View Full Version : Jim and Lyndi ZR-1 Road Trip 2019 - Back to Alaska

06-07-2019, 09:24 PM
After more than a year of planning, Lyndi and I are heading back to Alaska. We will get underway tomorrow morning (Saturday, June 8th).

In 2012 we drove to Alaska, following the Alaska Highway which runs from eastern British Columbia, Canada to Fairbanks, Aklaska. On this trip we are going to take the Alaska Marine Highway and ride a ferry for three days to visit the southern coastal towns of Ketchikan, Juneau, and Wrangell.

The first leg of the trip will be to cross the US in seven days. I chose a moderate pace of about 400 miles a day to have time for some sight seeing and make it to Bellingham, Washington in time to catch the Ferry that only runs the route we need twice a month.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Big%20Picture%20part%201%20-%20Home%20to%20Bellingham%20resized.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Big%20Picture%20part%201%20-%20Home%20to%20Bellingham%20resized.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Ferry%20Routes.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Ferry%20Routes.jpg.html)

Stay tuned for more......

06-07-2019, 09:28 PM
:happy1: Looking forward to it... Wishing you the best of luck!

06-07-2019, 09:45 PM
I am having trouble resizing my map pictures so I will post more of the route later. We will be in Alaska for 15 days and then drive east on the Alaska Highway and head south through the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

We are going to visit Calgary for the Calgary Stampede, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park and Rocky Mountain National Park for a family reunion.

The trip will be 39 days and more than 9,000 miles.


06-07-2019, 09:48 PM

06-07-2019, 10:54 PM
Wow, that’s nice Jim!! Safe travels and best wishes!!

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06-08-2019, 12:59 AM
Safe Travels - looking forward to seeing some great photos.

sent from Florence, Italy sans ZR-1

06-08-2019, 06:21 AM
Have a great time and safe travels. Looking forward to the updates and photos.

06-08-2019, 06:49 AM
Jim,you and Lyndi are the best I've ever known at planning,executing and documenting these epic road trips.May safety and great weather follow you.Looking forward to your posts along the way.

06-08-2019, 09:00 AM
I'd like to join you but I have only a half tank of gas left until my next allowance. Your headed into some awe inspiring country. Stay safe and check your periscope frequently.

06-08-2019, 11:34 AM
I know this will be a great trip!
Will be following the updates and comments!
Have Fun!

06-08-2019, 01:49 PM
Living the dream

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06-08-2019, 07:35 PM
Saturday, Day 1: Maryland to Sandusky, OH

The weather was beautiful for a drive. We got a nice picture of our house and a picture of the Purple Z in front of the McDaniel College Administration Building across the street:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0018r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0018r2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0013r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0013r2.jpg.html)

We drove west on I-70 and the PA Turnpike, then the Ohio Turnpike to Cuyahoga Valley National Park. In a tunnel in Pensylvania the Pioneer GPS showed us a suitable graphic:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0028r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0028r2.jpg.html)

Cuyahoga Valley NP has lots of things to do. And there is a train. We will be planning a trip to this area in the future to ride, hike, and bike.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0075r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0075r2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0062r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0062r2.jpg.html)

In Sandusky, we drove out to Marblehead to see the Lighthouse:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0237r2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0237r2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0128.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0128.jpg.html)


06-08-2019, 10:30 PM
Remind me to install an antenna switch when you return. Dang Pioneer Nav has to be on at all times and that means antenna up at all times. A nuasance...:cheers:

06-09-2019, 01:03 AM
What time on Monday do you plan to come through the Rochester MN area. I live 5 minutes from I90... Might cruise with for a little bit.

06-09-2019, 09:32 AM
Hey Jim
During this trip are you planning on coming across the UP 4014 Big Boy steam locomotive which was recently restored to full operation for the 150 year anniversary of the driving of golden spike at Promontory Point, Utah to commemorate the joining the rails of the first transcontinental railroad? I remember seeing one of UP Big Boys when I was around five years old and my father telling me it was the largest steam locomotive ever built.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

06-09-2019, 09:48 AM
Remind me to install an antenna switch when you return. Dang Pioneer Nav has to be on at all times and that means antenna up at all times. A nuasance...:cheers:

On my Pioneer I have it set to raise the antenna only when the AM or FM radio functions are selected. Otherwise it’s down all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

06-09-2019, 11:35 AM
What a great trip- good luck and thanks for the updates. I'll enjoy following your progress.

06-09-2019, 11:45 AM
On my Pioneer I have it set to raise the antenna only when the AM or FM radio functions are selected. Otherwise it’s down all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

How was it wired?

06-09-2019, 12:34 PM
Wired the Pioneer antenna control circuit up to the coil side of the integral antenna motor up/down control relay via dark green wire 145 removed from Bose relay. See below FSM page

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06-09-2019, 05:56 PM
Jim & Lyndi
Have a safe and fun trip, looking forward to the updates.

WAZOO Member
1991 Quasar Blue

06-09-2019, 08:20 PM
Remind me to install an antenna switch when you return. Dang Pioneer Nav has to be on at all times and that means antenna up at all times. A nuasance...:cheers:

Hi Yun, I already have an antenna switch. I forgot to lower it. Thanks for checking on me.


06-09-2019, 08:48 PM
What time on Monday do you plan to come through the Rochester MN area. I live 5 minutes from I90... Might cruise with for a little bit.

Hi Mark, That would be cool! We will be leaving South Beloit, IL at about 7AM and will stop a few times along the way, so I figure we will be to Rochester about 11:00 or 11:30. We can meet where ever you want. How about meeting for lunch some where near Rochester. If you recommend a local place that would be great.

Here is my contact info:

Cell: 443-244-1347 (Text is great)
email: jim@gizmosart.com


06-09-2019, 08:53 PM
Hey Jim
During this trip are you planning on coming across the UP 4014 Big Boy steam locomotive which was recently restored to full operation for the 150 year anniversary of the driving of golden spike at Promontory Point, Utah to commemorate the joining the rails of the first transcontinental railroad? I remember seeing one of UP Big Boys when I was around five years old and my father telling me it was the largest steam locomotive ever built.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Hi Phil, I am always interested in the Big Boys. I am not sure where 4014 is right now but I have been following the restoration process. We missed seeing it in Denver area by 1 day last summer. Riding behind that locomotive is high on my Bucket List.


06-09-2019, 10:03 PM
Sunday, Day 2 Sandusky, OH to South Beloit, IL

Today was a serious art day. We drove west on I-90 to northwest Illinois with a nice stop in Chicago to spend time at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Early on Sunday, the traffic on I-90 was light, but it got congested later in the day:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006.jpg.html)

When we got to Chicago, we parked at the Millennium Park and crossed the street to the Art Institute of Chicago. Here is the only photo we took of the Purple Z today:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0326.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0326.jpg.html)

We spent about 4 hours visiting the Art Institute of Chicago which is Trip Advisor's number attraction in Chicago. Lyndi and I agree that it has the best collection or art that we have seen. Here are some of the items that caught my attention:

There is a fabulous collection of advertising posters from early twentieth century London to get people to ride the electric buses and subways:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187%202.jpg.html)

Edward Hopper's Nighthawks (1942) is a thrill to see in person:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0152%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0152%202.jpg.html)

I was fascinated by this Ancient Egyptian Statue of Horus, carved about 2300 years ago:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0094%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0094%202.jpg.html)

I liked the bright color and detailed life-like faces of Two Sisters by Renoir:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Two%20Sisters%20by%20Renoir.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/Two%20Sisters%20by%20Renoir.jpg.html)

We had about an hour of rain today and paid a lot of tolls but the drive was not too bad.


06-09-2019, 10:10 PM
And you were only 2 blocks from the beginning of RT 66 as well

06-10-2019, 09:18 AM
Hi Phil, I am always interested in the Big Boys. I am not sure where 4014 is right now but I have been following the restoration process. We missed seeing it in Denver area by 1 day last summer. Riding behind that locomotive is high on my Bucket List.


You can keep an eye on Big Boy 4014’s whereabouts this summer at UP’s steam web site

06-10-2019, 09:23 AM
Dede and I are members of the Art Institute and agree that it was a great place for you to stop. They have some spectacular exhibitions on a regular basis. Enjoy your trip. And Phil, thanks for the UP Steam link. I will watch to see if they ever plan to bring 4014 up through Chicago. A Big Boy would be an amazing engine to see running. We are taking the kids and grandkids up to the Illinois Railway Museum on July 7, a steam or diesel weekend. --Bob

06-10-2019, 10:16 PM
Monday, South Beloit, IL to Luverne, MN

From Beloit, we drove north on I-90 to Wisconsin. We were on a mission to find a souvenir thimble from Wisconsin for one of our friends back home. We stopped a a lot of truck stops and gift stores and cheese stores:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0064.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0064.jpg.html)

Unfortunately we were not successful. There were no WI thimbles to be found. If any one can track down a WI thimble, Lyndi will gladly pay cost and shipping.

We followed I-90 and turned West toward Minnesota. We stopped in La Crosse, WI and had a good time sight seeing, shopping and getting Coney Island chili-dogs. La Crosse has a local Town Brewery that offers the largest six-pack in the world:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0128_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0128_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0099.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0099.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0106.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0106.jpg.html)

We crossed the Mississippi River into Minnesota and continued west on I-90. We live in farm country in Maryland but we were amazed at how many beautiful dairy farms there are in Minnesota.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0160.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0160.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0354.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0354.jpg.html)

Near Rochester, MN we had the great pleasure to meet up with Mark (MarkSS). It was a thrill to see his excellent Red 1990 Lingenfelter 368 cubic inch ZR-1. It was fun to learn about the active ZR-1 community in Central MN. His Father, Brother and a friend each have ZR-1's. Mark escorted us for a while as we drove west. It was a thrill when he blew by us on his exit ramp:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0278.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0278.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0287.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0287.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0302.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0302.jpg.html)

As we continued on to Luverne, we were racing the clouds and caught on a few drops of rain:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0383.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0383.jpg.html)


06-10-2019, 10:50 PM
Mark Flying By


I am learning how to use a GoPro camera and edit my videos and post them. Please bear with me as I experiment.


06-10-2019, 11:35 PM
It was great to meet Jim and Lyndi and run a few miles with them on their Alaska adventure! Thanks for posting the video and pics as well!

06-11-2019, 10:14 AM
Mark Flying By


I am learning how to use a GoPro camera and edit my videos and post them. Please bear with me as I experiment.


