View Full Version : Engine Fire??

TX '90 ZR1
07-27-2019, 09:42 PM
Saw this over on CF. Anyone know what happened or if it was a members car?

07-27-2019, 10:19 PM
Dang. Sad to see this. Following this. Sure could use a lot of parts off this one.

07-27-2019, 11:23 PM
I'm wondering what happened to cause the fire? I could see PM if we knew...

07-28-2019, 05:09 AM
Fire on top of the hood,no fire damage underneath. Only damaged from heat.

07-30-2019, 07:16 AM
Looks like the same damage one of our Wazoo had with his 91. State Farm concluded that the AC line ruptured and while Freon is not flammable, the oil from the compressor is and it dripped onto a hot header and flame up she goes. Firefighters broke the windshield in the same spot as well.

07-30-2019, 09:24 AM
Fire on top of the hood,no fire damage underneath. Only damaged from heat.

I wouldn't say the only damage is from the heat.....That looks like melted belts and hoses, and a charred plenum from the flames. And no telling how much water \ foaming agent was doused on there to put it out.

07-30-2019, 09:32 AM
Looks like the same damage one of our Wazoo had with his 91. State Farm concluded that the AC line ruptured and while Freon is not flammable, the oil from the compressor is and it dripped onto a hot header and flame up she goes. Firefighters broke the windshield in the same spot as well.

YIKES! How "common" is that occurrence and should we be concerned?

07-30-2019, 10:13 AM
Look at the plate holder in the rear,looks like somebody raped it to get the plate off the car.

Mystic ZR-1
07-30-2019, 10:22 AM
Looks like something you‘d see at Carlisle.
With the seller thinking they‘d get Big $$$ ...

07-30-2019, 12:00 PM
Fact is that our beloved Zs are 24 to 29 years old. Although not common, AC line rupturing is not so unimaginable.
Also, I am hearing of counterfeit R12 Freon refrigerant - propane gas.
Just in case, I started to carry a fire extinguisher.


07-30-2019, 06:04 PM
That would make a great parts car. Engine & drivetrain rebuildable and very sellable, lots of ZR1 only body panels, maybe some interior bit and pieces.

Heck, someone could probably rebuild the whole car. Most of the burned up stuff is standard C4. Wiring harness may be a little difficult to find or reproduce.

Hopefully, one of our Corvette recyclers will pick it up.

If I only had the money, time & space...

Mystic ZR-1
07-30-2019, 07:30 PM
No! You can‘t leave it at my house....

07-30-2019, 08:25 PM
"Est. Retail Value: $25,000 USD"


07-31-2019, 05:17 PM
"Est. Retail Value: $25,000 USD"

If repaired…..

Probably worth more in parts.

04-26-2020, 12:18 AM
Ok gang. Time for an update. This was a member’s car I believe (through my tiny bit of research). Not sure if the member is still active on the forum, PM me if you are please.

I was the “successful” bidder on the Copart auction. It seems I have a crazy notion to “save” black 91 ZR-1s. First I save #1900 from a total loss after owning it less than 48 hours and spinning in on black ice. Now I save #0031 because it is black, has the rear bumper and quarter panels I need and it is less than 5 miles from my house.

My wife is seriously questioning my logic. Haha. It is basically a burned up Covid-19 stimulus paperweight that has forced her to park outside. To me it is my attempt at keeping the legend alive. Anyways, the car is very crispy up front. Hard for me to determine what happened, but it appears most of the fire and heat was around both exhaust headers, in and around the back of the engine and definitely near the heater/AC box. I’d certainly say it is only a parts car now sadly. It would take a large amount of money and parts to return to working order.

There are a lot of good parts it looks like. A lot of the ZR-1 specific things are still there. I was looking to see what ideas everyone has on the parting out of this one. This forum and brotherhood has helped me so much that for now I only want fellow ZR-1ers to inquire about any parts or the current status of my progress. I owe the forum much more than I can ever give back.

Two things I know for sure that I need are the bumper and the pass. quarter panel (I have spares, but they aren’t already painted black). I haven’t decided yet if I’m keeping the engine and trans. The engine has had secondaries deleted and top end porting, was refinished before with SST hardware. I have always planned on keeping #1900 a very long time so I may stockpile some spare things but I definitely don’t have room or want to become a C4 parts business.

I’m just curious as to what others would do or have done before. Been working 60+ hours a week lately so I’m not sure when I’ll do some inventory and start to figure out what I’m selling and for how much. If you have interest please send me a message.

Also, the rear license plate surround was stashed in the car, so it will be available soon as mine still has its original.

Thanks all and stay safe!

04-26-2020, 06:55 AM
PM sent

04-26-2020, 09:06 AM
I have a list of parts.... will try to PM you, only on mobile app for a while .

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04-26-2020, 10:35 AM
PM also sent

04-26-2020, 08:14 PM
Responded to PMs. I’m making a list of parts and interest. Going to take me a while to get organized and start pulling stuff. Also there may be parts I’d like to use to replace what mine has, but that could make other parts available. More to come all.

04-26-2020, 09:09 PM
That's pretty well cooked!

04-26-2020, 10:39 PM
Saw this over on CF. Anyone know what happened or if it was a members car?

I’m not gonna lie that would make me cry. And then I would buy another one!!!!

04-27-2020, 07:55 AM
PM Sent

Vette Guy
04-28-2020, 05:52 PM
And no telling how much water \ foaming agent was doused on there to put it out.

