View Full Version : It has come to my Attention:
04-08-2007, 09:56 AM
I use this forum, as a meeting place, with friends.
A Place to unwind, from the rigors of 2 jobs.
And as an informational tool, so I can learn all i can about my
fantastic ZR1.
I know, that probably i push the envelope,
on what may be percieved by some as "risky" posts.
It seems, that I singlehandedly, have raised the ire of
quite a few of our "bretheren"
I will not be posting for awhile.. as a way to stop,
the complaining.
But I must say one thing before I take my leave...
I drive my car. It is not a museum piece, yet,
nor neither am I. :mrgreen: yet.
I have studied the car, the history, and the people.
Some of my post reflect that knowledge, granted in my sometimes,
twisted way, and for that, i do not apologize.
I'm looking forward to seeing my many friends in Bowling Green.
04-08-2007, 10:13 AM
I have not seen the risky posts you speak of, but I am warped to a sense TOO. What ire are you reffering to and why would there be no flaming posts if this has happened. Have you recieved PM's from people. I know I have on an occasion, I just shut of PM capability though. ZR1 Destroyer probably pushes the limit more than most with some of his responses in the Babes Area, but I enjoy them a lot and hope to meet him personally some day.
There must be more to this as I have never seen any of your posts that needed apologies. Sounds like you a need a Group Hug in BG. It's OK, you can continue to post.
04-08-2007, 10:43 AM
It seems, that I singlehandedly, have raised the ire of
quite a few of our "bretheren"
I will not be posting for awhile.. as a way to stop,
the complaining.
But I must say one thing before I take my leave...
I'm looking forward to seeing my many friends in Bowling Green.
Unless Z Factor personally kicks you off, I'd say, "To Heck With 'Em".
I for one appreciate and enjoy your twisted, sick, weird, offbeat, off color, demented, damn funny (did I say "twisted", ah yes I did), sense of humor.
I'd rather have a million offbeat posts from you than just one from some troll looking for trouble like we see routinely on that "Other Forum".
04-08-2007, 10:59 AM
:iamwithst I always welcome a good laugh, dont see the problem with that. Stick around dude.
04-08-2007, 12:09 PM
I use this forum, as a meeting place, with friends.
A Place to unwind, from the rigors of 2 jobs.
And as an informational tool, so I can learn all i can about my
fantastic ZR1.
I know, that probably i push the envelope,
on what may be percieved by some as "risky" posts.
It seems, that I singlehandedly, have raised the ire of
quite a few of our "bretheren"
I will not be posting for awhile.. as a way to stop,
the complaining.
But I must say one thing before I take my leave...
I drive my car. It is not a museum piece, yet,
nor neither am I. :mrgreen: yet.
I have studied the car, the history, and the people.
Some of my post reflect that knowledge, granted in my sometimes,
twisted way, and for that, i do not apologize.
I'm looking forward to seeing my many friends in Bowling got to be kidding me!!!! i have not seen any of these (crazy) post but i can be preeeetty sure they are nothing that any one of us aren't thinking anyways! just think if GM in the early 80's had the same idea of not crossing the line and not stepping out of the comfort zone once in awhile....bye bye zr-1! why dont you people complaining give Dave McClellan a call and tell him to settle down a little! this is tipical of the old,pompass,ignorant way of doing things in an elite group. i didn't think WE was that kind of a club. its our group....we should be able to express things in our own way! keith.... please keep up the informative,well organized and politcally correct post.( or say what ever in the hell you want) either way i'm listening!:thumbsup:
04-08-2007, 01:06 PM
you got to be kidding me!!!! i have not seen any of these (crazy) post but i can be preeeetty sure they are nothing that any one of us aren't thinking anyways! just think if GM in the early 80's had the same idea of not crossing the line and not stepping out of the comfort zone once in awhile....bye bye zr-1! why dont you people complaining give Dave McClellan a call and tell him to settle down a little! this is tipical of the old,pompass,ignorant way of doing things in an elite group. i didn't think WE was that kind of a club. its our group....we should be able to express things in our own way! keith.... please keep up the informative,well organized and politcally correct post.( or say what ever in the hell you want) either way i'm listening!:thumbsup:
I have to strongly agree with ZR-1Assassin. We, as the NetRegistry, need more members such as you to keep things lively here. Your posts have been most rewarding for me. I do look foward to seeing what you have to say. Don't leave us except for the week that you are in BG. God Speed and have a great time in BG............
