View Full Version : RH Cam Chain Tensioner

Flyman 27
07-10-2019, 06:54 PM
I am buying a "Housing, RH Cam Chain Tensioner, 2nd Design 90~95" from Jerrys to install in my "91.

Does anyone know of a how to article or video on how to replace this tensioner?
Anyone else done this swap? How hard was it? How long did it take?

07-11-2019, 09:51 AM
I am buying a "Housing, RH Cam Chain Tensioner, 2nd Design 90~95" from Jerrys to install in my "91.

Does anyone know of a how to article or video on how to replace this tensioner?
Anyone else done this swap? How hard was it? How long did it take?

Instructions come with the Housing. The critical component of the job is resetting the Tensioner to "transport" mode, commonly referred to as "cocked". There are instructions here on the forum for re-setting the tensioner to transport mode and the service is available from Marc Haibeck & Jerrys Gaskets for a fee. There are also many members scattered around the country with that capability who could help.

The necessity of re-setting the Tensioner is deceiving as it appears that the
"spring loaded and extended" Tensioner can simply be compressed as the new Housing is bolted in place, but major problems can and have occurred by doing this.

This is not a difficult job to do and only takes a little while to perform. The LT5 has a few "gotcha's" and re-setting the Tensioner before installation is one of them.

07-11-2019, 08:34 PM
Piece of cake if the engine is out of the car. A bit more challenging if it is still in. To install it in the car the oil filter housing will first have to be removed to gain access to the tensioner location on the right side cylinder head. May also have unbolt an jack up the right side of the engine an inch or two to remove the existing tensioner housing and insert the new one.

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