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View Full Version : New owner, 12,800 miles '91 (long)

06-28-2020, 07:06 PM
Hi everyone,

Thrilled to be here with my "new" ZR-1. I bought this car "sight unseen" a week ago:
...and Reliable Carriers delivered it from Michigan to Texas in just a few days. So much so that it's my garage now but I've only driven it around the block a couple of times - the paperwork to register it in Texas is not all ready yet, and the new tires that I've ordered will only be here on Wednesday.

The purchase experience was quite satisfactory - the dealer, Mark Lieberman, represented the car quite truthfully and we agreed on a price that I felt was quite reasonable - several thousand less than a '93 with similar miles that was just sold on BAT. I hired an inspector to check out the car and Reliable to truck it down - all went ok. The car history indicates that it's had 2 owners, each about 14-15 years. Although a bit murky, I suspect that most of the miles were put on by the first owner, and the car has mostly sat unused the last several years.

The good: The car is genuinely in great cosmetic shape. Just about zero scratches, very slight interior wear, and everything seems to work. Engine oil, brake fluid, and coolant have all been replaced recently. Mechanically it's mostly ok, with just a few issues. The rear tires are the original ~30 year old tires that came with the car, and the fronts are ~16 years old. So clearly new tires are the first order of business. That said, does anybody have any use for the old tires, including the original rears?

The not so good: I have not yet driven the car fast, so I can't say if everything works as it should relative to secondaries, etc. I have no reason to think they wouldn't, as the vacuum pump comes on briefly and shuts off, indicating that the vacuum system is ok. There were a couple of issues (sticky handbrake, intermittent "service ride control" light) that seem to have resolved with just a bit of use.

My biggest concern currently is that there is a slight coolant leak from where the plenum meets the injector housing on the driver side - some coolant puddles in the valley there. One of the proximate plenum bolts was simply missing, and I found that the others were all randomly loose. I found and installed a generic hex head M8x1.25 bolt in the missing location and tightened all down to 20 ft-lb - the leak is slowed but seems to be there still. For now, I'm only going to monitor.

Also - this was pointed out to me by the inspector - the reverse lights don't work. I've already sourced the switch from Eckler's and will be looking to replace this sometime soon, along with a change of the 6-speed fluid. And, I need to get used to the noises that the car makes - some strange intermittent mechanical rattling, but too early to be concerned. The original R12 AC system still seems to cool, which is rather surprising - hopefully that carries on for a while and I can delay the inevitable switch to R134a.

I've joined the ZR-1 Net Registry as a member and acquired Marc Haibeck's plenum removal DVD - I love how he sits on the engine to remove the stuff behind the plenum! That said, I hope I don't have to change the injectors any time soon - I have found a source of non-ethanol 92 octane and will try to use that exclusively - hopefully staving off injector damage.

Sorry for the length of this post! Thanks in advance for any advice and pointers on what else I should be checking out on this awesome car!

06-28-2020, 08:25 PM
You have entered the world of wonderful ZR-1's!!
I would not be concerned with the rattle at this point.
The reverse lights even less pf a concern.
New switch will fix it.

The plenum is going to have to come off in order to determine what someone has screwed up.
Should not be a big deal.
Plenty of " How To" info available for you.

You purchased at an admittedly good price.
Now invest some of what you saved to correct what sounds like a hurried job done by an amateur.

Keep us posted on your progress, and let us know your questions as you proceed with the repair.



We Gone
06-28-2020, 08:31 PM
Welcome and grats.

06-28-2020, 08:43 PM
Congrats on the purchase!!!

Being a long time Tucker enthusiast, Ive heard nothing but good things about Mark Lieberman.

Enjoy the new toy in good health!

06-28-2020, 08:59 PM
That's is a very nice looking car. Congrats on your purchase.

06-28-2020, 10:39 PM
Service ride control will come on if you cycle the car on and off 3 times with out moving it.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

06-29-2020, 09:28 AM
Congratulations on the new car, enjoy, and welcome to the ZR-1 Madness!

06-29-2020, 10:09 AM
Congrats! If you ever need professional help, get with Steve @ Crossed Flags Performance just outside Houston (Magnolia). He's worked on mine a couple times and has been great.

06-29-2020, 11:19 AM
Congratulations and welcome. I second the suggestion of getting it to Steve at Crossed Flags Performance in Magnolia. He can get it sorted for you and at least point out what the issues and solutions are if you want to do the work yourself.

06-29-2020, 06:57 PM
Congrats! If you ever need professional help, get with Steve @ Crossed Flags Performance just outside Houston (Magnolia). He's worked on mine a couple times and has been great.

Evan "beat me to the punch" on the recommendation for Cross Flag Performance. It might be Waaaaaay worth your time to take it to Steve and crew for a base line check. As this is your first ZR1 it will be a great learning experience adn well worth it to have someone knowledgeable "show you the ropes."

BTW... CFP did a bunch of work on my 91 and I still very happy.

06-30-2020, 12:36 AM
Thank you all for the welcome and suggestions!

As stated in my post, my weeping coolant issue seems to have slowed but not stopped with my installation of a missing plenum bolt and torquing the others to spec. It appears that a good long term fix would be to delete the TB coolant hoses and internally plug the coolant passage(s) from the IH(s) up to the plenum, but I'm going to wait a while to gather more experience with the car to assess just how bad this coolant leak continues to be, as well as what else I might want to do when the plenum gets pulled (whether by myself or the recommended Steve @ CFP). (As of now, I'm still waiting for the tires before properly exercising the car.)

One little interesting detail - it appears that someone in the past replaced the L tube on the driver side of the plenum with a T (like on the passenger side) and then blocked one leg of the T. Just looking at it, it does not seem to be a recent "fix". From my understanding of the history of the car, I wouldn't be surprised if this was done at a dealer service dept.