I used a Go Pro with my 95 ZR-1 mounted on the harness bar. I found it difficult to use, but then I did not opt to pay for the remote control or display on it. Still, it worked well to record a number of track sessions at BG.--Bob

06-11-2019, 02:46 PM
I always look forward too seeing the road trips you two take.....always great pictures, interesting and beautiful locations. I'll echo the the Art Institute of Chicago is a must see for anyone, one of the best in the country. Be safe and happy motoring.

06-11-2019, 03:02 PM
Great pics and experiences already! Thanks for letting us come along...

06-11-2019, 09:22 PM
Mark Flying By


I am learning how to use a GoPro camera and edit my videos and post them. Please bear with me as I experiment.


When I reviewed this video of Mark passing me to say farewell, I realized that I am doing about 75 MPH and you can guess what Mark is doing when he flashes by me. His 1990 is a Lingenfelter 368; a real beast!

I have a GoPro Hero 7 camera that is mounted to the windshield forward of the rear view mirror. I ran a charging wire up the A-pillar and across the top trim to have power full time at the camera.

The "scene" shows a lot of hood or a lot of sky so I may have to crop the images.

The Hero 7 has better battery life than my earlier model and is easy to control from an phone app, but I have just been using the camera buttons when recording from the car.

The post production work is about the same as before and I will have to get organized to reduce the time it takes me to "produce" YouTube ready clips.


06-11-2019, 09:53 PM
Day 4 Luverne, MN to Rapid City, South Dakota

Our accommodations in Luverne were at the Hill Crest Motel, a small Mom & Pop motel a few blocks from the interstate. On each trip we try to sometimes break away from the standard hotels and get back to our roots. The room was small, clean and quiet, and it cost $52 for the night:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001.jpg.html)

On the way back to the interstate we noticed this out door sculpture of two birds:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009.jpg.html)

The hotel to I-90 was two turns and then the GPS showed our next turn was 364 miles on to the road our hotel was on, a door-to-door trip:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011.jpg.html)

I-90 continued on, west across the Great Plains and we enjoyed seeing many more farms:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0055.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0055.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0097.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0097.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-11-2019, 10:09 PM
We stopped in Mitchell, SD to visit The World's Only Corn Palace. The Corn Palace is a community Civic Center that was created years ago by a forward-looking Chamber of Commerce that wanted to improve the viability of the towns primary industry: Growing Corn.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0141.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0141.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0214.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0214.jpg.html)

Each year the exterior of the building is completely stripped bare and then decorated using only corn. Last year's theme for the decoration was "Salute to the Military" One of the large picture panels showed the USS South Dakota SSN-790, which was special to me as a submariner. The USS South Dakota is a brand new Virginia Class fast attack nuclear submarine that was christened in February 2019 and will enter the submarine force soon.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0172.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0172.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

06-11-2019, 10:52 PM
Further west, we took time out from our transit to visit Badlands National Park. The park is about 50 miles east of Rapid City, SD and is one of Lyndi's favorite parks:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0323.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0323.jpg.html)

The Badlands of South Dakota were created by the erosion of relatively soft rock created 60 million years ago when the area was a lake bed and later a swampy area. The stunning terrain can be observed from your car while driving, or at well constructed view points. There are many hiking trails in the park.

While we were in the Park the weather was changing rapidly. Dark thunder clouds move across the area and gave dramatic views of the rocky peaks:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0395.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0395.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0405.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0405.jpg.html)

The yellow mounds were formed by the remains of swamp plants that formed rock deposits:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0429.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0429.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0473.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0473.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0481.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0481.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0496.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0496.jpg.html)

We took a picture of our traveling companion for 9 years, Army Man. He has ridden with us and keeps us safe since we found him in Alaska:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0505.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0505.jpg.html)

After dodging the rain clouds for an hour, they caught up with us and we drove out of the park in the rain:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0521.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0521.jpg.html)

We visited a must-see travel destination, Wall Drug Store in Wall, SD. In operation since the early 1900's, it appears to be a collection of many stores but is really all one large gift store behind the facades. The Purple Z is showing the effects of driving thru road construction in the rain:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0549.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0549.jpg.html)


06-11-2019, 11:32 PM
Wired the Pioneer antenna control circuit up to the coil side of the integral antenna motor up/down control relay via dark green wire 145 removed from Bose relay. See below FSM page

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)


I’ve installed the AppRadio 4 and don’t recall having an antenna circuit. Which Pioneer are u using?

06-12-2019, 08:01 AM

I’ve installed the AppRadio 4 and don’t recall having an antenna circuit. Which Pioneer are u using?

If I remember correctly, it is a pioneer AVIC 8000 NEX. It does not have a circuit to control the antenna. I installed my own switch to do that.


06-12-2019, 09:05 AM
I guess they don’t build radios w antenna circuits any longer since vehicles have
“In glass” antennas for years.

06-13-2019, 07:44 AM
Day 5 Drive to Big Timber. MT

We drove from Rapid City, SD to Big Timber, Montana and then stayed up way too late having beers at The Grand Hotel with local folks including the folks from the Shiloh Rifle Company.

More to follow...


We Gone
06-13-2019, 01:01 PM
WOW Thanks one again for sharing another outstanding trip.

06-14-2019, 01:46 AM
ON Day 5 Lyndi and I drove from Rapid City, SD to Big Timber, Montana. After the cloudy, rainy day at Rapid City, the morning was beautiful and the open road beckoned us:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0046%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0046%202.jpg.html)

Our first stop was Sturgis, SD. When it is not Bike Week in Sturgis, it is a quiet place:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004%202.jpg.html)

As we headed west on I-90 we started to see snow capped mountains. What a great feeling to be looking at the Rocky Mountains again:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0177.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0177.jpg.html)

I-90 crosses the North East corner of Wyoming and there are several nice towns to explore. Also, the Devils Tower is a popular sight, but we did not visit there on this trip. We stopped in Buffalo, WY. Our plan was to drive to Crazy Woman Canyon on US-16 but at the Information Center we learned that the road there was not recommended for a Corvette. Downtown Buffalo has a river running through it, always a plus in my book:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0203.jpg.html)

We enjoyed visiting the Occidental Hotel, built in 1880. We put this hotel on our stay-here-someday list.

We crossed into Montana and past Billings to reach Big Timber. When I was planning this trip, I was looking for some small town America locations and Big Timber was a great example. We stayed "down town" at The Grand.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0326%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0326%202.jpg.html)

While enjoying an end of the day adult beverage, we met some guys from the Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Company. The owner, Kirk served in the Navy while I was on the subs. Everyone we met in Big Timber was friendly and welcoming. It was a great place to visit.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0348%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0348%202.jpg.html)


06-14-2019, 02:06 AM
Day 6 Driving to Spokane, Washington.

First on the agenda for Thursday was to visit The Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Co.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059%203.jpg.html)

Kirk, the owner, and his father built this business and now Kirk runs the operation. We were fascinated to get to see all of the steps used to manufacture all of the parts and pieces of the famous Sharps 1874 Rifle. Many of the steel parts are molded and machined in-house:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0038%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0038%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0026.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0026.jpg.html)

Thank you, Kirk for taking the time to welcome us to your shop.

We drove west on I-90 across Montana and Idaho following roughly the Bozeman Trail crossing the Continental Divide:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093%202.jpg.html)


06-14-2019, 09:26 AM
I'm really enjoying the trip You really know how to capture interesting images with a camera. Have a safe and uneventful trip, and keep the storyline coming.


06-14-2019, 07:20 PM
Day 7 on the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry MV Columbia, awaiting departure for Alaska 9762


Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

06-15-2019, 12:04 PM
Great pictures and story!
Thanks for sharing!

06-15-2019, 12:23 PM
It's like the Travel Channel, The History Channel and the Weather Channel all rolled into one!
Very enjoyable!
Safe travels to you both.
I would say "have fun", but it is abundantly clear that you already are!
Thanks for sharing!

06-15-2019, 06:17 PM
It's like the Travel Channel, The History Channel and the Weather Channel all rolled into one!
Very enjoyable!
Safe travels to you both.
I would say "have fun", but it is abundantly clear that you already are!
Thanks for sharing!

Don’t forget Motor Trend channel.:cheers:

06-15-2019, 08:57 PM
Hey Jim and Lyndi! Absolutely LOVE your trips, really looking forward to seeing all of your photos from this one! Travel Safe!

If I remember correctly, it is a pioneer AVIC 8000 NEX. It does not have a circuit to control the antenna. I installed my own switch to do that.


Question; is your Pioneer wired to the BOSE amps? or did you install aftermarket speakers? Considering doing a simliar unit, but would prefer to keep the original speakers if possible; despite the argument that newer tech is always better. Thanks!

06-16-2019, 04:23 PM
Hey Jim and Lyndi! Absolutely LOVE your trips, really looking forward to seeing all of your photos from this one! Travel Safe!

Question; is your Pioneer wired to the BOSE amps? or did you install aftermarket speakers? Considering doing a simliar unit, but would prefer to keep the original speakers if possible; despite the argument that newer tech is always better. Thanks!

My Pioneer in-dash GPS is connected to the Bose amps and speakers. Older models required a "step down" adapter to reduce amp out down to line out to feed the Bose amps. The NEX models offer line out so the connection does not require an adapter. Buy an adapter harness to make the wiring simple and the extra length of wires allows more freedom in component placement. I have installed 5 of the Pioneer unites ovet ht eyears and I have been happy with them all.

You will have to slightly modify the opening of the radio bezel to allow the tilt screen to operate properly.

Good Luck


06-16-2019, 04:29 PM
Day 8 Sunday

All day Saturday we were transiting the In-Land Channel of British Columbia and Alaska.

On Sunday we made our first port call at Ketchikan, Alaska.

Wifi and Cellular are mostly not available except when we are in port so I am behind on posting pictures. I will try to get some posted today before we get underway.

Thank you for all the nice comments.


