View Full Version : What was the price of a ZR-1 in 1990 ?

11-18-2020, 12:49 PM
Hello everybody !
Do you know the price of a ZR-1 in 1990 when it left the factory and the price of the various options available? I'm curious to know!
Thank you in advance for your answers
Greetings from Belgium :cheers:

11-18-2020, 01:13 PM
Window sticker on my 1990 was $60,690.00

Dual removable roof panels: $915.00
Electronic air conditioning: $180.00
California emissions requirements:$100.00


11-18-2020, 08:57 PM
some dealer mark up cars sold for 100k plus.

11-19-2020, 06:00 AM
Base price $31,979.00
ZR-1 option $27,016
Air $180.00
Roofs $915.00
Total vehicle price $60,090
Destination $520.00
Final MSRP $60,610.00

I do not know what was paid for the car.

Paul Workman
11-19-2020, 06:50 AM
Window sticker on my 1990 was $60,690.00

Dual removable roof panels: $915.00
Electronic air conditioning: $180.00
California emissions requirements:$100.00


Mine too.

11-19-2020, 08:43 AM
thank you, I found this vintage ad. but I don't know the source of it. do you think the price of 112k is possible?

We Gone
11-19-2020, 08:56 AM
I'm sure that's a real add, it is also just an asking price. But yes I also saw them go for as high as $100k+ in 1990.

11-19-2020, 03:46 PM
I'm sure that's a real add, it is also just an asking price. But yes I also saw them go for as high as $100k+ in 1990.

I'm sure some ponied up the money...What a huge financial mistake...

11-19-2020, 03:53 PM
I'm sure some ponied up the money...What a huge financial mistake...

Same thing is happening with C8s right now - $45,000 to 50,000 mark up above MSRP. I'm sure a few are willing to pay.

11-24-2020, 09:53 AM
Yes that is a real ad. I know that dealership (in Chicago).

My ZR-1 was $59,XXX (I forget the actual $$ amount). My ZR-1 had NO Options, is it a rare manual air car (Only ~120 made) painted roof only. I kept the Blue Tint roof from my 89 when it sold

11-24-2020, 11:26 AM
Same thing is happening with C8s right now - $45,000 to 50,000 mark up above MSRP. I'm sure a few are willing to pay.

Lately I have seen a lot more adds for used C8's......Prices will catch up to these.....My advice to anyone who is looking to purchase a used C8, just sit tight for awhile...The market will swing toward your favor...

11-24-2020, 11:36 AM
Reminds me of the story told by Jay Leno about Corvettes. He had a friend, who in 1984 traded his 1970 Superbird in for a new 1984 Vette. Thinking in 25 years, it would be a goldmine....Ooops!!!!

I found the window sticker in my Z about 3 years ago under the carpet, by the bins in the back. The total I believe was $69,000. Just wow!

11-24-2020, 02:11 PM
In 1990, a red over saddle arrived at a Chevrolet dealership in Marlton, New Jersey.

The dealer had the letters AMA with a 30 some thousand number next to it bringing the total to $100,000.00.

They coolly stated that AMA was Actual Market Adjustment.
I couldn't help but laugh.

Went in in 1991.
Car still there.
Still 100k

Went in in 92.
Car still there.
Still 100k.

Offered them 75k.
They declined.

One week later I bought a Red 92, number 246 from Kerbeck for something just under 50k, although it was a GM car and had 3,000 miles.

Don't know whatever became of the 100k flower pot, but did not care either.


11-25-2020, 11:21 AM
I was in the Air Force in 90, stationed at McGuire AFB in NJ. I remember going to Bob McGuire Chevy and they had a roped off Red 90 for 100,000. Wouldn't let you near it unless pre-approved. My 20 year old *** wasn't getting in it! haha

11-25-2020, 11:32 AM
I remember seeing the Clear hooded 1990 ZR-1 at the Chicago Auto Show, you could touch outside the car but it was locked up tight.. I was dreaming of owning a ZR-1 back then as I was still in HS in 1990..

11-26-2020, 06:16 PM
Our ZR1 was a Canadian car, I have the invoice & option list. It was $73000 brand new, don't know what the buyer paid for it. It was sold to a farmer around Calgary. Spose I
should look them up sometime but it's been over 25 years so they may not remember it.

Dean Nelson
12-14-2020, 08:05 PM
that add was from me, I have them from late 89 and 90 when they came out and my dealer who said in the summer of 89 he would sell it to me for MSRP that G.M. printed on the window.

as late 89 came around and the car I had ordered was about to be built, the dealer calls and wants $30,000.00 over the list.

back than, no internet like today to see what is going on with others.

so I used Chicago news papers, went to O'Hare air port each Sunday and bought the Sunday papers from N.Y., CA, and FL to see what they were selling for.

I told the dealer the money in the adds are looking for movie stars and drug dealers and they will never sell for the 100,000 to 120,000 that I have from the adds.

we ended in a law suite over the car......and that is a looooog story.

Dean Nelson