View Full Version : The Best Ticket (Warning)

07-29-2019, 07:11 PM
How to get just a Warning.

Officer.....You were going between 65 and 85, what is your hurry?
Me.......I was trying to catch the guy in front of me.
Officer......is he a friend of yours?
Officer.....after checking me out in his patrol car......I will give you just a warning this time.

Another Warning.

Officer.........It is illegal to talk on cell phone while driving in CA.
Me.......I am lost.
Officer.......Where you headed?
Me.....after telling officer where I was headed officer gives directions and Warning.

Another Warning.

Officer......Do you know speed limit on this highway?
Me........Not sure.
Officer.......You were going 85 and speed limit is 55.
Officer.....Let me see your insurance proof.
Officer.....this is not current........
Me.....digging up another insurance proof out of glove box.
Officer......OK.....guess I read the first one wrong.
Officer........just remember the speed limits and slow down...warning.

Another warning.
Me......In my Hot Rod Days...
Officer........you were going a bit fast.
Officer.....Could be because your rear tires are larger in diameter?
Me.....Yes....that could be the reason as I just but on new rims.
Officer.....have that speedometer calibrated for those larger tires ........warning.

You all must have some good excuses you can add :-D
My wife is not so lucky :p

I always keep my hands on top of steering wheel with drivers license and insurance proof in my left hand. If I have to reach for glove box I tell the officer first :cheers:

07-29-2019, 07:37 PM
I got two speeding tickets in one day, about an hour and a half apart.

07-29-2019, 07:52 PM
true story ...

an acquaintance of mine was speeding and "won" the blue light special - quickly thinking on how best to avoid yet another ticket he took a big breath and held it as long as possible until the officer appeared at his driver's window.

"What's your hurry, son?" - and with a reddish, bluish, pained look on his face, he explained that he had a severe case of diarrhea and was trying to make it to the next town to find a rest room.

And the best part - the cop said "follow me" and provided a high speed escort to the next town.

07-29-2019, 07:59 PM
and another true story -

Several years ago I lived on US-84 in South Georgia and, going home from work, was pulled over for 80 in a 55. The officer asked if I knew how fast I was going, I replied "around 80" but thought it was OK since the speed limit was 84 as posted on the signs. He chuckled a bit at my somewhat lame excuse but did let me go with a verbal warning to slow down.

07-30-2019, 01:07 PM
I got two speeding tickets in one day, about an hour and a half apart.When I was 17, I got four in one night, for that matter in one street race. Speeding 107 in a 55, Speeding 85 in a 55, Eluding Arrest, and Drag Racing. My small block 62 Belair was no match for the State Police big block Mopars, except I could accelerate quicker.

After a plea, I learned my lesson. Had to drive a slant 6 Valiant for a year, while the Belair slept it off. I still have the old girl some 45 years later.10095

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07-30-2019, 02:49 PM
Back in 1979, I got pulled over for speeding on I-95 north, north of Fredericksburg, VA. North bound in a brand new 79 corvette L48.

Officer: Sir. Are you aware that you were speeding?
Me: Yes. Officer.
Officer: Why were you in such a hurry?
Me: I got pissed off because my wife was nagging.
My wife: Sorry officer. I was bitching at him.
Officer: Smiling - Ok! I will let you go but ma'am, can you promiss that you will leave him alone at least until you get home?
Wife: Yes, officer. I promise!
Officer: You have a nice wife! Have a safe drive!