View Full Version : Another Youtuber with a C4ZR1
01-06-2020, 12:12 PM
Not sure if anybody has seen this yet, but thought I'd share.
This guy Matt has a few youtube channels, and on this one he bought an exceptionally destroyed/beat up C4Z!
Not sure where he will go with it, but it's good to see even unloved LT5s getting some attention.
I linked to the registry in the comments, who knows if he will visit or not but it was worth a shot if he indeed is trying to get that car back on the road!
01-06-2020, 12:39 PM
I like his channel. But he has no idea what he has bitten off. Waste of money to do anything with that car, but to tear down and part out. That is zero sense to mess with.
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We Gone
01-06-2020, 02:07 PM
Great video, Wish him lots of luck in saving this one and hope he comes here to keep us posted.
01-06-2020, 02:57 PM
OMG! Wish him lots of luck, but that thing is probably going to cost more than just buying one in decent shape, even if he got the car for free.
He did not seem too concerned with the water temps sky high!
I hope it works out for him.
If he does a majority of the work himself it should not be THAT expensive to fix up, less any power upgrades. A new paint job would be costly!
I think when Jeff got his Z it needed work. Not nearly as much as this one and now his car looks great.
01-07-2020, 08:23 AM
Now THAT is a project wowie!! I wonder with the Rockets back to back champs attire, if that was a players car or some super fan ruined that beautiful GM paint.
Has anyone on here ever risen from the ashes a LT5 anything worse than this?
Great video, he captures the excitement most of us have felt with a new toy (especially a ZR-1 toy) He seems to have done his homework on ZR-1s (he was on the other forum about it) and realizes it will never be a 30 year old virgin. Parts car? I think not...
01-07-2020, 09:42 AM
Now THAT is a project wowie!! I wonder with the Rockets back to back champs attire, if that was a players car or some super fan ruined that beautiful GM paint.
Has anyone on here ever risen from the ashes a LT5 anything worse than this?
I think Brett Henderson has. 🙂
01-07-2020, 09:47 AM
Has anyone on here ever risen from the ashes a LT5 anything worse than this?
Mine was not as bad as that, but between the previous owner and myself we've done: full exterior repaint (body apart), new (donor car) interior, engine rebuild, AC repair, dash repair (gauges and AC controller), suspension rebuild and a bunch of other little "fix it" items. There's easily been 2x-3x what the car could be sold for put into it in the last 5 years.
Like Karl said though, if he does most of the work himself, it may not be too bad. He did mention in the video that he'll probably leave the paint alone for a while. Honestly, knowing what a good professional paint job cost, if I had one in that condition, I'd probably just wrap it and call it done.
Hopefully he gets it running and generates some positive interest in the C4 ZR-1.
01-07-2020, 09:09 PM
mine was quite rough..
01-07-2020, 09:18 PM
mine was quite rough..
This one might have yours beat, Jeff. Looks like he got a deal tho.
01-07-2020, 09:58 PM
Does he say what he paid, I skimmed through it and heard him say he paid 4 figures for it. I paid 4 figures for mine too.. 12 years ago
01-08-2020, 03:03 AM
The story is the original owner advertised his furniture business with the car.
01-08-2020, 11:03 AM
He the guy who lost $13 mil betting on the Houston Astros in the World Series
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01-08-2020, 11:28 AM
Your right Phil, that’s at the guy.
Here’s the thread over at CF regarding this car. Includes photos. That car will take a lot of work. Not something everyone would do.
01-08-2020, 04:34 PM
Has anyone noticed that this YouTube video has gotten 687k views in 2 days. He has quite the following. Let’s see what, if anything, he actually does with this car.
Let see, the SES light is on with the car running. So no secondaries. It overheats just sitting there idling and blows smoke out the back. I’d say that engine has some issues,
01-11-2020, 08:51 AM
I think that is "Mattress Mack's" old car, he is an institution in Houston.
I think that if the present owner uses some clever marketing, he could drum up some interest in this one. Mack has loads of money so I assume that that paint job probably cost a bundle and maybe able to be restored. That 13 Mil did not come from his pocket, he had an insurance policy to cover those losses, just clever marketing on his part.