06-16-2019, 10:37 PM
Day 7 Bellingham Washington and boarding the Alaska Ferry

We got back on I-90 and drove west some more. The central area of Washington has several different landscapes. We started out with flat land and little traffic which was good because it was important to get to Bellingham by 3 PM to stage for loading the Alaska Ferry:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0051.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0051.jpg.html)

Further west, we found many more agricultural land uses, mostly with irrigated fields:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0061.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0061.jpg.html)

We got a nice picture of this dog in a pickup, riding along very comfortably:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093.jpg.html)

The route became hillier and the traffic heavier and the weather cloudier as we entered the National Forest:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0209.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0209.jpg.html)

After 7 days heading west, we turned north and passed Seattle and the traffic became very congested:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0240.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0240.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

06-16-2019, 11:42 PM
We arrived in Bellingham with plenty of time to spare. The MV Columbia was waiting for us:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0246.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0246.jpg.html)

We parked the car in the staging lanes and walked in to Bellingham to get some lunch. Bellingham seem to be a nice small town with a mix of local folks and some tourist traffic from the ship terminals and an Amtrak station:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0261.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0261.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0260.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0260.jpg.html)

We returned to the staging area and promptly at 3 PM the loading began. Because we were riding all the way to Haines, Alaska, we were one first cars to board.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0285.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0285.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0300.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0300.jpg.html)

The ferry has one ramp-level deck and an upper car deck. All of the cars going to the upper deck were taken up by a lift and then parked. I made a video of the lift ride:


The link above is a YouTube video of loading the ZR-1 on the Ferry. Enjoy!

to be continued......

06-17-2019, 07:18 AM
Fantastic images.. however the video is 'unavailable'

06-17-2019, 01:20 PM
Fantastic images.. however the video is 'unavailable'

It is available now. It took three "sessions" of sporadic internet connection over an 18-hour period to upload the video.


06-17-2019, 01:39 PM
Thanks.. that was cool

06-17-2019, 01:50 PM
By Saturday morning, we were making good headway going North up the Inland Passage. From the observation lounge we got wonderful views of the water and surrounding mountains along the way:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0386.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0386.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0381.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0381.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0394.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0394.jpg.html)

A lot of the things that Alaskians need is moved by barges and some interesting barge loads passed us today. This tug was towing a barge piled with logs and the logs were wider that the barge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0017.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0017.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0018.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0018.jpg.html)

And this tow seemed normal until a closer look revealed a truck loaded on top of the containers:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0124.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0124.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0125.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0125.jpg.html)

A nice, modern lighthouse:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0057.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0057.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-17-2019, 02:02 PM
Saturday afternoon, continuing the trip up the Inland Passage.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0206.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0206.jpg.html)

On the left side of the water way (west), we passed Bella Bella a small town on the water's edge. The town was originally founded on the east side of the water, but that town burned down.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0212.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0212.jpg.html)

We found the sign on this hotel thought provoking (Three Legged Cat):

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0233.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0233.jpg.html)

More sights:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0276.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0276.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0288.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0288.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0385.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0385.jpg.html)

to be continued.....

06-17-2019, 02:26 PM
Day 9 Sunday

Continuing the journey up the Inland Passage.

For this journey, we rented a "cabin" with 2 bunks, toilet, shower and a window. It was our home for 3 nights.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0003.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0003.jpg.html)

We stopped in Ketchikan, Aklaska for about 7 hours. We walked the half-mile to the city center.

Unloading the Ketchikan travelers:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006_1.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-17-2019, 02:36 PM
Here are some views of Ketchikan:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0014.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0014.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0016.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0016.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0040.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0040.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0102.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0102.jpg.html)

There were three large cruise ships in port at Ketchikan:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0044.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0044.jpg.html)

While the cruise ship passengers booked tours and shopped, we stopped at a local establishment and enjoyed a beer:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0126.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0126.jpg.html)

After we walked back to the ferry, we got underway again and continued north. Later in the day we stopped at Wrangell, AK for a very brief visit. We walk off the ferry and did not find any place to buy a souvenir, but we did find a small crafts shop:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0229.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0229.jpg.html)

Underway again. Here is a view of the Deck 6 forward lounge where we spent a lot of the trip:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187.jpg.html)


06-17-2019, 02:53 PM
What has the temperature been like up that way?

06-17-2019, 11:52 PM
What has the temperature been like up that way?

In Ketchikan it was cool, 60, and rainy. In Juneau it was 55 and rainy. In Haines it was warm, 70 and clear. In Haines Junction, The Alaska Highway, it is 70 and clear.


06-18-2019, 02:07 AM
Day 10 Monday

On Monday morning we sailed past Juneau, AK and further north to the ferry terminal. From the channel, we could see Mendenhall Glacier behind Juneau:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0020.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0020.jpg.html)

The ferry terminal is 12 miles from Juneau city center and we only had two hours in port so we decided to fore go a visit to the city. Fellow travelers offered to give us a ride to Auke Bay which is 1 mile from the terminal. We got to ride in their 1984 VW Vagagon. It was pretty cool.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0048.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0048.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0045.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0045.jpg.html)

We had hoped to find a gift shop open before 8 AM but there weren't any shops at all so we walked the mile back to the terminal:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059.jpg.html)

Juneau was the last stop for us before Haines where we would disembark. The Ferry went on to Anchorage.

One of the computers that we carry is a small Surface Go by Microsoft. It is the size of a small iPad but runs a full version of Windows 10 so it can do everything our bigger notebooks can do. I also added a USB GPS receiver that interfaces with a Microsoft mapping program that does not require a WIFI or cellular connection to show our location on a simple map:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0254.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0254.jpg.html)

Here are some of the fantastic views along the route to Haines:

Eldred Rock Lighthouse:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0456.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0456.jpg.html)

to be continued.....

06-18-2019, 02:18 AM
Mountains, clouds and a glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0556.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0556.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0564.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0564.jpg.html)

As we approached Haines, we noticed the there was a pronounced color change in the water. The greenish-blue water is glacier melt water. The pulverized rock fragments in the run off produces the color difference:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0585.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0585.jpg.html)

The city of Haines:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0632.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0632.jpg.html)

We moored at Haines and quite a few passengers disembarked. Because we had been one of the first cars to go aboard the ferry, we were the last car to leave the ship. Lyndi waited on the lower car deck to get a photo of the ZR-1 being lowered down:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0691.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0691.jpg.html)

As I drove toward the exit, one of the workers asked me how much horse power the Vette had. He was impressed:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0723.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0723.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-18-2019, 07:04 AM
This seems like a fantastic adventure..

How many days were you on the ferry? I know you showed the one room with Bunks, was that your room the whole time on the ferry or did you stay elsewhere? maybe in a port depending on the night?

06-18-2019, 12:05 PM
You mention the water color. I vividly remember going over the Fraser River in British Columbia on a trip to Banff, Lake Louise and ultimately Boston for business school (a long, long time ago) and it was a bright Emerald green due to the glacier runoff. Your pics are, as usual, beautiful Lyndi.--Bob

06-20-2019, 01:28 AM
This seems like a fantastic adventure..

How many days were you on the ferry? I know you showed the one room with Bunks, was that your room the whole time on the ferry or did you stay elsewhere? maybe in a port depending on the night?

The ferry trip from Bellingham, Washington to Haines, AK was three nights. We booked a cabin with two bunks, toilet and shower for the three nights. We were in the cabin only when sleeping and showering. Most of the travel time we were in the 7th deck lounge pictured above. The Snack Bar and the Dining Room were also on the 7th deck. The lounges are very comfortable and it was a nice place to meet other travelers.

Some passengers did not rent a cabin. They pitched a tent in the rear of the 4th deck or slept in lounge chairs or slept on the deck (floor). There are "public" showers available on the Ferry.


06-20-2019, 01:49 AM
I have been out of internet service for a day and a half. The connection in Haines Junction failed after two posts and we never got service in Tok, Ak. We could talk on the phone but the phone would not connect to the internet.

We have arrived in Anchorage and I will pick up where I left off.


06-20-2019, 01:51 AM
Day 10 Continued

We left Haines and drove 148 miles north, across the Canadian border, to Haines Junction, which is where the Haines Highway meets the Alaska Highway.

The landscapes and scenery was fabulous, from the rocky coastal mountains to larger mountains, to the forested mountains at the Alaska Highway:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0793.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0793.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0906.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0906.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0936.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0936.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0010.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0010.jpg.html)

About 7 PM, we reached one of the mile stones of this Road Trip, The Alaska Highway:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0053.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0053.jpg.html)


06-20-2019, 02:34 AM
Day 11 Tuesday

We drove on the Alaska Highway from Haines Junction, Yukon to Tok, Alaska.

The Alaska Highway in the Yukon is dedicated to all veterans:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0023.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0023.jpg.html)

For most of the trip there were mountains on our left side (west:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0041.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0041.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0043.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0043.jpg.html)

The traffic was very light, we saw very few vehicles the whole day:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0057_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0057_1.jpg.html)

The views of Kulane Lake were wonderful:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0115.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0115.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0131_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0131_1.jpg.html)

Near the town of Destruction Bay we stopped for gas. This old pump is typical of some of the old gas stations and stores that serve the needs of the travelers on the Alaska Highway:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0154.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0154.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-20-2019, 02:50 AM
In the town of Burwash Landing, Yukon, we stopped at a local history and cultural museum and found this small bull dozer that is a relic of the Army engineers and their equipment that built the Alaska Highway in 1942. The highway is over 1400 miles long and was built by the Army in 9 months in 1942, during the second world war.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0182.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0182.jpg.html)

On the left shoulder of the road, I spotted a small bear. We stopped and photographed the bear for a few minutes until the bear returned to the woods behind him:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0248.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0248.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0262.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0262.jpg.html)

The Welcome to Alaska Sign provided a nice photo opportunity:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0348.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0348.jpg.html)

We passed through US Customs just past the Welcome Sign and continued our journey west:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0398.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0398.jpg.html)

We spent the night in a cabin of one of our favorite motels, the Burnt Paw Cabins in Tok, Alaska

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0415.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0415.jpg.html)


06-21-2019, 11:52 AM
Day 12 Driving to Anchorage

On Wednesday we left Tok, AK and drove south to Anchorage, The road is call the Tok Cutoff, The Glenn Highway and AK-1. It is also the road to Valdez, AK and connects with alternate routes to Delta Junction and Fairbanks. Glennallen is called "The Hub of Alaska".

The Tok Cutoff is a good road and follows the western boundary of Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve. There was one section or road repair in progress but it did not cause any problem.

With forest to the right and the tall mountains to the left, it is a very scenic drive.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0051_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0051_1.jpg.html)

We spotted the swans in a lake near the road. Eastern Alaska is is the migratory home of many swans.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0095.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0095.jpg.html)

A light rain fell for a few minutes and we observed one of the strongest rainbows I have ever seen:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0135.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0135.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0187_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0231.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0231.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0235.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0235.jpg.html)

to be continued.........

