View Full Version : WTB - LT-5 Rebuild Tool Kit

05-02-2020, 07:11 PM
Anyone have a set they'd be willing to part with?

Send me a PM if so.



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05-02-2020, 09:51 PM
I think Jerry sells a lot of the tools required for a rebuild. A factory set would likely be near impossible to find at this point unless someone who has one would be willing to part with it. (Which is what your asking I take it)

05-03-2020, 03:40 PM
Thanks Hans. I'll check with him. May need to reset cam tension on the '94 I'm working on. So would need requisite tools to do so.

Yes, I am looking for a complete set if anyone should happen to have one..

Hope you have a great day! Beautiful weather here in Magnolia, Tx today!!

Sent from my SM-G950U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

05-03-2020, 04:10 PM
A kit use to show up on EBay every so often but I have seen one listed in a few years.

05-03-2020, 05:07 PM
Thanks Hans. I'll check with him. May need to reset cam tension on the '94 I'm working on. So would need requisite tools to do so.

Yes, I am looking for a complete set if anyone should happen to have one..

Hope you have a great day! Beautiful weather here in Magnolia, Tx today!!

Sent from my SM-G950U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Jagdpanzer (Phil)makes a neat little tool to reset tensioners. If you ask really nice he might make you one.... if he says yes, tell him to make two, I’ll buy one too.

05-03-2020, 08:59 PM
Hi Steve!

I think I'm familiar with the '94 you're working on :)
If you go to the Members Only section of the main zr1registry page, click on Special Offers then scroll down, you'll see a subtitle called ZR-1 Tools. Looks like Bill Kirchhofer offers everything you're looking for. Hope that helps!


05-04-2020, 02:40 AM
I have a complete, original KM blue box tool set I'm willing to sell, but it would be more than twice the price (plus shipping) that Bill Kirchhofer is offering for his complete kit. If you're looking for good tools just to get the job done, you should check out his posting.

05-04-2020, 11:45 AM
Hi Steve!

I think I'm familiar with the '94 you're working on :)
If you go to the Members Only section of the main zr1registry page, click on Special Offers then scroll down, you'll see a subtitle called ZR-1 Tools. Looks like Bill Kirchhofer offers everything you're looking for. Hope that helps!


Can anyone confirm if Bill Kirchhofer is still selling these?

05-10-2020, 11:49 AM
Kit missing Idler sprocket tool...