View Full Version : 90 Charcoal Canister -can it be serviced or anyone help with a CURRENT replacement #?

09-18-2020, 09:06 AM
I am about to mount the charcoal canister on my 90, I thought I had read the bottom will unscrew so you can service the canister but I cannot remember where I found it. Does anyone know if the stock canister can be serviced or a replacement part # ? All the part numbers and brands I have found are NLA. BTW mine only has 30k on it, was going to change it for preventive maintenance. Thanks!

Paul Workman
09-21-2020, 09:55 AM
I am about to mount the charcoal canister on my 90, I thought I had read the bottom will unscrew so you can service the canister but I cannot remember where I found it. Does anyone know if the stock canister can be serviced or a replacement part # ? All the part numbers and brands I have found are NLA. BTW mine only has 30k on it, was going to change it for preventive maintenance. Thanks!

Unless you can find a source for replacing the canister(s) you'd be better off reinstalling the low mileage unit until you may find a replacement or substitute!. That said, activated charcoal, if I remember from chemistry, is pretty hardy stuff, as filter substrate goes.

Activated charcoal is produced when exposing charcoal to steam in the vicinity of 1700?F; a specialized process for sure that would be difficult if possible to find locally.

30K miles isn't much for a canister. But, who knows what time has done to it? Still, quite worth a try in the mean time, methinks: install the old one and investigate further in the mean time?

09-21-2020, 10:32 AM
As usual, I agree with Paul.
These are pretty forgiving and durable components, many still fine going over 40 years!

They typically are abused by well meaning attempts to "top off" the tank.
When you do this it floods the lines with liquid fuel which can make it's way to the canister.
The canister is designed to handle vapors and does so very effectively.
Drowning it in liquid often results in complaints of fuel odors in the garage, with no apparent leaks.
The liquid will eventually vaporize, or be drawn into the engine
I used to always top off the tank as well, but having witnessed this recurring owner or attendant induced problem, have finally given up the practice.
It also wastes most all of the fuel that flooded the lines and canister.

When the pump clicks off; The tank is full enough.
While not really a tree hugger, this is a simple but effective way we can all passively help the environment.

09-21-2020, 02:14 PM
Hi guys! I did go ahead and remount the current canister , I cannot find a NOS anywhere. I didn't have any concerns about the low mileage canister until I had it upside down and some of the charcoal pellets came out, maybe that is normal? I saw that the pellets could be replaced in a link by unscrewing the bottom but had not luck at that but it would be done if I could find a NOS OE or aftermarket canister. Thanks for the input..90 is getting CLOSE to the unveil! ? :)

09-21-2020, 07:12 PM
Why can't you use one from a 1991 or newer

09-21-2020, 07:18 PM
starting in 91, canister is different as they are mounted in right rear of car instead of driver front bumper corner. Main reason I am concerned with mine is that some charcoal pellets are falling out of the bottom lines.

09-21-2020, 10:39 PM
Us I know of the location change, but outside of that what is different? I am quite sure I bought a 1991 for my 1990

09-21-2020, 10:49 PM
Found an old thread 1990 has the purge valve included 1991 does not