01-23-2020, 09:01 AM
Looks like he's actually working on the car now:
01-23-2020, 10:02 AM
He’s got his work cut out for him. He should leave that radiator out because there’s a lot more in that engine bay that needs work.
I’m thinking he gonna need a trans and rear diff rebuild.
01-25-2020, 10:52 AM
did he ever say what he paid?
01-25-2020, 10:57 AM
He said somewhere in the first video it was 4 figures, so less than $10K.
Seeing as it was a flood car, I would guess probably around $5K.
01-25-2020, 01:37 PM
He could have gotten one with decent paint ( cut and buff ) and high miles for around11-12K.
Too too many issues with this one...Heck, I think even a decent paint job will run 6 grand...Seems like he has a decent amount of issues with the motor and don't let me start with the interior...
01-25-2020, 02:05 PM
He could have gotten one with decent paint ( cut and buff ) and high miles for around11-12K.
Too too many issues with this one...Heck, I think even a decent paint job will run 6 grand...Seems like he has a decent amount of issues with the motor and don't let me start with the interior...
That would have been my view as well. I've seen ones with decent paint and intact interiors going for $11K-$12K. Granted they have issues, but not the kind of issues that one has. Having said that, we need people like him taking basket cases like that and doing something with them as well as generating interest in the ZR-1.
01-25-2020, 02:25 PM
He said somewhere in the first video it was 4 figures, so less than $10K.
Seeing as it was a flood car, I would guess probably around $5K.
I heard him say 4 figures
I missed the part about being a flood car..
Atleast mine is a looker form 20+ feet.. LOL
01-29-2020, 11:56 PM
Well he got it running!
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01-30-2020, 05:24 AM
Looks like he’s got DEXCOOL in the system,somebody needs to get a message to him before it screws up the head baskets.
01-30-2020, 08:59 AM
Looks like he’s got DEXCOOL in the system,somebody needs to get a message to him before it screws up the head baskets.
I’ve left a few comments adding suggestions to the issues, and things like not using OEM injectors but I highly doubt he reads them or pays attention to them unfortunately.
I mean, I hope he does..... but with 1200 comments and a new video every day as a lot of you tubers do, I’m going to bet he can’t get to them all.
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The engine is out.
02-08-2020, 09:34 PM
Not sure this guy has a clue, tho it was encouraging to see the 1990 FSM on his desk. I wonder if he realizes the cost of “upgrading” one of these engines. It’s not an SBC. Heck I’d volunteer to help, by phone anyway.
02-09-2020, 10:59 AM
Geeez. I wonder how he’ll be upgrading the motor?
Geeez. I wonder how he’ll be upgrading the motor?
Maybe he will rebuild it in his garage using hand tools.
The drama!
02-09-2020, 04:34 PM
Geeez. I wonder how he’ll be upgrading the motor?
What do you mean? I am sure he has seen Information on Corey, Haibeck and probably Pete.
Just because he is not on here or CF, that we know of, doesn’t mean he is clueless..
02-09-2020, 04:43 PM
What do you mean? I am sure he has seen Information on Corey, Haibeck and probably Pete.
Just because he is not on here or CF, that we know of, doesn’t mean he is clueless..
Of course it also doesn’t mean he’s not clueless...
What do you mean? I am sure he has seen Information on Corey, Haibeck and probably Pete.
Just because he is not on here or CF, that we know of, doesn’t mean he is clueless..
I think Dom was being facetious! Lol!
02-09-2020, 09:37 PM
its awesome he is clearly a fan of the zr1 and is saving the car. great exposure for the lt5. good on him
02-10-2020, 08:25 PM
We were all clueless once. How this proceeds will show how serious he is about this. Keeping in mind this is being done for entertainment purposes mostly and it is entertaining to watch. Many of us have responded to his thread on CF and directly on YouTube with no response that I am aware of. I know I and many others here would be happy to provide technical assistance if asked. We’ll see what direction this ultimately takes. Certainly worth the price admission.
02-10-2020, 09:55 PM
I think its a great promotion for the LT-5 and the C4 ZR-1. We need more efforts like this.
