View Full Version : Any know history of 1990 5800454

02-08-2020, 07:53 PM
I’m looking at a 1990 that popped up for sale. Anyone know this car? 1G1YZ23J4L5800454.

02-08-2020, 08:14 PM
1990 ZR-1 #00454 shows an owner names Brad Sewell in NC and Paul Pobega in Ontario CA. in the registry listings. No other info.

02-09-2020, 09:52 PM
Thanks! I contacted them and the one in Canada is Mis-listed. He actually owns a 92 with those last four vin numbers, haven’t had a response from the other. I went ahead and picked this car up on a whim. It only has 33k miles. I may bring it to the Gathering. I am still looking for another 95. This needs a new radio bezel and they seem to be unavailable. Is there a spray can paint from any of the corvette vendors that matches the grey of the 90?? I am going to make a new post about a few things I may need help with that is unique to the 90 model.

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