Your posts are fine !
Some should loosen up a bit and enjoy a bit more.
PS. See you in BG.....I'll be dressed in drag this year :wink:
04-08-2007, 01:37 PM
don't go!
04-08-2007, 02:05 PM
:sign5: I usually find your posts hilarious. You seem like a real goofball. I look forward to meeting you at BG...
Z Factor
04-08-2007, 02:07 PM
It seems, that I singlehandedly, have raised the ire of
quite a few of our "bretheren"
Well this is news to me. :icon_scra
Other than one individual who has been not only a constant critic of yours, but also of most posters in the CB section, I have not received any complaints about you. If a thread has needed to be edited/pulled for some reason it has not been so over the top that you have been admonished, so I fail to see where this is coming from:confused:
Feel free to reply here or to PM me.
04-08-2007, 02:27 PM
WTH?:icon_scra ....Keith, we all know you're a perverted loon sometimes but that's what makes it so much fun around here ('cause a lot of us are the same way). Don't quit posting because someone either doesn't have a sense of humor or is a little sensitive.:rolleyes:
I say ignore 'em...if they don't like your posts, they don't have to read 'em.
Bell Curve
04-08-2007, 02:49 PM
WTH?:icon_scra ....Keith, we all know you're a perverted loon sometimes but that's what makes it so much fun around here ('cause a lot of us are the same way). Don't quit posting because someone either doesn't have a sense of humor or is a little sensitive.:rolleyes:
I say ignore 'em...if they don't like your posts, they don't have to read 'em.
04-08-2007, 02:52 PM
04-08-2007, 04:11 PM
hey big guy look you got a ton of friends that enjoy you as you are, a fun guy that doesn't take himself to seriously. maybe the complainer try not taking himself so serously. either that or go find anther country than the one i fought for . tell him to go away crawl under a rock . that is why i like it heregood light hearted sometimes off color humor just what car nuts have allways been. i would like to see that pos try givin me a bad time . you are aces he is opps........................:mrgreen:
04-08-2007, 04:26 PM
yeah...we like your vb.....i think !!
1990 quasar blue
04-08-2007, 05:19 PM
Keith , you sick prick, we love ya. What if we started a fund. You know, we could all chip in, and help raise enough money to get the board removed from his azz. Just trying to help, that's all.
04-08-2007, 05:20 PM
I say ban that un-PC bastard Moudy.... unless he sends me a free T-shirt :D
04-08-2007, 05:37 PM
See, Keith just like I told you. I still think a group hug (or maybe one from Uly) in BG will make you feel better. Post away.
Ah, screw -em Keith. I was in the middle of writing a supportive response to you last CB post when it was pulled. Guess what, it was pulled because of a minor technicality, not the content. Don't let them bother you Keith. You're a funny guy and we need some humor in our lives. THANKS!! Just because a couple of whiners got their panties in a wad just means ________________!
You finish it. I have no doubt your wit will be better than mine. In fact lets let everyone take a try at it & have some fun.
C ya in BG Keith...
04-09-2007, 02:51 AM
It seems that I singlehandedly, have raised the ire of
quite a few of our "bretheren"
Quite a few? Naw. I can't remember a single abusive or offensive
post and I read most all posts. Quirky is an individual opinion. "Variety
is the spice of life." I enjoy the color that is added by all my "friends."
Any fuddy duddies you have raised the ire of probably benefit from at least
something still able to be raised...........
Post on
04-11-2007, 07:23 AM
I just saw this.....yea, I know I should pay attention teachers in school said the same thing!:o
Keith, this is a joke, right? What's up with that? We are all here to have some laughs so what's so earth shattering that we do here that you're "disturbing" other people? Jez, we're not doing anything here except having some fun...what's the problem?
I guess I just don't get it....sorry to whomever is insulted by Keith's posts....I just don't see anything to get twisted about. JMHO.:o
Bell Curve
04-11-2007, 08:15 AM
Well this is news to me. :icon_scra
Dude if the adim thinks everything is cool [see above] why sweat it :confused:
Dont let some jerk run you off the forum just because he doesnt like you.
If that happens he wins and we all lose.
04-11-2007, 09:59 AM
i thought this place was for brothers in vette...we can tease each other(as real brothers do!),but i cannot understand why somebody would hate another z owner...for me,i realise english is not my language,and my jokes might not be written the right way;sometimes i write and i have no answer,but you are still my bros...lets try and stick together,or lets all buy rustangs !!
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