02-11-2020, 05:21 AM
We were all clueless once. How this proceeds will show how serious he is about this. Keeping in mind this is being done for entertainment purposes mostly and it is entertaining to watch. Many of us have responded to his thread on CF and directly on YouTube with no response that I am aware of. I know I and many others here would be happy to provide technical assistance if asked. We’ll see what direction this ultimately takes. Certainly worth the price admission.
The guy knows there is a hardcore ZR-1 community so if he does get in over his head he’ll be looking for some help. He did respond to my smarta$$ comment so he does know we’re watching.
02-11-2020, 09:44 AM
I think Dom was being facetious! Lol!
Didn't pick up on that the first time through.
its awesome he is clearly a fan of the zr1 and is saving the car. great exposure for the lt5. good on him
I'm not sure having something with next to zero knowledge of the LT5 tearing into one is great exposure...
02-11-2020, 10:50 AM
I'm not sure having something with next to zero knowledge of the LT5 tearing into one is great exposure...
Make me think of.....
"Hold me beer and watch this..."
02-18-2020, 11:19 AM
Saw that. Good idea to use a video game to decide what color to paint the car. Gives a very realistic rendering. Just fast forward through the other non ZR-1 crap in the video.
02-21-2020, 09:38 PM
Part 4 is out and it’s getting interesting. He’s buying parts from Jerry’s, including a dual disc clutch, thats a good sign. I got the impression the engine will go somewhere for upgrades. Mark or Pete, is there something your not telling us? He also has Viper gears for a 4:10 conversion. He may have a clue after all.
I wonder if he is going to use the sheet metal to make a rear spoiler?
I found this Z on YouTube with the greenwood hood louvers and a rear spoiler.
02-22-2020, 07:59 AM
Man, he is tearing into that thing.
02-28-2020, 08:54 PM
He got his new engine and it looks like a modded LT5. Can’t tell cause it’s still wrapped up. When he’s unloading it, it swings around and you can see the back where the crank is and you can see the drain tube. It’s shown (wrapped) at the end of his last video about 15min in.
Interesting wrapping with the “Hello Kitty” blanket. Wonder if he bought Pete’s 391? I’d luv to know where this guy gets all the money he’s constantly spending on all kinds of crap, most of which he reviews on his various videos.
We’ll see in the next episode. :happy1:
03-01-2020, 06:19 PM
It appears the engine might be the 391 from Pete. In which case he bought himself one hell of and engine. Around 600hp if I’m not mistaken. :worship:
As for his money, aside from his YouTube activities, he’s a veterinarian and owns a vet clinic in the Boerne TX area. Surprised he has time for the YouTube stuff.
03-01-2020, 10:58 PM
His brother has a youtube channel too, and it battling cancer.... having a rough go...
03-02-2020, 11:23 AM
It appears the engine might be the 391 from Pete. In which case he bought himself one hell of and engine. Around 600hp if I’m not mistaken. :worship:
If that's the case, we'll have two of Pete's 391s in TX. And yes, around 600HP depending on what he did for cams.
03-02-2020, 11:47 AM
His brother has a youtube channel too, and it battling cancer.... having a rough go...
Sad to hear Lee.
Your blanket is priceless!! LOL!
This guy is going to have one nicely rebuilt and saved ZR-1 when he is done. You can tell he is passionate about the car and the project.
03-05-2020, 02:15 PM
Had a feeling that Hello Kitty engine was Pete’s! This should get interesting. Hope the electronics aren’t fried from the flood the car was in.
Pete, tell this guy if he’s going to all this trouble, especially the brakes, he needs to rebuild the suspension bushings. With over 1000 comments on this video in a few hours there was no point in posting there.
03-05-2020, 04:39 PM
I never would have guessed!
03-05-2020, 05:21 PM
With the price of the motor, the price of all the parts that will go into this car, if he ever decides to sell, he will be lucky if he recoups half the money....
That car was a total total basket case when he got it......As long as he never sells it, he should have a lot of fun on those open Texas roads.....
03-05-2020, 05:23 PM
With the price of the motor, the price of all the parts that will go into this car, if he ever decides to sell, he will be lucky if he recoups half the money....
