View Full Version : ASR or Fuel Starvation?

04-07-2020, 04:11 PM
So I've finally gotten the 92 I picked up to a point where I feel comfortable pushing it a little on some backroads and onramps, but I've started to have an issue with completely losing power on the exit of long right hand corners. I don't know enough about these cars yet to know if this is a common issue, so I thought I'd ask before pulling fuses and really diagnosing. I have ASR off when this happens and just a touch under half a tank of fuel. Maintenance throttle mid-corner isn't affected, but when I really put the pedal down off apex, the car dies on me for .5-1sec and then resumes. Does ASR turn off completely when you push the button and get the light on the info center or is there a special song and dance to get it off fully? Thanks

04-07-2020, 05:16 PM
Does ASR turn off completely when you push the button and get the light on the info center or is there a special song and dance to get it off fully? Thanks

No song and dance. Push button, ASR off warning light means no ASR.
I suggest start by pulling OBD codes. How many miles on the odometer?

04-07-2020, 05:59 PM
No song and dance. Push button, ASR off warning light means no ASR.
I suggest start by pulling OBD codes. How many miles on the odometer?

Darn, thanks. Just over 28k

Edit: Just pulled codes and got the typical C12 but then a bunch of --. I'm going to say it was a low fuel issue for now.

04-07-2020, 07:29 PM
Fuel starvation.
Tape pressure gauge to windshield and repeat what you did.

04-07-2020, 07:40 PM
Fuel starvation.
Tape pressure gauge to windshield and repeat what you did.

Yup, a known C4 issue. Change the filter, then pull the fuel pumps and have a look at the socks (external filters on the pump inlets). Then make sure theres no water or gunk in the bottom of the tank where the pickup is. If the pumps have never been changed I would change them out while your in there. Their relatively cheap at RockAuto. Don’t bother with the high dollar pumps their not worth it.

04-07-2020, 08:10 PM
Yup, a known C4 issue. Change the filter, then pull the fuel pumps and have a look at the socks (external filters on the pump inlets). Then make sure theres no water or gunk in the bottom of the tank where the pickup is. If the pumps have never been changed I would change them out while your in there. Their relatively cheap at RockAuto. Don’t bother with the high dollar pumps their not worth it.

The pumps and socks are less than a month old and I cleaned out the tank while I was in there, so I've got that covered. Sounds like I just need to top up before slinging the old girl around.

04-07-2020, 08:19 PM
You have answered your own question. C4's are known to suffer from fuel starvation on the track, IF the fuel level is low. Like you said, try it again with higher fuel level.

04-08-2020, 07:41 AM
Also recheck the hose connections to the fuel pump. Mine came loose which can cause a similar condition to what you are having. We put new stainless clamps on and problem solved.

Paul Workman
04-08-2020, 08:01 AM
Sounds to me 2 that you've located the probable issue. Rule of thumb is to keep them above a quarter tank and you'll be safe.

However, when I first read your post, I recalled a problem I had with that accordion-hose between the air filter box and the snorkel on the TB. They get warm and sometimes collapse at WOT. It is an easy DIY fix, but being new to the ZR-1, I thought you might wanna know about that quirk - should it fall flat as the tach climbs above 4500 (in my case).

Welcome to the 'Brotherhood of the Beast!'


04-08-2020, 01:41 PM
The pumps and socks are less than a month old and I cleaned out the tank while I was in there, so I've got that covered. Sounds like I just need to top up before slinging the old girl around.

Did u say u changed the gas filter up front?

04-09-2020, 12:27 AM
I changed the front filter as well (it turned into a true fiasco, I think I ended up pouring 3 gallons of fuel all over myself in the process), and when I’m feeling up for it I’ll go ahead and pull the assembly out and replace the stock plastic clamps to decent stainless pieces. As for the accordion piece, it runs great to redline in a straight line, but I’ll keep the knowledge in the back of my head. I haven’t had the opportunity to fill up and go for another run but I’ll update when I do. Thanks all

Paul Workman
04-10-2020, 06:37 AM
I changed the front filter as well (it turned into a true fiasco, I think I ended up pouring 3 gallons of fuel all over myself in the process),

I bought a pair of "duck bill" Vise Grip pliers to pinch off the rubber hose at the tank B4 fussing with that filter. Just a thought for anyone considering changing that filter. (Mine @ 38k when I bought it was FULL of crap that spilled out in the catch pan.)


04-10-2020, 09:13 AM
Also, make sure u unscrew the gas cap to equalize pressure. Same when working on injectors.

Hib Halverson
04-18-2020, 12:34 PM
When I owned Barney, I changed the stock fuel filter several times and never spilled a drop of fuel.

First, I wouldn't do the change unless I had a quarter tank or less. Then I'd jack the front end up way high so the level of fuel was below the level of the filter. Then I'd, loosen the clamp and disconnect the rear connection. The front connection was always a bitch so I'd hold the front fitting with one wrench and break the filter loose with a bigger wrench on the hex on the back of the filter. The small amount of fuel spilled as the filter drained I'd catch in a small drain pan.

Installing the new filter was the reverse of above.

04-18-2020, 02:23 PM
I’ve always started the car, then pulled the fuel pump fuse, loosened the fuel filler cap, and let it run a couple of minutes until it shut down. Uses up a great deal of fuel between the tank and the engine and drops the pressure in the lines. Makes changing the in line filter less messy. Haven’t ever had any trouble restarting the car, fuel pressure builds quickly when you turn the key to ACC before cracking her over.