06-21-2019, 12:36 PM
At Glennallen we turned east to continue to Anchorage. This part of the Glenn Highway is one of my favorites. To the south are the Chugach Mountains with many glaciers. Matanuska Glacier is the largest and terminates on land. I was determined to hike to the glacier. There is a state park in the area of the glacier but it is not actually at the glacier. There is a road and hiking "trail" across private land that are the only access.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0761.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0761.jpg.html)

We drove down a hard packed gravel road and crossed the river to get to the first of two parking areas:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0763.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0763.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0764.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0764.jpg.html)

At the first parking area we paid the fee (~$25 per person) and drove on more gravel to the glacier access parking:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0767.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0767.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0785.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0785.jpg.html)

Between the parking area and the face of the glacier appears to stone, but is really glacial gravel on solid ice, possible meters thick. The walking trail to the glacier is marked with orange cones and is an easy walk.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0808.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0808.jpg.html)

As we approached the actual exposed ice, we saw more of the melt water run off:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0811.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0811.jpg.html)

Picture cannot capture the grandeur of the ice field it self. At the tiny scale there is fine gravel and "stone flour" in water on the surface of ice. At the walking scale there is crushed rock and melting ice that form humps and ridges and valleys. In some place it is hard to walk. At the large scale the are hills and cliffs and wide expanses of solid ice.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0898.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0898.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0909.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0909.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0945.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0945.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-21-2019, 12:37 PM
After the Adventure on Ice, we drove on through then Chucagh Mountains to Anchorage:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0687.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0687.jpg.html)


Paul Workman
06-21-2019, 01:53 PM

Thank you Jim n Lindi for sharing your trips with the rest of us!

06-21-2019, 04:46 PM
Absolutely gorgeous scenery!

06-21-2019, 10:40 PM
Day 13 Visiting friends in Anchorage

In Anchorage we stayed with a childhood friend of Lyndi's and her husband who is a retired Navy Explosive Ordnance and Demolition (EOD) Officer. Thanks Steph and Ed for the great hospitality and all the hardcore sea stories.

We went to the Alaska Zoo with our host family. The zoo is small and very nicely maintained. All of the exhibits were well designed to see the animals in their natural environs as closely as possible. Lyndi enjoyed taking pictures of her favorite animals:

A young Polar Bear:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0013%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0013%202.jpg.html)

A Lynx:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0156%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0156%202.jpg.html)

A Snow Leopard, one of Lyndi's best favorites:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0442%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0442%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0565%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0565%202.jpg.html)

A large Black Bear:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0679%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0679%202.jpg.html)

A Seal Lion and a brand new seal pup:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0895%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0895%202.jpg.html)

We drove out the Turnagain Arm to Girdwood and hiked part way up a ski slope. The road follows the path of the Alaska Railroad out to Whittier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0979.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0979.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0214_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0214_1.jpg.html)


06-22-2019, 01:02 AM
Absolutely beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing.
(How's the Z doing? Must love the
cold air...)


06-22-2019, 11:02 PM
Day 15 Drive to Seward, AK and visit Kenai Fjords National Park

On Saturday we left Anchorage and drove south on the Seward Highway. We left early in the morning and saw some Dahl Sheep grazing on the hillside. First were a group of young sheep:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0060.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0060.jpg.html)

Then we saw the adults:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0068.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0068.jpg.html)

Higher up the cliff we saw the lookout sheep who never left his vantage point:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0084.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0084.jpg.html)

The early morning mist lifted slowly revealing stunning mountain scenes:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0117.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0117.jpg.html)

After about a two-hour drive, we reached the Kenia Peninsula:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0127.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0127.jpg.html)

The scenery was stunning:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0172_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0172_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0193.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0193.jpg.html)

to be continued........

06-22-2019, 11:27 PM
The village of Moose Pass, AK had a nice lodge and restaurant named the Trail Lake Lodge on the edge of Upper Trail Lake:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0340.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0340.jpg.html)

We went to the Exit Glacier portion of Kenai Fjords National Park north of the town on Seward.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0444.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0444.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0426.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0426.jpg.html)

Exit Glacier is accessible for viewing from some very well maintained trails:

We choose the lower path to try to get close to the "toe" of the glacier. We crossed the outwash field to get a view of the glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0513.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0513.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0531.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0531.jpg.html)

Along the way to the glacier we got a nice view of the mountain to the east:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0486.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0486.jpg.html)

We scrambled over the rocks until we reached an area where we weren't comfortable traversing then stopped for a photo:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0559.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0559.jpg.html)


06-24-2019, 12:48 AM
Day 16 Sunday Kenai Fjords National Park

Our lodging while in Seward was The Seward Military Resort. At the end of World War II, some of the cabins occupied by soldiers were converted to use by military for recreation. Over the years the resort has been enlarged and improved. Now the resort is a very nice facility that is well run and has nice lodging and amenities.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001_3.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0001_3.jpg.html)

We boarded a Kenai Fjords Cruises ship to take a 6-hour trip to see glaciers and wildlife. The cruise company is not operated by the national park. It is one of several cruise companies that operate in Seward. We were absolutely satisfied with the professionalism and customer care from Kenai Fjords Cruises.

We got underway from the Seward Small Boat Harbor on a modern and comfortable cruise ship and headed for the Gulf of Alaska:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_2.jpg.html)

Seward is a cruise ship departure point. The was one cruise ship in the outer harbor:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0006_2.jpg.html)

This American Bald Eagle, perched on a navaid at the edge of the harbor was keeping an eye on all the activities:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009_1.jpg.html)

The morning early weather was beautiful, blue sky and no clouds overhead. The rocks, trees and shoreline were very picturesque:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0210%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0210%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0247%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0247%203.jpg.html)

Not very long after departure, we spotted our first whale:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0491%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0491%202.jpg.html)

The ship's Captain took us very close to these spires, and then threaded the needle between the spires:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0533%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0533%202.jpg.html)

We left Resurrection Bay and entered the boundary of the Kenai Fjords National Park. We sighted another whale near the terminal moraine of Bear Glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0592%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0592%202.jpg.html)

to be continued.....

06-24-2019, 01:30 AM
Along the shore line we spotted another American Bald Eagle on a rock near the shore. We looked at the trees on the shore and about 100 yards away we spotted another Bald Eagle in a tree, probably the nest:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0279.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0279.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0256.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0256.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0073.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0073.jpg.html)

The weather turned hazier and clouds rolled in with a ceiling of around 500 feet. We couldn't see the mountain tops but still had lots to look at.

Bear Glacier is visible in the distance across a line of trees. The trees are growing on the piled up material from the glacial moraine. As the glacier retreats, a fresh water lake has formed from the melt water contained by the moraine dam. We spotted an ice berg from Bear Glacier behind the moraine:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0088.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0088.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0089.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0089.jpg.html)

to be continued.....

06-24-2019, 08:31 AM
As a young man, I think I remember being in the Moose Lake area. Then having traveled that area for the first time, I was awe struck. When I walked into the restaurant I announced to the waitress, cook & owner, (Same person) that I believed I had found God there. She then asked me "What is her name?"

ZR-1 Franz
06-24-2019, 02:13 PM
Hello from Switzerland,

Thank you very much for sharing these great pichtures
with us. At the moment your posts are a highlight every day for me.
I wish you all the best and a safe trip.
Take care and have a good time.

ZR-1 greetings from Switzerland,


06-24-2019, 07:22 PM
Continuing the Glacier Adventure Cruise we reached Aialik Glacier. It is one of about 40 glaciers "draining" the Harding Icefield wich is located in the Kenai Mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0225%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0225%20S.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0109%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0109%20S.jpg.html)

These kayakers give a scale to see how large the glacier is:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0096%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0096%20S.jpg.html)

When we got close to the face of the glacier, the Captain turn off the engines and we got to listen to the ice popping and cracking:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0105%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0105%20S.jpg.html)

The glacier produces a continuous supply of ice chunks that provided resting places for the wildlife:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0138%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0138%20S.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0333%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0333%20S.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-24-2019, 07:27 PM
As we left the Aialik Sound we went close to the shore to see the Sea Lions resting on the rocks:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0521%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0521%20S.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0551%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0551%20S.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0564%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0564%20S.jpg.html)

We also saw this Puffin resting on the water:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0695%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0695%20S.jpg.html)


06-24-2019, 08:23 PM
Day 17 Monday We are on the Alaska Ferry from Whittier, AK to Valdez, AK. We left Seward at 7:00 and drove north on AK-1.

As we were leaving we heard the whistle of the Alaska Railroad Seward to Anchorage train. The AKRR tracks parallel the highway for most of the trip so we stopped and got a picture of one of my favorite trains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0028%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0028%203.jpg.html)

As we went north up the Kenai Peninsula, we encountered evidence of the Swan Lake Forest Fire burning in the north of the peninsula:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0071%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0071%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0104%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0104%203.jpg.html)

The road that goes from AK-1 to Whittier crosses the mountain range thru a tunnel. The tunnel was built by the US Army Engineers during World War II to provide a supply line to Anchorage that could not be interrupted by Japanese warships in the Pacific Ocean. The town of Whittier and the tunnel were built, and several forts equipped with 6-inch guns were built to defend the fort.

The tunnel is only one lane wide (all that was needed for trains at the time.) Today the Alaska RR, east-bound and west-bound car traffic all share the tunnel using allotted time periods for passage. The western portal:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0193%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0193%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0231%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0231%202.jpg.html)

Whittier, like many other parts of Alaska, was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1964. The city was rebuilt but there many signs of having to live the threat of another quake:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0275%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0275%202.jpg.html)

Our travelling protector, ArmyMan, got in a picture. ArmyMan joined our trips in 2012 here in Alaska.:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0279.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0279.jpg.html)

After a brief wait in Whittier, we boarded the Alaska Ferry for passage to Valdez:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0427%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0427%202.jpg.html)


06-25-2019, 10:02 AM
There is a good TV series called "Railroad Alaska" that I have watched that recently featured the Whittier Tunnel in an episode because the rails had to be repaired so trains could get through. I am embarrassed to say that all of my knowledge of Alaska comes from watching Railroad Alaska and another series, "Alaska State Troopers". I enjoy them both but my wife thinks I am nuts.--Bob

06-25-2019, 11:21 AM
Jim and Lyndi, I just want to tell you this continues to be your best photo journal yet, hats off to you...=D>

06-25-2019, 09:04 PM
Day 17 Ferry to Valdez continued

We left Whittier at 1:30 and sailed across Prince William Sound to Valdez. The ferry, MV Aurora, smaller than the MV Columbia that we rode thru the Inside Passage. There is only 1 car deck and no passenger cabins.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0008%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0008%20S.jpg.html)

Along the way we spotted some wild life near the ship, dolphins and and Harbor Seals:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0153%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0153%20S.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0152%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0152%20S.jpg.html)

As we approached the port of Valdez, we passed the Valdez Oil Terminal, the end of the Alaska Pipeline, on the south bank of the Sound:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0172%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0172%20S.jpg.html)

There was a medium size cruise ship in port waiting loading for an evening departure. The Alaska Ferry terminal was just ahead of the cruise ship, so I got to evaluate the ship handling skills of the Captain and the line handlers:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0184%20S.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0184%20S.jpg.html)

The approach to the berth was satisfactory. The Captain used his bow thrusters to get parallel to the berth:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0187.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0187.jpg.html)

Once we were close to our position the Bow Line Handlers sent the mooring lines over. First to be sent over was a messenger line with a monkey fist to make the throw easier. Lyndi got a picture of the throw for line 2:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0190.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0190.jpg.html)

The Line Handler on the pier pulled the mooring line to a cleat a strain was taken to position the ship:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0192.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0192.jpg.html)

Based on my experience mooring submarines, I would rate the landing as Very Good.