That car was a total total basket case when he got it......As long as he never sells it, he should have a lot of fun on those open Texas roads.....
Aren't many of us in the same bag? ;)
03-05-2020, 06:22 PM
Hand raised here Dom
Hand raised here Dom
Me too.
03-05-2020, 07:12 PM
Me too.
03-05-2020, 10:06 PM
Well nobody should expect cars to be an investment..
03-06-2020, 12:43 AM
With the price of the motor, the price of all the parts that will go into this car, if he ever decides to sell, he will be lucky if he recoups half the money....
That car was a total total basket case when he got it......As long as he never sells it, he should have a lot of fun on those open Texas roads.....
So he's in the same boat as many of us, nice to have the company. :mrgreen:
03-06-2020, 12:51 AM
PS: Pete Love the Hello Kitty blankie.
I understand. I have 2 daughters.
03-08-2020, 05:27 AM
Good luck 🤠[emoji106]
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03-08-2020, 10:57 AM
If you’re terribly worried about the the economics look for another hobby.
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03-09-2020, 06:41 AM
Perhaps the registry should offer a free membership and get som PR?
03-09-2020, 07:35 AM
So he's in the same boat as many of us, nice to have the company. :mrgreen:
It is a very large boat, with many smiling people!
(long time happy passenger)
03-17-2020, 10:18 AM
I see people in here saying this is good and we need more content like this, this is one of my first posts but, would anyone be interested in me filming my journey.
I just bought a 1991 black on black ZR1 with wait for it ..... 203,000 miles on the clock NO REBUILT ANYTHING
it has minor front driverside hood damage but runs strong pulls hard shifts well.
thinking of posting some videos and this thread peeked my interest. also if anyone can share anything i should be doing from the start let me know, i drove it maybe 1000 miles since getting it last summer and i am COMPLETELY in love with the car
03-17-2020, 10:53 AM
Looking forward to it! Hope you find someone in the RI area to help you with the filming. Got mine with 183k on the clock very cheap. Now after almost three years the car is almost entirely rebuilt. Runs a drives better than new with 186k.
03-19-2020, 10:27 AM
My chassis has 147k on it. Everything else is perhaps 20k.
03-19-2020, 11:05 AM
106K on chassis. ~40K on interior, 7K on paint, less than 5K on engine, exhaust, suspension, wheels/tires, etc. Last thing to do is full stereo replacement and then she'll be "done", unless I decide on big brakes, different coil over setup, even bigger motor, etc. :mrgreen:
His brother has a youtube channel too, and it battling cancer.... having a rough go...
I've never meet this person, but unfortunately that battle has ended.
Maybe some people from the ZR-1 community can show some love on his YouTube page.
03-24-2020, 09:02 PM
That was a tough video to watch. I left a note extending our condolences.
04-06-2020, 03:07 PM
He’s back.. looking good!
04-06-2020, 06:55 PM
The plenum should be the same silver as the cam covers imho.... I also wonder if he used loctite where applicable. Hopefully Pete gave him some pro pointers....
04-07-2020, 03:00 PM
I don't know....All though ZR-1s offer a great bang for the buck today, restoring one is something else...
He's doing all the work himself which saves of course....Yet,I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 30K-40K maybe all in ?
What's it going to be worth when its done ?
For value purposes a C3 chrome bumpered resto are bringing in good money today..
Parts are less expensive for the C3 and the motor set him back I'm guessing 14-15 grand alone ?
He seems like his you tube channel has many subscribers....Didn't really check the views so far on this build...I guess it all depends on the interest with the C4 Z...
04-07-2020, 03:34 PM
I think if we’re honest with ourselves, the vast majority of us in the car hobby in general are probably in our cars (far) beyond what their worth. Not that there aren’t those who maybe even make money. Then there are the speculators who buy other people’s cars for pennies on the dollar and resell at a profit. But the average guy is in it for the fun of the hobby, working on the cars and commiserating with like minded people. If cars like this were always bought and sold with value in mind half the speed shops and restoration shops out there would be out of business, and most of these cars would have been scrapped.
