View Full Version : need Vetronix TA01140 GM 12/14 Adapter

07-03-2020, 07:48 AM
I am looking for part TA01140 GM 12/14 adapter. I hope this is the last part I need to from my switch from Tech1 to a new Tech1A. The Tech1A I got did not come with the main DLC cable, got that, got the Mass Storage Cartridge ( Thanks Ccmano), now all I need is the adapter that plugs the main line to the OBD1 port. I have duplicates of everything else so I will have a complete Tech1 for sale soon.

07-03-2020, 06:15 PM
EBay brother put in a saved search and if one pops up you will get an email :cheers:

07-03-2020, 08:06 PM
Hey, I already had a saved search set up but thought I would ask! There is one on there now but it with a bunch of other useless Vetronix adapters I either don't need or already have and they won't break the set. They want $250 for the lot. Pass! ) I would like to get a global adapter. My real GM Tech2 got water damage in it a few years ago and I haven't replaced it. I have a working Tech1, do you have any experience with a Tech2 on a OBD1 car? I would go ahead and get a Tech2 if I knew I could use it back to 90 cars. I thought I read it could but I have never seen a OBD1 adapter for a Tech2.