View Full Version : Jerrys Gaskets ceasing eBay Sales

10-26-2020, 01:55 PM
We have decided to cease all sales listings on eBay.
The majority of our sales are direct through our webstore, www.jerrysgaskets.com which is more efficient and offers lower pricing than the eBay listings.

10-26-2020, 06:35 PM
No problem here Jerry. I am just happy that there are people out there like you that we can go to. :cheers:

10-26-2020, 07:32 PM
Yes, stay on this site!
Keep product listings!
Keep innovating!
Thanks for the support!

10-27-2020, 08:28 AM
No problem Jerry! I know where to find you.
Thank you for your continued support for LT5!:cheers:

10-27-2020, 09:06 AM
No problem here Jerry, I have always dealt direct with you, and that has been just fine.

Stay safe, and hope to see you soon. :thumbsup:

10-27-2020, 11:40 AM
Jerry.....You just cut the items in my saved Ebay search (LT5 Corvette) by half :)
I prefer going directly to your website (jerrysgaskets (http://www.jerrysgaskets.com)) anyway :thumbsup:

10-27-2020, 12:34 PM
Jerry.....You just cut the items in my saved Ebay search (LT5 Corvette) by half :)
I prefer going directly to your website (jerrysgaskets (http://www.jerrysgaskets.com)) anyway :thumbsup:

You are appreciated Cliff!

10-28-2020, 08:15 PM
Jerry.....You just cut the items in my saved Ebay search (LT5 Corvette) by half :)
I prefer going directly to your website (jerrysgaskets (http://www.jerrysgaskets.com)) anyway :thumbsup:

Dittos! Keep up the good work Jerry. What you do for the ZR-1 community is much appreciated!

11-02-2020, 08:04 AM
Smart move! i ditched eBay recently as well. After 20 years, 2300+ feedback and over $245K in sales, I was done paying 13.5% in fees. Plus, why should ANY buyer be paying sales tax on a USED item ( not your items of course).

I project flee markets, swap meets and Craigs list will do VERY well in the near future....until CL starts charging for everything. FB marketplace is already going trying that with shipping on items. FB is next to go for me....

I digress...Thanks for supporting the ZR-1 commnunity. Everytime parts availabilty is brought up on an auction site like BaT I give a link to Jerrys Gaskets. I was able to get two more cars back on the road thanks to you!

11-02-2020, 09:09 AM
[QUOTE=bowtiguy;............I digress...Thanks for supporting the ZR-1 commnunity. Everytime parts availabilty is brought up on an auction site like BaT I give a link to Jerrys Gaskets. I was able to get two more cars back on the road thanks to you![/QUOTE]

Thank you for the BaT promotion! We appreciate your support & glad to be of service.

EBay became just too much hassle & cost. As it turns out, we don't sell enough from Jerrys Gaskets webstore, in any particular state, to reach their minimum reporting level (except our home state, Oklahoma). So not only taking into account the already high eBay Fees, add on the eBay sales tax and the total cost to both seller & buyer is 20% plus over item price. I won't go into all the procedural hassle of eBay that consumes time. Glad to be done with it!

11-02-2020, 01:19 PM
Jerry, sounds like the proper financial move. Everyone prefers to go direct to you.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

11-06-2020, 01:08 PM
One thing I would love to see is UPS and/or FedEx shipping options. USPS has been super unreliable for delivery dates. My latest gasket order from you was supposed to be delivered today but tracking says: "Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."

Delivery by 9:00 tonight...Pretty sure my post office closes at 4:30...

11-06-2020, 06:59 PM
One thing I would love to see is UPS and/or FedEx shipping options. USPS has been super unreliable for delivery dates. My latest gasket order from you was supposed to be delivered today but tracking says: "Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."

Delivery by 9:00 tonight...Pretty sure my post office closes at 4:30...

I hear your request and understand your reasoning.

However, here is my reasoning for not adding those options.
(1) greatly increases my shipping time for labels
(2) increases my shipping costs for boxes
(3) adds to the shipping cost either for pickup at my residential address or requires me to spend and additional hour and abt 25 mile round trip to take to a UPS and/or FedEx drop
(4)complicates my entire process adding, more shipping vendors, more shipping options, paying shipping bills to UPS and/or FedEx., etc.

True Enough, USPS is lagging behind and UPS is publishing delay notices, and its all because of Covid-19. It affects everyone directly or indirectly.

When things do return to normal, pre-Covid times, USPS shipping will improve too. Trust me on this, those delays eat up a lot of my time & peace of mind, dealing with tracking, answering emails, texts, calls and such. International shipment were REALLY delayed and ended up being costly for us.

I hope this helps to understand that Jerrys Gaskets also feels the effect on our side of the transaction. We are not Jegs or Summit Racing capable with employees and automated software for shipping labels, tracking info, shipping departments and such. "We" is really me, a one horse show with help from a loving wife when needed and she has been frequently.