That my 2 cents anyway.
04-07-2020, 03:38 PM
I explain to people all of the time my sure fire way to make a small fortune in the car collecting world.
It's easy.
Absolutely anyone can do it!
Just start with a large fortune.
04-07-2020, 04:06 PM
You don't build/restore a C4 ZR-1 to make money, you do it because you love the car. I could have bought a Ferrari (granted 360 Modena, but still...) for what I have into mine.
04-07-2020, 04:21 PM
I don't know....All though ZR-1s offer a great bang for the buck today, restoring one is something else...
He's doing all the work himself which saves of course....Yet,I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 30K-40K maybe all in ?
What's it going to be worth when its done ?
For value purposes a C3 chrome bumpered resto are bringing in good money today..
Parts are less expensive for the C3 and the motor set him back I'm guessing 14-15 grand alone ?
He seems like his you tube channel has many subscribers....Didn't really check the views so far on this build...I guess it all depends on the interest with the C4 Z...
These are the exact reasons why I am such a strong advocate of buying the absolute best car that you can afford at whatever budget level you set.
For a while yet, it will be the least expensive way to have the best car.
Restoration costs tend to rise over time, which typically offsets the cars rise in value.
If you want perfect; Buy perfect. Today it is the way of least expense.
04-07-2020, 05:38 PM
...If you want perfect; Buy perfect...
And a lot of times, even buying "perfect" it's still not perfect.
Roll bar is in. Looks like it is from exotic muscle. Similar to my 4pt harness bar.
04-10-2020, 01:16 PM
I don't know....All though ZR-1s offer a great bang for the buck today, restoring one is something else...
He's doing all the work himself which saves of course....Yet,I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 30K-40K maybe all in ?
What's it going to be worth when its done ?
For value purposes a C3 chrome bumpered resto are bringing in good money today..
Parts are less expensive for the C3 and the motor set him back I'm guessing 14-15 grand alone ?
He seems like his you tube channel has many subscribers....Didn't really check the views so far on this build...I guess it all depends on the interest with the C4 Z...
I think we had this conversation early on.
04-10-2020, 02:16 PM
Roll bar is in. Looks like it is from exotic muscle. Similar to my 4pt harness bar.
What strikes me almost immediately is that there seems to be little concern regarding CV19 transmission. :cry::(
04-10-2020, 08:59 PM
I will admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but the dude seems to be genuinely excited and enthusiastic about building the car. I seriously hope the build is successful and he has a bunch of fun with it. Im enjoying his vids. :flag:
04-13-2020, 01:16 AM
I wish I had a spare set of door panels laying around just so I didn’t have to look at those dragstrip aluminum things. He’s going to regret that move in the hot Texas sun.
04-13-2020, 07:59 AM
I wish I had a spare set of door panels laying around just so I didn’t have to look at those dragstrip aluminum things. He’s going to regret that move in the hot Texas sun.
Be pretty easy to cover them in some kind of cloth or carpet kind of material.
04-13-2020, 09:25 AM
...He’s going to regret that move in the hot Texas sun.
Exactly what I was thinking. He may not realize yet how undersized the ZR-1 AC unit is.
05-05-2020, 11:41 AM
I'm glad he's been progressing steadily with the project. It's also good to see the FSM in the video so he's not being a total fool about it.
Very excited to see how it all ends up. I wonder if he'll keep the thing or attempt to auction it off or etc like some youtubers do.
05-05-2020, 12:45 PM
I'm glad he's been progressing steadily with the project. It's also good to see the FSM in the video so he's not being a total fool about it.
Very excited to see how it all ends up. I wonder if he'll keep the thing or attempt to auction it off or etc like some youtubers do.
After he drives it, I think he’ll keep it and probably buy some
new underwear too! 😂😂
Nice goin Pete!
05-05-2020, 01:02 PM
Sounds great!
05-05-2020, 01:33 PM
After he drives it, I think he’ll keep it and probably buy some
new underwear too! 😂😂
Nice goin Pete!