We made a short drive to our hotel and Lyndi really liked the desk clerk's sweater. Lyndi likes Bats:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0198.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0198.jpg.html)


06-25-2019, 10:38 PM
Day 18 Sight seeing in Valdez, AK

We spent the day looking around Valdez. Valdez is a small town in a relatively isolated location. The reason Valdez is important is that it is the terminus of the Alaska Pipeline. Because Valdez is a cruise ship port, there a lot of hotels here. Other industries include a fish hatchery and adventure cruises:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0195%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0195%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0287%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0287%202.jpg.html)

The Alaska Oil Pipeline was built from 1974 to 1977. It is a 800 mile, 48 inch diameter pipe that runs from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic coast of Alaska to Valdez in the south. We found several pieces of the pipe on display in town:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0129%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0129%203.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0295%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0295%202.jpg.html)

We visited a water fall near Valdez and found this interesting statue of a fisherman hooking a bear, with the ZR-1 and beautiful scenery in the background:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0133%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0133%202.jpg.html)

On the south shore on Port Valdez there is a Salmon Fish Hatchery operation that has very successfully helped to maintain the population of Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0060%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0060%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0082%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0082%202.jpg.html)

The scenery around Valdez is stunning. Even when the cloud ceiling is low, the water and mountain views are great:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0072%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0072%202.jpg.html)

We hiked out from the west end of town to the shore of the Sound:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0365%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0365%203.jpg.html)

I always try to post pictures of exotic Alaska wildlife. For today we have this cute bunny we found eating grass near the hotel:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0011%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0011%202.jpg.html)


Paul Workman
06-26-2019, 07:48 AM
Highlight of my day, as I convalesce, is the next installment of the pictures you post on your trip! (Alaska is on our "todo" list - soon as we can "get it all together"!)

Thanks for taking us along!

Paul n Ami

06-27-2019, 10:46 AM
Day 19 Valdez to Copper Center, AK

After a nice stay in Valdez, we drove north on the Richardson Highway to Copper Center, AK to get ready to fly out to Wrangell St Elias National Park.

As we drove out of Valdez we visited some beautiful waterfalls along the highway. We took lots of photos and some video. Now we cannot copy the photos that are on the SD Card. I don't know if it is a chip failure or a problem with the video corrupting the data. We will get it sorted out and try to post after we get back to an internet connection.

See you in two days....


06-29-2019, 10:29 PM
Hello, we are back on line!

On day 20 we left Valdez and drove to a B&B Cabin on Willow Lake in the Copper Center region of eastern Alaska:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0038.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0038.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0023_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0023_1.jpg.html)

The cabin was wonderful and was built personally by our host. While we were in the cabin, their home was being raised off the foundation and prepared for a 50 foot move away from the water's edge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0069_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0069_1.jpg.html)

to be continued......

06-29-2019, 11:29 PM
I spoke to soon. No internet connection with Verizon. I have 5 bars for phone but no internet.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

06-30-2019, 09:53 AM
I spoke to soon. No internet connection with Verizon. I have 5 bars for phone but no internet.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Doesn't it work over the phone if you have Cellular Data turned on? I recall it did for us here in the lower 48.--Bob

06-30-2019, 07:38 PM
Doesn't it work over the phone if you have Cellular Data turned on? I recall it did for us here in the lower 48.--Bob

Hi Bob, In the rest of the world that is the way it works. Apparently in remote Alaska internet access is separate.

We are in White Horse, YK now and I can connect to the internet here.


06-30-2019, 08:00 PM
Resuming the Trip Log, from the Copper River area we drove to Chitina, AK to catch a plane to Kennicott:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0566.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0566.jpg.html)

The flight to Kennicott was about 20 minutes across the western side of the National Park. The weather was perfect and the scenery of the Wrangell Mountains was amazing:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0189.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0189.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0208.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0208.jpg.html)

We crossed the Copper River:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0222.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0222.jpg.html)

Seen from a plane, the Wrangall Mountains are amazing. There is every type of terrain and examples of plate tectonics, volcanic activity, glaciers, and erosion:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0262_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0262_1.jpg.html)

There are two large glaciers that join to form the large moraine at Kennicott:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0453.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0453.jpg.html)

Here is a view of the buildings of the Kennicott Mine. The copper mine operated from 1910 to 1938. The buildings and property are now privately owned and the mountains are a National Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0507.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0507.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

06-30-2019, 08:39 PM
We landed in the small "village" of McCarthy, AK and took a lodge shuttle bus up the mountain to Kennicott Lodge and Mine. Not wasting any time we checked in and hiked out to the toe of the Root Glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0615.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0615.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0658.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0658.jpg.html)

The trail was in very good condition and paralleled the edge of the moraine. The moraine is a large field of ice that is covered in grit and rock dust that may be 800 feet deep below what we see. There are voids and rivers running through and under what we see:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0689.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0689.jpg.html)

We took a side trail that scaled down to the edge of the glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0788.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0788.jpg.html)

When we got to the edge of the "toe", which is the part of the glacier that is the top layer of glacial ice, we decided to climb on to the ice:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0830.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0830.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0852.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0852.jpg.html)


06-30-2019, 11:00 PM

07-01-2019, 06:17 AM
Yeah, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-01-2019, 07:13 AM
Simply epic!

Paul Workman
07-01-2019, 07:37 AM
I'm gonna call you "Pathfinder". Ami and I are deciding where to take a vacation, once my "ball joints" are fixed. AK is @ the top of the list, thanks to you two😊

07-01-2019, 10:47 AM
Day 21: At Kennicott Lodge

Our agenda for the day was to explore the mine buildings and take a long hike to see if we could reach the "ice wall" further up the Root Glacier.

The weather was great again but there was a little bit of haze in the air that affected visibility of distant views. The haze is probably a result of several forest fires in Alaska this summer. The temperature of interior Alaska has been 85 to 90 degrees while we have been here.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0010_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0010_1.jpg.html)

Most of the buildings that remain from the Kennicott Mine Company now belong to the National Park Service. Some of the "important" buildings have been restored to exhibition condition and are safe to enter. However many of the buildings are decayed and will take significant effort and cost to stabilize and restore.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0017.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0017.jpg.html)

The Kennicott mine extracted copper ore from the mountain. In it's day the Kennicott mine was the highest producing copper mine in the world. The buildings seen here contained the processes for ore extraction, milling to gravel size for high grade ore and also elaborate chemical separation of copper from lower grade ore. The copper ore was then loaded on rail cars for transport to Cordova, AK. The ore was transferred to ships and taken to Seattle for final processing to copper. During the life of the mine about 900,000 tons of ore were produced.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0018_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0018_2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0037.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0037.jpg.html)

We set out for a hike to the ice wall on the Root Glacier. The trail was in very good condition and we enjoyed revisiting some of the same trail as yesterday.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0039.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0039.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0182.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0182.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0190_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0190_1.jpg.html)

We had to turn back before reaching our destination because Lyndi did not want to aggravate a twisted ankle from yesterday.

On the way back to the Lodge we saw a moose with a calf cross the trail going up the mountain. The brush was taller than the moose and we did not get a useful photo but we were happy to have finally encountered a moose in the wild.


Paul Workman
07-01-2019, 11:08 AM
Any concern for crossing paths with a Griz? Pepper spray?? (45-70??)

07-01-2019, 12:17 PM
Day 22: Leave Kennicott and drive to Tok, AK

On Saturday morning we bid farewell to Kennicott:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0009%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0224%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0224%202.jpg.html)

On the flight back to Chitina we got some more fabulous scenery:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0255%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0255%202.jpg.html)

The southern end of the glacial moraine shows the melted ice and more glacial run off:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0268%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0268%202.jpg.html)

Another glacier:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0283%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0283%202.jpg.html)

This picture shows the terrain after a glacier melts and the process of plants recovering on the rock surface:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0300%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0300%202.jpg.html)

In the distance we could see all the way to the Chugach Mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0550%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0550%202.jpg.html)

to be continued......

07-01-2019, 01:41 PM
Your epic journey reminds me of this old Johnny Horton song

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

07-01-2019, 07:27 PM
After we landed at Chitina, we drove north on the Richardson Highway toward Tok, AK. We stopped at the B&B we stayed at three days ago to see how the house move was coming. Well, the house was not moved. They had raised it some more then quit for the weekend. The owners were very upset because they had expected to be back in their house in three days but now it was 8 days.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0708%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0708%202.jpg.html)

We stopped at the Wrangell - St Elias NP visitor center on the Richardson Highway and took a hike out to see the Copper River Valley. After about a mile, we found a sign that we decided must be advisory in nature and continued on:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0772%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0772%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0765%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0765%202.jpg.html)

We turned on the the Tok Cutoff for the rest of our trip. One of the plants that we have been enjoying in Alaska is Fireweed. It grows along the road side and is one of the first plants to regrow after a forest fire:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0839%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0839%202.jpg.html)

We stopped to eat lunch and for another view of the Copper River Valley:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0843%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0843%202.jpg.html)

In Alaska, one of the trees that we have seen a lot are Aspens. There were a lot of the Aspens along the Tok Cutoff:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0911%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0911%202.jpg.html)


07-01-2019, 07:38 PM
Your epic journey reminds me of this old Johnny Horton song

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

You are right Phil, that should be our theme song for this trip.


