View Full Version : Fair Price for 1990 FSM set?

07-26-2020, 02:30 AM
Just curious what's a fair price for the 1990 Factory Service Manual set.

07-26-2020, 09:56 AM
Just curious what's a fair price for the 1990 Factory Service Manual set.

The LT-5 has a few volumes to it. 2 main ones, and a few supplements. So roughly, the main ones are usually $80-120 from what Ive seen... then the supplements can be $25-35 each depending on which ones you want....

07-26-2020, 01:30 PM
For my '91 I bought an electronic version on ebay for $35 that has the electrical and LT5 supplements. Seems to be legit and comprehensive, but navigation of the pdf is easy or hard depending on which software you use. On a Mac the default pdf reader is easy to navigate, on a Windows PC less so. I suppose you could buy add on software to make it easier.


Mystic ZR-1
07-26-2020, 02:46 PM
Erik, say hi to Gunny! :)

07-27-2020, 11:27 AM
I notice Gunny just posted a full set for sale for a 1990--see the cars and parts for sale section. $125 is a perfectly fair price for all of them. And they have been used by an expert!--Bob

07-27-2020, 02:55 PM
I paid $175 for a used full set with supplements for my 91. Wouldn't know what to do without them. Helped chase down some electrical gremlins I had.

07-27-2020, 09:49 PM
For my '91 I bought an electronic version on ebay for $35 that has the electrical and LT5 supplements. Seems to be legit and comprehensive, but navigation of the pdf is easy or hard depending on which software you use. On a Mac the default pdf reader is easy to navigate, on a Windows PC less so. I suppose you could buy add on software to make it easier.


As an update, I found a way to add this massive 500+MB PDF to my Kindle. Full functionality to navigate, browse, zoom in on diagrams, annotate, bookmark - and I can carry it around anywhere! Quite pleased! :)

Paul Workman
08-04-2020, 07:22 AM
Yep...an FSM and a scanner (or tablet and Tunerpro) and a Net Registry member and VOILA! U-2 can be a reasonably well equipped ZR-1 mechanic; CERTAINLY better than just about ANY DEALER or AUTO MECHANIC!:thumbsup:

08-04-2020, 08:16 AM
Yep...an FSM and a scanner (or tablet and Tunerpro) and a Net Registry member and VOILA! U-2 can be a reasonably well equipped ZR-1 mechanic; CERTAINLY better than just about ANY DEALER or AUTO MECHANIC!:thumbsup:

Thanks for the encouragement!

Looks like I have the FSM thing covered.

Now what do I need for scanning a 1990?

08-04-2020, 11:02 AM
I have 'ALL YEARS' C4 FSM similar/like eBay offerings except that mine have 'NO WATERMARKS'. With mine I also provide a GM SPO Parts Catalog that covers the appropriate year. I have SPO Catalog published in '90 that does very well for '90, and also a SPO that does 'all year C4' '84 through end of production. I have the L5 supplement also available separately but I include for ZR-1 owners.

Many here have mine - many use mine as an 'INDEX' so to speak for their paper. Mine is similarly priced to eBay offerings BUT I include GM SPO Parts Catalog and can generally deliver 'same day paid.

PM or maybe I'd suggest an email if interested. Many here know me.

I have paper I believe for '90, '92, '94 and '95 that I'll likely offer for sale soon.

08-04-2020, 02:17 PM
A new 90 manual from helminc.com sells for $402. A 90 LT5 supplement sells for $205 but the information in the supplement may already be in the service manual.