View Full Version : need pics of placement of Mobile one emblem

04-24-2007, 05:17 PM
Can anyone post a pic of the factory placement of the Mobile one emblem on the 93-95 cars? Many Thanks


04-25-2007, 11:50 AM

04-27-2007, 05:14 PM
Jason, What year & # car do you have early 93 cars didn"t get the mobil -1 tag my car is a early 93 # 95 and dosen't have 1 .
I don't know if any NCRS guys are in here that might chim in to help you good luck ...

If you look betewwen the headlights in the center bottom just before the air inlet you will see it on this 94 LT-1 car I had

04-27-2007, 07:32 PM
Mine is a early 93 but I like the look of the emblem and wanted it on the car, but I placed it next to the Bowling Green emblem where I thought it was supposed to go......hmmm