As an aside to the above, Our household of 3 people, me, my wife and sister-in-law are all past social security age. We just recently, about 2 weeks ago, got over Covid. It infected all 3 of us, probably me the worst. So, perhaps Covid has hit a little closer to home for us than to our customers.

Stay safe & healthy,

11-06-2020, 07:21 PM
As an aside to the above, Our household of 3 people, me, my wife and sister-in-law are all past social security age. We just recently, about 2 weeks ago, got over Covid. It infected all 3 of us, probably me the worst. So, perhaps Covid has hit a little closer to home for us than to our customers.

Stay safe & healthy,

😳 Jerry, good to hear you are all ok and on the mend. This COVID thing is always more dangerous for us seniors. Lost a good work buddy from my Benz days to COVID 2 months ago.
All the best.

11-07-2020, 07:00 AM
Hoping for a full recovery for the whole family.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

11-07-2020, 08:50 AM
Hoping for a full recovery for the whole family.

Thanks Lou. We are all pretty much back to normal.

11-07-2020, 08:54 AM
😳 Jerry, good to hear you are all ok and on the mend. This COVID thing is always more dangerous for us seniors. Lost a good work buddy from my Benz days to COVID 2 months ago.
All the best.

You are right about us seniors. Going into it, when you know you are infected, it's a big worry about how well you will get through it. Some do & some don't. We are blessed.

Hib Halverson
11-07-2020, 11:24 AM
If I still had Barney, I'd be buying Jerry's stuff direct from his site.

F**k eBay, anyway!:mad:

Occasionally, I get asked about sources for LT5 and C4ZR1-specific stuff and I give them Jerry's name.

11-08-2020, 11:47 AM
If I still had Barney, I'd be buying Jerry's stuff direct from his site.

F**k eBay, anyway!:mad:

Occasionally, I get asked about sources for LT5 and C4ZR1-specific stuff and I give them Jerry's name.

Thanks for the nice words Hib.....

11-08-2020, 08:56 PM
Sorry so slow to catch up to this news Jerry! Thank God you and your family are healing well. Praying for your full recovery!

Sent from my SM-G950U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

11-08-2020, 09:27 PM
You are right about us seniors. Going into it, when you know you are infected, it's a big worry about how well you will get through it. Some do & some don't. We are blessed.

Wow Jerry! So happy to hear you and your family are okay and got through it. Take care and best wishes always.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

11-10-2020, 01:35 PM
I hear your request and understand your reasoning.

However, here is my reasoning for not adding those options.
(1) greatly increases my shipping time for labels
(2) increases my shipping costs for boxes
(3) adds to the shipping cost either for pickup at my residential address or requires me to spend and additional hour and abt 25 mile round trip to take to a UPS and/or FedEx drop
(4)complicates my entire process adding, more shipping vendors, more shipping options, paying shipping bills to UPS and/or FedEx., etc.

True Enough, USPS is lagging behind and UPS is publishing delay notices, and its all because of Covid-19. It affects everyone directly or indirectly.

When things do return to normal, pre-Covid times, USPS shipping will improve too. Trust me on this, those delays eat up a lot of my time & peace of mind, dealing with tracking, answering emails, texts, calls and such. International shipment were REALLY delayed and ended up being costly for us.

I hope this helps to understand that Jerrys Gaskets also feels the effect on our side of the transaction. We are not Jegs or Summit Racing capable with employees and automated software for shipping labels, tracking info, shipping departments and such. "We" is really me, a one horse show with help from a loving wife when needed and she has been frequently.

As an aside to the above, Our household of 3 people, me, my wife and sister-in-law are all past social security age. We just recently, about 2 weeks ago, got over Covid. It infected all 3 of us, probably me the worst. So, perhaps Covid has hit a little closer to home for us than to our customers.

Stay safe & healthy,

I understand. I run a small business on the side, so I get the logistics of it. USPS sucked in PA prior to covid. They restructured how mail moved and consolidated some sorting facilities. I've watched packages go back and forth between facilities 2-3 times. I don't expect it to improve.

I'm glad however, that regardless of shipping, you're around to provide us parts.

11-11-2020, 10:30 AM
In round numbers all delivery services other than the USPS have personnel costs of approx. 20%.

USPS labor cost are approx. 80%.

With that as your business model, your competitors will eat you alive in very short order.

The USPS should have amazon, UPS or walmart deliver for them.

Simply a matter of time until Americans tire of pumping money into another failure in waiting.

Sad but true.

Another Disgraceful waste of our hard earned money sent to Washington.

Not the fault of the USPS workers, just another government boondoggle.

Fedex and UPS have broken the code on this one.

If you want it there fast and with reliability choose wisely.

And E Bay...............????

Someday it will all be just inhabited by pirates, thieves and China.
It's chances of remaining the number one alternative to brick and mortar become slimmer each day, even as small businesses are failing at accelerating rates.

If you fail to continuously tweak your business model, you will indeed fail.

Consumers are a demanding lot, but if you want their business then you must perform and always give them what they want and that changes often.

Even Henry Ford went to colors other than only black.