07-01-2019, 08:33 PM
We all have our quirks. Mine is a clean car. This quirk keeps me from enjoying my Z on long, cannot predict weather kind of trip.
It is truly epic! Thank you!

I wish I was there to wash and wax your Z!:cheers:

07-01-2019, 11:07 PM
Day 23: Drive the east on the Alaska Highway from Tok, AK to Whitehorse, YT

This route takes us back to Haines Junction and on to the interior of the Yukon.

The traffic on the Alaska Highway was very light. The road is in moderate condition with numerous heaves that slow me down:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_3.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0011_3.jpg.html)

Shortly after starting we enter a haze caused by smoke from forest fires. In one valley we actually smelled the smoke:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0014_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0014_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0017_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0017_1.jpg.html)

At one point, smoke and the skinny Black Spruce trees created a very surrealistic landscape:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0037.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0037.jpg.html)

I spotted this moose on the road ahead. She was standing still on the left side of the road. As we approached to about 1/4 mile, she turned around and went into the woods on the right:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0110.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0110.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0145.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0145.jpg.html)

For the second time this trip, we drove along the beautiful Kluane Lake. This time with the haze:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0174.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0174.jpg.html)

As we approached Whitehorse, we were greated to a sortie of Canadian fighter jets:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0199.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0199.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0200.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0200.jpg.html)

to be continued.........

07-01-2019, 11:19 PM
In the evening, after 7 hours of driving, we ask around and got a recommendation for a local bar with historic flavor. We were directed to the 98 Hotel:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0002.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0002.jpg.html)

The 98 Hotel was built in 1948 and holds the second Liquor License issued west of Winnipeg. It is nominally a hotel because it has been "grandfathered" for a tavern license. It is a hard-core dive bar and we enjoyed our visit. The regulars were friendly and many had to show us where they were in all the pictures on the walls.

My new friend Doug and I swapped Navy stories:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_3.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0004_3.jpg.html)


07-02-2019, 11:18 AM
Looks like you finally sighted a Grizzly Bear! --Bob

07-02-2019, 10:03 PM
Looks like you finally sighted a Grizzly Bear! --Bob

You should have seen the other people in the bar!


07-03-2019, 08:00 AM
I finally got access to the internet from the Northern Rockies Lodge in Muncho Lake, BC. Now I can catch up on some posts.

Day 24 Canada Day in Whitehorse, YT

We spent the morning shopping because you can never have too many T-shirts, pins, patches and decals.

We spotted this "urban" fox in downtown Whitehorse:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0024.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0024.jpg.html)

Then we chose a good vantage point to watch the Canada Day Parade. Canadians love their parade. The 1st of July is Canada's Birth Day.

Here are some highlights of the parade. The Grand Marshall:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0100.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0100.jpg.html)

USA and Alaskan flags to show unity with their neighbor to the south:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0121.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0121.jpg.html)

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (not mounted):

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0136.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0136.jpg.html)

The Pipe and Drum Corps:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0140_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0140_1.jpg.html)

A Yukon Energency Response Truck:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0193.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0193.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0197.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0197.jpg.html)

Some vintage cars:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0209.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0209.jpg.html)

The 4H riders:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0344.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0344.jpg.html)

And, a Tupperware Car:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0382.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0382.jpg.html)


07-03-2019, 08:43 AM
Day 25: Driving from Whitehorse, YT to Muncho Lake, BC

The Alaska Highway was in good condition between Whitehorse and the Canadian Rockies. Traffic was very light and the weather was fine. After a few hours, the haze from smoke was gone.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0155%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0155%202.jpg.html)

We stopped at the Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake, Yukon. In 1942, when the Army Corps of Engineers was building the Alaska Highway, a soldier was feeling home sick, so he made a sign with the distance to his home town. Many other signs were added over the years by folks travelling the Alaska Highway. In 2012, Lyndi and I put up a sign for the distance to Westminster, Maryland, our home town. At that time The Sign Post Forest had about 77,000 signs.

We checked that our sign was still there and Lyndi added the date of our current visit and noted that there 88,000 signs in the Forest as of last year.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0201%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0201%202.jpg.html)

As we headed east, we were paced by a Silver Fox (?) that ran with us in the left lane for about 1/4 mile:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0027%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0027%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0061%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0061%202.jpg.html)

Today was Wild Life Day! We saw more wild animals than the rest of the trip so far.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0501%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0501%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0294%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0294%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0635%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0635%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0134%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0134%202.jpg.html)

We started climbing and entered the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The scenery was wonderful and it was nice to be rid of the smoke haze:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0216%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0216%202.jpg.html)

Our destination was a very nice rustic lodge over looking Muncho Lake, the highest natural lake in Canada:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0306%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0306%202.jpg.html)


07-03-2019, 08:50 AM
For Charlie, Matt and Dan:

Here's your sign:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0248.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0248.jpg.html)


07-03-2019, 08:55 AM
We all have our quirks. Mine is a clean car. This quirk keeps me from enjoying my Z on long, cannot predict weather kind of trip.
It is truly epic! Thank you!

I wish I was there to wash and wax your Z!:cheers:

I feel your pain Yun! The car is a mess. Thanks for thinking of us. When we planned the trip there was supposed to be a Car Show as part of Canada Day in Whitehorse. I had arranged the schedule to have plenty of time to wash and shine the car for the show. Unfortunately, the car show was cancelled and we got busy with things in Whitehorse and I didn't get the car washed yet.


07-03-2019, 11:30 AM
Amazing Jim! Luv the animal photos.... btw I believe your “Silver Fox” is actually a Coyote..

Paul Workman
07-03-2019, 12:28 PM
Amazing Jim! Luv the animal photos.... btw I believe your “Silver Fox” is actually a Coyote..

:thumbsup: x2 on Wiley Coyotee!

07-03-2019, 01:07 PM
OK I give up. Anyone know the make and year of the green car in the parade. I have bought and sold probably 25-30 old British sports cars and have a 50-60 book reference library and I cannot for the life of me figure out what this car is. Has a passing resemblance to a Triumph TR 2 but with an Allard-like grill. Looks to be an early '50s car. Any ideas? Thanks, Bob

Paul Workman
07-03-2019, 01:36 PM
Bug-eye'ed Sprite mebby?

Mr Blue
07-03-2019, 03:51 PM
I think it is an Alvis TB. Pretty rare, made 1950 only.

07-03-2019, 04:09 PM
I think it is an Alvis TB. Pretty rare, made 1950 only.

Yup! Just looked it up. British out Coventry, started 1919, out of business 1967. Made some interesting and obscure cars.



07-03-2019, 04:50 PM
Amazing Jim! Luv the animal photos.... btw I believe your “Silver Fox” is actually a Coyote..

I was thinking the same about the Fox being a Coyote. Give them a break they are probably city folk.
Wonderful trip, I look forward to each installment.
Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming.


07-03-2019, 10:17 PM
Amazing Jim! Luv the animal photos.... btw I believe your “Silver Fox” is actually a Coyote..

We knew that we would get the correct species from our smart audience.


07-04-2019, 12:13 AM
Day 26: Driving from Muncho Lake, BC to Fort St John, BC

On Wednesday morning we took a few minutes the get some photos of the resort and Muncho Lake:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0020%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0020%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0035_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0035_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0098%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0098%202.jpg.html)

Muncho Lake is a large, high altitude, Alpine lake. The water is very clear and the water is still because the surrounding mountains block the wind:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0008.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0008.jpg.html)

to be continued......

07-04-2019, 12:59 AM
We left the Northern Rockies Lodge and drove East on the Alaska Highway. The first part of our day was on mountain roads and along streams and lakes:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0247.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0247.jpg.html)

Not far from the lodge we found this Stone Sheep on the side of the road licking the asphalt to get the salt from the winter road treatment. She was unconcerned by our presence:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0162.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0162.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0102_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0102_1.jpg.html)

We liked this small waterfall:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0392.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0392.jpg.html)

When the water rushes down a mountain canyon and deposits the rocks in a curved shape, it is called an Alluvial Fan:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0406.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0406.jpg.html)

Roads and mountains create great driving roads:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0517.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0517.jpg.html)

In this part of the Alaska Highway there are less services available to travellers. Many gas stations have gone out of business. Some struggle on but have decaying equipment. I got a kick out of the range of gas pumps at this station:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0235.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0235.jpg.html)

We inquired about the Tour Boat schedule and found out it is a Three Hour Tour:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0245_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0245_1.jpg.html)

Summit Lake and the Laird River are in the northern part of the Canadian Rocky Mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0298.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0298.jpg.html)

to be continued......

07-04-2019, 01:14 AM
Here is another picturesque view of the Laird River:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0382_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0382_1.jpg.html)

As we drove south east on the Alaska Highway, we left the mountains behind and the road straightened out and the landscape was dominated by trees:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0143.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0143.jpg.html)

We spotted a bear grazing on the clover in the margin area between the forest and the road:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0009.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0009.jpg.html)

As we approached Fort St John, we had occasional rain showers and the clouds were fascinating:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0151.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0151.jpg.html)

We found another Bear on the roadside:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0884.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0884.jpg.html)


07-04-2019, 09:46 AM
I think it is an Alvis TB. Pretty rare, made 1950 only.

Absolutely right! An Alvis TB14. Very rare and I have never seen one in person. Great work -- I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing the answer. I even found another picture of that very car at a car show. --Bob

07-04-2019, 11:11 PM
Day 27: Drive from Fort St John to Hinton, AB

On Thursday, we left Fort St John, BC and drove the remainder of the Alaska Highway which ends (begins) at Dawson Creek, BC. The town of Dawson Creek was the start point of the US Army's construction of the Alaska Highway in 1942.

I washed the ZR-1 as a celebration of the end on the Alaska Highway:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0090.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0090.jpg.html)

Before reaching Mile Zero, we drove off the current alignment of the Highway, and drove on the original section to see the Kiskatinaw Curved Bridge. The bridge was the longest curved wooden trestle bridge built in North America in 1942. The gorge it spans was the first major river the engineers conquered in building the Highway. The first sight we encountered was a Mule Deer on the edge of the road:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0011_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0011_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0027.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0027.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0040.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0040.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0042.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0042.jpg.html)

Leaving Dawson Creek, we drove south through Alberta. We stopped in Beaver Lodge, AB to get a picture:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0130.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0130.jpg.html)

As we continued south, we climbed back into the Rocky Mountains to Hinton, AB.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0226.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0226.jpg.html)

Just to maintain the balance of the Universe. It rained for an hour on my just-washed ZR-1 driving along with the log trucks. The Z is a mess again.


