View Full Version : Yet Another Gathering Thread...Specific Questions

04-05-2007, 08:17 PM
I am thinking of coming to the Gathering....

What Hotel is Everyone staying at 1st and 2nd choice?

What would be the best two days to be there? I am thinking of coming Thursday afternoon to be there that night and stay Friday and Sat and leave Sunday morning?

DO you have to OWN a helmet to autocross?

04-05-2007, 09:03 PM
It'll be my first Gathering, but I'll be at the Holiday Inn. Work commitments and the drive down will keep me from getting there until Thursday afternoon. I'm staying through Saturday afternoon. If I miss my daughter's birthday on Sunday I'd be dead meat.

Looking forward to meting you guys....

'90 Red/Red #1383

04-10-2007, 08:12 PM
I am thinking of coming to the Gathering....

What Hotel is Everyone staying at 1st and 2nd choice?

What would be the best two days to be there? I am thinking of coming Thursday afternoon to be there that night and stay Friday and Sat and leave Sunday morning?

DO you have to OWN a helmet to autocross?

Most of us stay at the Holiday Inn/U Plaza. It's a nice hotel with a bar, restaurant, pool,etc.

Those two days will work most people leave Sunday morning.

Helmet? Not sure but if I were you I would have one.