View Full Version : Went for a spin, big fat grin!

01-17-2021, 05:40 PM
This post is just a random post to say that my 1990 ZR-1 is an absolute joy to drive! Took the old girl for a spin this afternoon, blasting down hwy on ramps, and some of my favorite twisties. Nothing like ripping through 6k rpm in 3rd gear to put a big fat grin on your face! [emoji41]

Sent from my SM-N920V using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Mystic ZR-1
01-17-2021, 07:40 PM
Watch out for them cold tires! 😀

01-19-2021, 11:54 PM
Yeah, took mine out the other day when it was kinda cool (40ish F) around here. Gotta watch those cold tires for sure, still fun though.

Paul Workman
01-20-2021, 09:20 AM
Ah, I so wish I could join ya! But! We gotz 19?F, salt on the roads, and patches of ice. :cry: So, enjoy - albeit gingerly - nuttin too stressing on cold feet. (Mine feels like its on wet pavement when the temps get down to 40!)

However, suckin' in cold air puts life in them cylinders they wouldn't otherwise have. Enjoy it when ya can!


01-23-2021, 09:19 PM
This post is just a random post to say that my 1990 ZR-1 is an absolute joy to drive! Took the old girl for a spin this afternoon, blasting down hwy on ramps, and some of my favorite twisties. Nothing like ripping through 6k rpm in 3rd gear to put a big fat grin on your face! [emoji41]

Sent from my SM-N920V using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

I can?t keep it in the garage! 20 degree high, 45 miles from my house, snow on the way, BIG FAT GRIN!

01-23-2021, 09:25 PM
I looked over at my wife today and said, Way better than snowmobiling!

01-23-2021, 10:33 PM
65 deg today. Wife & I got to ride together for a change.

Last weekend we took the C7 Z06 & 415 separately with our little girls one each. Stopped about 1/4 in & she wanted the 415. Her car...Z06...was cool but she was intrigued. I never got the 415 back. Her comment: the Z06 is so nice...The 'yellow car' (415) is so fun!




01-23-2021, 11:06 PM
65 deg today. Wife & I got to ride together for a change.

Last weekend we took the C7 Z06 & 415 separately with our little girls one each. Stopped about 1/4 in & she wanted the 415. Her car...Z06...was cool but she was intrigued. I never got the 415 back. Her comment: the Z06 is so nice...The 'yellow car' (415) is so fun!


Ok, considering the rides. Everything about your story sounds so much better! 65 degrees! Z06! 415! Can I buy a ticket? All I can say is I feel like I have 650hp when it is 20 degrees.

01-24-2021, 11:00 AM
20 degrees this morning, tires will be like rocks.