Owning one of Pete's 391s, I agree. There's nothing like it once you drive it. I really like how excited he is about the car, and I really hope he keeps it once he's done. Mine is an absolute blast and I love it. Short of somebody walking up and offering me a bunch of money, I don't ever plan on selling it.
After he drives it, I think he’ll keep it and probably buy some
new underwear too! 😂😂
Nice goin Pete!
Thanks Dom :cheers:
Thanks for posting it Karl i almost forgot about it.
If he ever sells somebody will get a great deal.
05-05-2020, 07:28 PM
Good job [emoji106]
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05-06-2020, 08:24 AM
What strikes me almost immediately is that there seems to be little concern regarding CV19 transmission. :cry::(
I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic...
05-06-2020, 08:28 AM
I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic...
Well, probably serious.. Dominic is in Illinois where we cannot really do anything. The YouTube guy is outside of San Antonio in Texas..
two different states.. and I will just leave it at that
05-06-2020, 09:29 AM
I was being serious. My comment was made out of concern. The particular episode I was commenting on, there were a number of adults, and likely not relatives to the family, in close proximity to each other. Granted they were in a large “barn” area, but as we have seen recently, rural areas (IA, NE, MS, SD, etc) aren’t immune to COVID-19. And given the number of followers he has, probably not a bad idea to set an example for them.
I did notice in a subsequent episode that he did discuss the use of masks when heading into San Antonio.
05-06-2020, 12:11 PM
A virus that is so small that it can only be seen with an electron microscope; is not going to be stopped by any sort of cloth masks .
The masks are to give people some perception of security.
05-06-2020, 01:23 PM
A virus that is so small that it can only be seen with an electron microscope; is not going to be stopped by any sort of cloth masks .
The masks are to give people some perception of security.
My thoughts exactly. It's like airport security. It isn't actually making you safer, it's just making you feel safer.
If a group of consenting adults want to meet, on private property, and choose not to wear masks...100% their decision. And there is no law mandating masks.
Not to get off topic but I am not for the lock down but accept it is for the better of everybodys health.
The mask is mulit purpose. It helps to serve two basic functions many people have trouble doing.
1)keep your spit and everything else to yourself
2)keep your cough to yourself.
There are some nasty people out here to say the least.
I was in Walmart before this started and some lady at the end of the isle sneezed and it was sloppy, wet, and all in the air. I turned around and walked the other way. And this Walmart was in the suburbs in a very nice affluent area! Lol 😂
The death rate is under 2 to 3 percent for Covid 19.
Also the hospital system across our country do not want to get overwhelmed with too many people at once.
I still drive my car and this too shall pass.
05-06-2020, 03:49 PM
Not to get off topic but I am not for the lock down but accept it is for the better of everybodys health.
The mask is mulit purpose. It helps to serve two basic functions many people have trouble doing.
1)keep your spit and everything else to yourself
2)keep your cough to yourself.
There are some nasty people out here to say the least.
I was in Walmart before this started and some lady at the end of the isle sneezed and it was sloppy, wet, and all in the air. I turned around and walked the other way. And this Walmart was in the suburbs in a very nice affluent area! Lol 😂
The death rate is under 2 to 3 for Covid 19.
Also the hospital system across our country do not want to get overwhelmed with too many people at once.
I still drive my car and this too shall pass.
I don't disagree with your sentiment about public places, where you are around people not of your choosing. This wasn't that circumstance.
Now back to your regularly scheduled
05-06-2020, 04:58 PM
I don't disagree with your sentiment about public places, where you are around people not of your choosing. This wasn't that circumstance.
Now back to your regularly scheduled
Not looking to get into an argument. But the consequences of any misunderstanding can be very serious.
The virus doesn’t fly around by itself. It gets aerosolized by your breath or someone else’s. The mask is effective in blocking that aerosol from getting to you or you spreading it. And in a majority of the cases, its the aerosol of someone u know, not some stranger, because you are more susceptible to getting COVID-19 if you are around someone for 15 minutes or more. And they could be asymptomatic with neither of you knowing CV19 is even around.
If u are interested in more detail, this is an excellent article on the matter.
Yes and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
05-06-2020, 06:05 PM
If a cloth cover works so well. How come we can smell someone’s farts when they are fully dressed?
