View Full Version : My Custom Ignition Module

07-21-2019, 07:46 PM
As mentioned some months ago I am running an aftermarket ignition.. I installed it in December and worked out the bugs and have been running it since. Some details..

8 - D514a LS2 coils
Modified LT5 wires with 90° LS2 coil boots/connections
Used the air pump relay and control wiring to power the coils

The car is still running Wasted spark and the designer of this module said that it was not worth the effort for sequential.

I feel the car seems to run smoother but it could just be me.

Here are a couple pictures

Paul Workman
07-22-2019, 06:05 AM
This post is more of a progress report, no? Can you catch me (us) up with an architectural overview (read: an "Extract"), por favor?:)

07-22-2019, 08:17 AM
This post is more of a progress report, no? Can you catch me (us) up with an architectural overview (read: an "Extract"), por favor?:)

Yes more of an update..

What kind of architectural info are you looking for?