07-04-2019, 11:28 PM
For dinner on Thursday, 4th of July in Hinton, AB, we went to the Canadian Steakout Steakhouse. We enjoyed talking to several local residents and they joined us in saying Happy Birthday America.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0902.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0902.jpg.html)


07-05-2019, 08:18 PM
What an awesome trip! Thx for documenting it!

07-06-2019, 02:35 AM
Day 28: Drive from Hinton, AB to Calgary, AB

We drove east from Hinton, then south, to Calgary, Alberta. We got to Alberta in time to rest up for the Evening Activities at the World Famous Calgary Stampede, The Stampede is the largest rodeo in the world. We watched the Chuck Wagon Races and the Evening Show. We got back to the hotel at midnight.

More tomorrow...


07-06-2019, 07:07 AM
Jim, are the boards on the curved bridge actually curved, or is that just an optical dillusion?

07-06-2019, 10:21 AM
Jim, are the boards on the curved bridge actually curved, or is that just an optical dillusion?

Hi Steve, The deck boards of the bridge are actually curved. I don't know if they were sawn to fit or bent mechanically.


07-06-2019, 09:29 PM
To get to Calgary from Hinton, AB to Calgary, we drove east on AB-14 through the mountains to the plains to Edmonton, then AB-2 south. You know I like trains so here is a picture of a Canadian Northern coal train of empty cars headed for a large coal mine east of Hinton.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0016_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0016_2.jpg.html)

The skyline of Calgary:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0041_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0041_1.jpg.html)

We rested a little before heading to The Calgary Stampede to see the Evening Program of The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0071_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0071_1.jpg.html)

GMC (General Motors trunks brand) is a very large sponsor of the Calgary Stampede. They had quite a few trucks on display and had several tents that offered a chance to win a GMC Truck. Our favorite was the GMC truck carnival game. You know the game, squirt guns aimed at targets and the plastic horse moves along a track. Now, translate that game to four GMC pickups on car lifts with a large target and "contestants" with garden hoses. The first truck to the top of the lift "won" a chance to win a truck:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0073.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0073.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0072_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0072_1.jpg.html)

There was even a Dark Red C-7 Corvette being raffled. It sure was clean, I am not used to that:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0085.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0085.jpg.html)

On the Midway, we found every food and snack you get at fairs and rodeos. A new treat was an "Octo Leg". We passed on it:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0087.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0087.jpg.html)

to be continued........

07-06-2019, 09:55 PM
The first event on The Calgary Stampede Evening Program is the Chuck Wagon Races. This event has a long and rich history for the days of cattle drives when the cowboys slept on the range and a cook wagon followed the teams. The current form of the races use retired thoroughbred race horses and standardized wagons to simulate the chuck wagon. Each team is a driver with a four-horse team and two Out Riders that begin the race dismounted and have to finish within a few seconds of the wagon.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0192_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0192_1.jpg.html)

The first part of the 4-team race is "loading" the cook stove then a sharp turn around a barrel:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0247_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0247_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0193_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0193_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0194.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0194.jpg.html)

Then the teams go full out on an 3/8 mile oval track:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0198_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0198_1.jpg.html)

First to the finish line wins the heat:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0211.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0211.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

07-06-2019, 10:05 PM
The races were very exciting. We enjoy the event. The sharp turn around the barrel required a skilled driver and well trained horses that were working together. Knocking over a barrel is a 5 second penalty.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0254.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0254.jpg.html)

Many of the heats had very close finishes. Speed on the 4th turn and on the straight was important to success:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0535.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0535.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0539.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0539.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0546.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0546.jpg.html)

Another close finish:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0656.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0656.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

07-06-2019, 10:37 PM
After the Chuck Wagon Races, the arena was changed to a high-tech, multimedia performance set. The transition took about 30 minutes and was fasinating to watch:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0158.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0158.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0165.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0165.jpg.html)

The show featured singing, dancing, acrobatics, with local performers and acts from around the world. A world-class fireworks show capped off the evening:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0190_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0190_2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0199.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0199.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0241.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0241.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0281.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0281.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0300.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0300.jpg.html)

The Calary Stampede Evening Show was a wonderful event. We were completely entertained and will have some great memories. We highly that everyone attend.


07-06-2019, 11:48 PM
On Saturday, July 6th, we remained in Calgary and attended the Calgary Stampede Rodeo Show. It was the first time I have seen a "big time" rodeo. The events included: bare back bronc riding, saddle bronc riding, calf roping, cattle wrestling, junior bull riding, ladies barrel racing and bull riding. The rodeo is an invitation only event and included some of the best riders in the world. The rodeo lasts for the entire ten days of the Stampede and the winners will be splitting awards over a million dollars.
Here are some pictures of the action:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0304.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0304.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0348.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0348.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0379.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0379.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0490.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0490.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0659.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0659.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0739.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0739.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0795.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0795.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0096.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0096.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0160.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0160.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0394.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0394.jpg.html)

I highly recommend going to Calgary and attending the Calgary Stampede! The Stampede is a non-profit organization and the proceeds are used to support city and provincial projects. The Stampede was very professionally run. There were hundreds of staff to ensure that went well. The entertainment was professional and enjoyable. The parking for the record attendance today was a challenge, but we avoided the problem by going on-line to ParkWiz to get advanced reserved parking adjacent to the Stampede Park.


07-07-2019, 06:26 PM
WOW!!! GREAT SHOW!!! Did you have to purchase tickets in advance or at the gate ?

07-08-2019, 08:48 AM
I am a Cannuck and will probably never see that amazing spectacle so thanks for sharing Jim and Lyndi .


07-08-2019, 10:45 AM
....There was even a Dark Red C-7 Corvette being raffled. It sure was clean, I am not used to that:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0085.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0085.jpg.html).....

It's called Long Beach Red and is a great color, even if I say so myself. Even tough it is not a Z06, I would say take a chance on it! Love the pics of the Stampede show; I hope to get to go someday. Lyndi, those are spectacular photos of the rodeo action.--Bob

07-08-2019, 08:39 PM
WOW!!! GREAT SHOW!!! Did you have to purchase tickets in advance or at the gate ?

I purchased all of the Stampede event tickets in advance using the on-line tools for seat selection. The site worked well, showing individual seat pricing and allowed selection for every day of the ten-day event.
The problem was figuring out which seats would be good for the different events. The Chuck Wagon Racing and the Evening Show were one ticket. The afternoon Rodeo ticket covered all the rodeo events for a day. The program and rodeo event tickets included Stampede general admission for the appropriate day.
I want to give a special Thank You to Nelson for his excellent advice about the seats to get. He recommended Grand Stand seats, high up, near the center and near the front of section. We enjoyed the shows and got to see all the action. Thanks Nelson!!!


07-08-2019, 09:00 PM
Day 30: On Sunday, we drove from Calgary to East Glacier, Montana to spend the night in The Glacier Lodge. After leaving Calgary, we drove south on RT-2. The terrain in this region of Alberta is mostly flat and in agricultural use.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0699.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0699.jpg.html)

In the town of Nanton, AB we found the Bomber Command Mmuseum fo Canada honoring the men and women of Canadia who served in the air campaign against Germany in World War II. We were earlier than the open time but we did get some pictures of the planes:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0756.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0756.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0760.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0760.jpg.html)

From southern Alberta, we got our first views of the mountains of Glacier National Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0760%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0760%202.jpg.html)

We stopped of gas in Clarsholm, AB and Lyndi sighted people riding horses in a small fenced ring:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0924.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0924.jpg.html)

We investigated and discovered a Team Roping Championship event being held at the Agriplex:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0951.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0951.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0128.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0128.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0060.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0060.jpg.html)

We learned that Team Roping is a sport that many horseman take very seriously.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0051.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0051.jpg.html)

07-08-2019, 09:25 PM
Team Roping is an demanding test of two riders and two horses. A small steer is released from a chute. The steer will run for the far end of the ring. Two riders have to start quickly and catch up to the steer. The Header has to lasso the steer. Then the Heeler has to lasso the steer's rear leg. Then the horses back up to restrain the steer and the clock stops when a judge drops his flag.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0418.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0418.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0355.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0355.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0356.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0356.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0357.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0357.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0358.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0358.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0359.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0359.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0360.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0360.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0361.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0361.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0020_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0020_1.jpg.html)

to be continued........

07-08-2019, 09:44 PM
The team roping was fun to watch. The event was well run and there was always a lot going on in the ring. The first section was 147 teams. Each team that had a successful run in the first section gets to compete in a subsequent section. The team with the most consistent time wins.
The audience is very close to the ring. I could have reached out to shake hands with a rider.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0457.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0457.jpg.html)

Men and women compete in the event, although I didn't see any woman Heelers.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0283.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0283.jpg.html)

The steers wear a protective harness to protect their horns. They know what is expected of them and the run to the exit very enthusiastically:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0484.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0484.jpg.html)

Although I didn't see and collisions, I think cell phones while riding should be banned:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0963.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0963.jpg.html)


07-08-2019, 11:06 PM
We spent our night in East Glacier at the Glacier Park Lodge. This lodge was built by the Great Northern Railroad in 1912, just after Glacier National Park was dedicated. The three-story main building of the lodge required 60 Douglas Fir trunks. Each timber is 40 feet long and 36 to 42 inches in diameter. This lodge is one of the nicest historic lodges in the National Park System and is our favorite. The lodge is privately owned and is not run by the NP lodging contractor. Reservations are made directly with the lodge.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0012_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0012_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0058.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0058.jpg.html)

We did not go into the Glacier NP on this trip, but the snow on the mountains provided a nice view:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0027_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0027_1.jpg.html)

Day 31: We drove east on US-2 then south on US-89/ US-287, to Livingston, MT. Western Montana has a lot of acres in agriculture and a lot of mountains. It is a beautiful area:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0216.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0216.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0371.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0371.jpg.html)

The unique landscape of the Missouri River Canyon caught our attention. We added the area to our Bucket List:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0423.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0423.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0511.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0511.jpg.html)


07-09-2019, 11:02 PM
Day 32: Drive from Livingston, MT to Pinedale, Wyoming

On Tuesday we continued our journey south. Our destination for the day was central Wyoming. From Livingston we drove south to Gardner, MT, the gateway to Yellowstone Park.

