carlisle because some have preserved the car as the day it left factory and some have modified theirs cars and end products are distinctive in its own way. :cheers:

02-24-2021, 10:58 PM
After performance brake pads and bias spring, or braided brake lines, or replacement brake, clutch and slave cylinders, cooling hoses, ECM chip, I replaced the shifter.

And then some.....[emoji847]

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02-27-2021, 04:21 AM
I've upgraded so many ZR-1 to the hurst I have stocker shifters stacked up like cord wood. Let me know if you need one.

I love the hurst but concur with marc that the boudreau modded stocker is the way to go.

you get the same performance as the hurst. If you are handy, chop the stocker down and rethread VIOA you just did the BB mod

very easy to do and makes a big difference

marc likes the stock shifter as the level of effort is less and you can pull off just a quick a shift with 25% more throw (pull harder)

marc can show you. My proudest day was matching his time in my car. He drove it a few times and showed me what it's capable of.

marc can shift and he shaves 50 lbs off the fighting weight. Rest his soul, Phil the ripper did a pretty good job He ran an old 415 into the 10s and dropped a few jaws (red aerobody, what a beaut!!)

Blue Flame Restorations
03-02-2021, 07:57 PM
I prefer the Hurst or Core. Round shift ball. Old school cool.

03-03-2021, 11:17 AM
I prefer the Hurst or Core. Round shift ball. Old school cool.

I have always liked that look too, Brett. Had it on my '68 Hemi roadrunner and it looked and worked great. But on my '95 ZR-1 I got the Hurst and Marc used the stock knob so it looked stock to anyone who didn't notice it was a little short. --Bob

11-11-2024, 02:07 PM
Those who have installed the ZF Doc modified stock shifter:

Can you shift as hard and fast as the stock shifter?, can you powershift it the same way?, question for racers, if you don?t drive it hard or don?t know how to powershift, ignore.