05-06-2020, 07:09 PM
One word.... Hyperbole :flag:
05-06-2020, 07:27 PM
I agree let's keep this post about the ZR-1.
05-06-2020, 08:35 PM
I am good with wearing a mask. I am trying to make the best of it.
But everywhere I go where someone is ordering me which aisle I can, or cannot go down, or what entrance door I can use, I don't get agitated or upset.
I just show my total disdain for their insanity by constantly making sheep noises, "Baa" "Baa!"
It's quite fun and with a mask on, no one knows who you are.
Just try it! It's liberating!
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I where my mask everywhere I am asked too.
I know it helps others feel safer.
05-09-2020, 05:46 PM
How does a Corvette thread turn into this???
05-09-2020, 06:05 PM
Let's keep this to ZR-1
05-09-2020, 06:45 PM
So I thought the multi colored engine was interesting.. red black and sliver. there is no clashing but it is different to see..
the 14:02 minute mark says it all......Pete and that 391.....:-D
05-15-2020, 01:45 PM
Surprised he ended it here, and not with the wheels and wrap done.
Oh well, glad he got it back on the road.
Hope he keeps it.
05-15-2020, 04:54 PM
Now THAT is a project wowie!! I wonder with the Rockets back to back champs attire, if that was a players car or some super fan ruined that beautiful GM paint.
Has anyone on here ever risen from the ashes a LT5 anything worse than this?
05-17-2020, 08:09 PM
Looks like he’s hooked. Anxious to see the paint and finished car. Although I suspect he will be taking his time from this point forward. You Texas guys need to invite him out to play.
05-17-2020, 09:58 PM
Congratulations, Pete!
the 14:02 minute mark says it all......Pete and that 391.....:-D
He is hooked 😀
Congratulations, Pete!
Thanks Ted
Hope all is good with you.
Need to do BG.😃
05-18-2020, 10:35 AM
How does a Corvette thread turn into this???
Because its a thread about Covid ZR-1s!--Bob
08-17-2020, 09:54 PM
The "paint work" is done, plus another item... I have to say I like it, considering a millennial did it. Would have gone with a different wheel color tho.
08-17-2020, 11:17 PM
Wow I like it.
08-17-2020, 11:40 PM
I would think listening to that motor, it will finally put u over the edge on one of Pete?s 391s. :thumbsup:
08-18-2020, 08:17 AM
He built a pretty nice ride overall... good job! :cheers:
08-18-2020, 10:31 AM
I would think listening to that motor, it will finally put u over the edge on one of Pete?s 391s. :thumbsup:
No kidding! As in all things, its simply a matter of money.
Has anyone actually seen this guy and his car in person? Next I want to see this car on the track to see what it will do in the 1/4 mile. This would make a great article for the HOTB.
08-18-2020, 12:08 PM
Can't believe he put cut outs on it. Mine with Pete's 391, OBX long tubes (no cats) and Corsa is already crazy loud. It's not horribly obnoxious at idle (but it is loud), but at full throttle it's just crazy loud!
Anyway, he did a great job with that car. Glad he brought it back to life and documented it on YouTube to hopefully get more people interested in ZR-1s. I think the wrap came out great, and will really let him drive it and enjoy it without worrying about having to keep the paint perfect.
08-18-2020, 12:23 PM
Looks like it was a fun project. He did it his way! :cheers:
No kidding! As in all things, its simply a matter of money.
Has anyone actually seen this guy and his car in person? Next I want to see this car on the track to see what it will do in the 1/4 mile. This would make a great article for the HOTB.
This is the engine out of Pete's car and this is his 391 video in the 1/4 mile.
The car in Texas looks nice. Very unique. Every middle age guy and video gamer is going to want one of these cars now.....
08-18-2020, 02:48 PM
sounds like he was short shifting the hell out of it. Maybe Mirrock should donate a pair of door panels. Everyone who makes it on this guys channel blows up over night. (677K views in less than 24hrs).
Me, I'm watching his abandon ranch series. The rest of his stuff is.... meh.
08-19-2020, 12:02 AM
Great fun from these videos
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