Having had an engine fire (LT1 when the forged crank broke), as well as Brett (L98 when a fuel line O-ring failed), you’ll find that the hardest part is treating all the corrosion from the extinguishant, vs. replacing damaged parts. Nasty stuff, and it gets everywhere. Inside the car as well as all over the drivetrain. Despite quickly being able to pressure wash everything, I still had massive corrosion which resulted in taking my car down to the chassis- Everything had to come out/come off. Clutch looked like it was 30 years old. Rust on everything. Lots of cleaning, sanding, priming, painting.... most every nut, bold, and fitting replaced. Until you really pressure wash out the engine bay, I’d be even be weary of putting it in my garage - again, incredibly nasty stuff.


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04-28-2020, 07:37 PM
Hey Mark!

Hope you are making the most out of this crazy time.
I keep a Halguard extinguisher and Halguard claims clean agent. Is this the same kind of agent as you had experienced?


Vette Guy
04-28-2020, 09:14 PM
I did not have a Halguard, but the car was equipped with a Lifeline FIA certified 4 liter, 8 nozzle aqueous film forming foam system, and I carry an additional 4lb class B/C extinguisher. When I egressed the car, I didn’t know the extent of the fire and was reluctant to pull the AFFF as it would spray not only the engine, but fill the interior as well. I grabbed the hand-held and went to address the fire, knowing I can grab the second activation pull located outside the car if needed... (it’s also $500 if I pull it). I quickly extinguished the engine fire, but couldn’t get the fire out in the tunnel, which continued to flare up. The AFFF system would not have reached it either. I went through my 4lb handheld, as well as a larger extinguisher provided by a course worker to keep it at bay until the fire trucks arrived. Brett’s fire was before this, and he warned me.... but it was worst than I’d ever imagined it could be. The DEI heat shield did a great job of preventing the fiberglass from catching fire, but the rubber bellows of the ZF-6 kept the fire going until the fire trucks finished it off. They went through quite a few bottles before the big hose was finally used.

Video of the event:

So, now I carry an Element fire extinguisher, which is about the size of a flair, and does not make a mess.

Video of Element on Jay Leno’s Garage:

Please note, it took me way too much time to realize there was fire vs. coolant, etc., and I’ve since taken the time to practice much quicker egress!

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04-28-2020, 10:14 PM
I did not have a Halguard, but the car was equipped with a Lifeline FIA certified 4 liter, 8 nozzle aqueous film forming foam system, and I carry an additional 5lb class B/C extinguisher. When I egressed the car, I didn’t know the extent of the fire and was reluctant to pull the AFFF as it would spray not only the engine, but fill the interior as well. I grabbed the hand-held and went to address the fire, knowing I can grab the second activation pull located outside the car if needed... (it’s also $500 if I pull it). I quickly extinguished the engine fire, but couldn’t get the fire out in the tunnel, which continued to flare up. The AFFF system would not have reached it either. I went through my 5lb handheld, as well as a larger extinguisher provided by a course worker to keep it at bay until the fire trucks arrived. Brett’s fire was before this, and he warned me.... but it was worst than I’d ever imagined it could be. The DEI heat shield did a great job of preventing the fiberglass from catching fire, but the rubber bellows of the ZF-6 kept the fire going until the fire trucks finished it off. They went through quite a few bottles before the big hose was finally used.1189211893

Video of the event:

So, now I carry an Element fire extinguisher, which is about the size of a flair, and does not make a mess.

Video of Element on Jay Leno’s Garage:

Please note, it took me way too much time to realize there was fire vs. coolant, etc., and I’ve since taken the time to practice much quicker egress!

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Sorry about the mishap.
Now that my Z is 26 years old, I started carrying a bottle of extinguisher just in case. But, not sure if 2.5 lbs bottle can do the job.

04-29-2020, 12:07 AM
Having had an engine fire (LT1 when the forged crank broke), as well as Brett (L98 when a fuel line O-ring failed), you’ll find that the hardest part is treating all the corrosion from the extinguishant, vs. replacing damaged parts. Nasty stuff, and it gets everywhere. Inside the car as well as all over the drivetrain. Despite quickly being able to pressure wash everything, I still had massive corrosion which resulted in taking my car down to the chassis- Everything had to come out/come off. Clutch looked like it was 30 years old. Rust on everything. Lots of cleaning, sanding, priming, painting.... most every nut, bold, and fitting replaced. Until you really pressure wash out the engine bay, I’d be even be weary of putting it in my garage - again, incredibly nasty stuff.


Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Interesting and good information. I am not seeing any sign of foam or extinguishant just yet. Makes me wonder what the fire was put out with.

Vette Guy
04-29-2020, 12:17 AM
If you don't already see corrosion, you're probably in good shape! Whew!

04-29-2020, 07:37 AM
That Element fire extinguisher is very interesting and will fit right into the center console. Appreciate the heads up on this product.

05-16-2020, 11:27 PM
There’s your problem right there. Air duct is collapsing at WOT. Haha

05-16-2020, 11:38 PM
"Est. Retail Value: $25,000 USD"


Based on some documents left in the car, the previous owner had the car insured with NCM insurance and an agreed value of ............. $25,000. Haven’t confirmed, but the car has about 45,000 miles. That value seems high to me, but maybe it was set at $25k ten years ago and the owner just kept it there and didn’t worry about it. Sure would like to know what happened with this car.