View Full Version : Punctuation Problems

07-15-2020, 02:56 PM
Some of you may be experiencing punctuation issues with your posts.
The problem is coming from electronics using certain iOS platforms.
The fix is on YOUR end ("Smart Punctuation" issues).
Do your research and due diligence, as the ZR-1 Net Registry
takes no responsibility if your iPhone or computer self destructs.

Solution from VBulletin:
"This is happening on our development site as well. If you turn off
Smart Punctuation on the ipad Settings --> General --> Keyboard -->
Smart Punctuation, the apostrophies work correctly "

"It is caused directly by the "curly quotes" used with the smart quotes
option in iOS and comes down to UTF-8 support. It will most likely need
programming to fix."

Computer nerd stuff beyond my pay grade.
Good Luck!

Ted Feder
Forum Admin

07-15-2020, 02:58 PM
You must have seen my posts. :)

Thanks for the heads up.

Mystic ZR-1
07-15-2020, 07:57 PM
"Mine too"
Turned it off
Let's see if it works?

Mystic ZR-1
07-15-2020, 07:58 PM
Looks like it did?
Thanks Ted

07-15-2020, 08:15 PM
I kind of liked the question marks in the conjunctions

07-15-2020, 09:57 PM
Conjunction junction what's your function...

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

07-15-2020, 10:07 PM
Let's see how this works.