We weren't going to do any sightseeing in Yellowstone, but since it was the shortest route to central Wyoming we went this way. In Gardner we found the original stone arch that was the entrance to Yellowstone National Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0226_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0226_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0222_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0222_1.jpg.html)

As we approached the actual park entrance gate we spotted some Prong Horn Sheep:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0260.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0260.jpg.html)

This is a nice trestle bridge for the road to the east gate to the Park and to the Canyon Lodge area of the Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0295.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0295.jpg.html)

We stopped briefly at the Mammoth area of the Park to see the hot spring pools:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0356_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0356_1.jpg.html)

The central plain of Yellowstone NP is at 6,700 to 7,200 feet elevation. There are many places throughout the Park that steam rises from the ground and ponds:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0548.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0548.jpg.html)

We stopped briefly at the Old Faithful Inn, one of the historic lodges in the National Park System:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0678.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0678.jpg.html)

We left Yellowstone at the Southern Gate and drove on to Grand Teton National Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0761.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0761.jpg.html)

The Grand Teton Mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_1124.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_1124.jpg.html)

South of Grand Teton NP, in Jackson, WY, we turned on to US-189/US-191 South and headed for the small town of Pinedale, WY. The scenery for this leg of the trip was fantastic. We followed the Hobeck River and passed through mountains and then beef cattle country:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_1281.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_1281.jpg.html)


07-10-2019, 10:54 PM
Bob and his family are from my hometown of Broadus, MT. Always enjoyed being around Bob.
Day 6 Driving to Spokane, Washington.

First on the agenda for Thursday was to visit The Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Co.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059%203.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0059%203.jpg.html)

Kirk, the owner, and his father built this business and now Kirk runs the operation. We were fascinated to get to see all of the steps used to manufacture all of the parts and pieces of the famous Sharps 1874 Rifle. Many of the steel parts are molded and machined in-house:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0038%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0038%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0026.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0026.jpg.html)

Thank you, Kirk for taking the time to welcome us to your shop.

We drove west on I-90 across Montana and Idaho following roughly the Bozeman Trail crossing the Continental Divide:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/00%20-%202019%20Alaska%20Trip/DSC_0093%202.jpg.html)


07-10-2019, 11:03 PM

I am curious, Do you do all the driving or does Lyndi do some of the driving as well?

07-11-2019, 08:55 AM

I am curious, Do you do all the driving or does Lyndi do some of the driving as well?

I do all the driving. Lyndi navigates and finds places to see and things to do along the way. Lyndi also paints with acrylics or creates art on her graphics lap top while we are driving.


07-11-2019, 09:05 AM
Day 33: Drive from Pinedale, WY to The Flaming Gorge in Red Lodge, Utah

We left Pinedale bright and early and Lyndi got this interesting picture of the landscape:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0001a.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0001a.jpg.html)

We drove from Pinedale south to I-80 then west a few miles to the turn-off for US-191, the road that runs by The Flaming Gorge.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0276.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0276.jpg.html)

The first view of the north portion of the Gorge was stunning.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0277.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0277.jpg.html)

The Royal Gorge is the result of erosion by the Green River through up-lifted rock layers. Some of the layers exposed at the bottom of the gorge are 1.1 Billion years old. The Green River joins the Colorado River and flows through the Grand Canyon.

We turned off US-191 and followed WY-33 down to the floor of the gorge. The rock formations seen from RT-33 are amazing:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0428.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0428.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0447.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0447.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0499.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0499.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0541.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0541.jpg.html)

The Green River has been dammed about 60 miles south of these pictures and the Royal Gorge lake extends all the way north to where we were. We found a hill to climb up to a knob that promised a nice view of the lake:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0783%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0783%202.jpg.html)

The little dot at the top of the knob is me!!

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0811.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0811.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0875.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0875.jpg.html)

to be continued.......

07-11-2019, 08:18 PM
Thank you Jim and Lyndi, you take us on some amazing adventures and the pictures are spectacular.

07-11-2019, 08:25 PM
Flaming Gorge part 2: After driving to the dam in the southern portion of the Flaming Gorge Reaction Area, we decided to rent a boat and cruise around the Green River. We stopped at Cedar Springs Marina and rented a "speed boat" with a 150 HP Mercury outboard:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0041_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0041_2.jpg.html)

We headed west through the canyon enjoying the water level view of the canyon walls:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0269.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0269.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0340.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0340.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0080.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0080.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0428_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0428_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0362_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0362_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0588.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0588.jpg.html)

We returned to the area of the Royal Gorge Dam to check out the US-191 bridge over a side stream of the lake and to do some bird watching:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0754.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0754.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0796.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0796.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0798.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0798.jpg.html)


07-11-2019, 09:15 PM
After our cruise on the Green River, we retired to our cabin at Red Lodge Cabins. The cabins are located on the gorge rim at the south end. We have stayed here before and we enjoy them:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0011_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0011_2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0012_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0012_2.jpg.html)

A behind the scenes look at our computer work station:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0016_3.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0016_3.jpg.html)

The view of the lake at the lodge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0008_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0008_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0020_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0020_2.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0053_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0053_1.jpg.html)


07-11-2019, 09:58 PM
Day 34: Drive from Flaming Gorge to Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Thursday was a short driving day, 3 and a half hours to Steamboat Springs.

The landscape in northwest Utah was similar to that around the Flaming Gorge. The same eroded layers of rock were still present near the town of Vernal:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0173.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0173.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0180.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0180.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0219.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0219.jpg.html)

We headed east into Colorado and it was a easy drive to the ski town on the edge of the western Rocky Mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0797%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0797%202.jpg.html)

With the part of our trip that requires driving on gravel roads behind us, we took the opportunity to wash the car:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0996%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0996%202.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0999%202.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0999%202.jpg.html)

Lyndi got a thrill to spend the night at one of the oldest motels in Steamboat Springs. The Rabbit Ears Motel was built in 1953 and has been remodeled and is a very comfortable motel:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0031_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0031_1.jpg.html)


07-11-2019, 10:10 PM
I do all the driving. Lyndi navigates and finds places to see and things to do along the way. Lyndi also paints with acrylics or creates art on her graphics lap top while we are driving.


That is cool and WOW that is a lot of driving.. I know that from our family vacations, where I get all the driving duties

07-11-2019, 11:12 PM
Hotel named after Rabbit Ears Pass, awesome trip/pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2019, 01:15 AM
Jim & Lyndi,

As always, thank you for sharing your adventures
with all of us. Your pictures are beautiful and better
than professional. The time taken for your written
reports is much appreciated. It sure seems that the
two of you are living life correctly. Continue to have
fun and continued safe travels.


So... how many miles on your Z now?

07-12-2019, 08:03 AM
Jim & Lyndi,

So... how many miles on your Z now?

Hi Ted, about 71,000 now. For this trip so far, ~7,800 miles.
And we have enjoyed every mile.

No problems with the ZR-1. Every thing is running great and the Michelin PS2's are holding up well. I finally fixed the rear alignment problem.

On Friday, we will join a large Family Reunion in Estes Park, CO. All my brothers and about 60 people from the Ford (my Mother's) side of the family.


07-12-2019, 06:14 PM
Absolutely right! An Alvis TB14. Very rare and I have never seen one in person. Great work -- I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing the answer. I even found another picture of that very car at a car show. --Bob
So, I was at a customers house this afternoon. I asked "whats under the cover". It was a 1932 Alvis. He said one of two in North America. What are the odds?

Mystic ZR-1
07-12-2019, 08:23 PM
So, I was at a customers house this afternoon. I asked "whats under the cover". It was a 1932 Alvis. He said one of two in North America. What are the odds?

But, did he buy a pump?

07-13-2019, 07:43 AM
But, did he buy a pump?
I might have had to give him one. Warrenty.

07-13-2019, 07:45 AM
So, I was at a customers house this afternoon. I asked "whats under the cover". It was a 1932 Alvis. He said one of two in North America. What are the odds?

That is amazing!


07-13-2019, 08:24 AM
Day 35: Drive from Steamboat Springs to Estes Park, CO for a family reunion.

On Friday we left the Rabbit Ears Hotel and headed south on US-40. We didn't even get a half mile before we saw a hot air balloon:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0013_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0013_1.jpg.html)

We circled back toward town and now there were two balloons. We like the Smokey balloon:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0019_3.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0019_3.jpg.html)

Then 3 balloons and more:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0022_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0022_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0025.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0025.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0074_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0074_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0075.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0075.jpg.html)

By now we were back into Steamboat Springs and the balloons were right above the buildings:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0086_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0086_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0117_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0117_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0125_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0125_1.jpg.html)

As far as we know, no balloons were injured in the making of this documentary.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0149.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0149.jpg.html)


07-13-2019, 07:32 PM
Day 35 continued:

After the balloon chasing, we drove south on US-40 over Bear Mountain heading for Granby, CO, the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0240_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0240_1.jpg.html)

We passed a beautiful small gorge with a stream, rocky cliffs and railroad tracks. Three of my favorite things:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0417.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0417.jpg.html)

After a brief stop in Granby, we watched as a group of about 40 vintage Fords from the 1960's passed. There were Rancheros, Galaxies, Falcons, Fairlanes, plus others and a Woody with a surfboard. Surprisingly there were no Mustangs. We join the cruise and headed for the National Park:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0502.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0502.jpg.html)

Luckily for us,the Fords pulled off before the park entrance so we had the Trail Ridge Road to ourselves. Less than a mile up the road we spotted a grown Moose relaxing near the road. Since the Moose is wearing a locator collar, it is being used to study movements:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0684_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0684_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0728.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0728.jpg.html)

We enjoyed the early summer views of the snow on the mountains:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0779.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0779.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0802.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0802.jpg.html)

There were lots of places where there was still snow at the road side:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0864.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0864.jpg.html)

Here is the view looking east from Medicine Bow Curve. The pull out is just west of the Alpine Visitor Center, near the highest elevation in the Park.

(This is one of the spots where the ZR-1 Rocky Mountain Run group stopped last year):

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0925_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0925_1.jpg.html)

Trail Ridge Road east of the Alpine Visitor Center on the scariest part with cliffs at the road edge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0999.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0999.jpg.html)

to be continued.........

07-13-2019, 08:22 PM
Day 35 continued:

Rocky Mountain National Park has many, many wonderful views. Here is a rain storm over the ridge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0184.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0184.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0201.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0201.jpg.html)

Just east of the Alpine Visitor Center, I spotted several Rock Sheep laying down about 10 feet from the edge of the road. Their coloration makes them blend into the rocky terrain very effectively:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0308.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0308.jpg.html)

As we descended from the peak we found a large group of Elk on the snow near the edge of the road. I counted a 45 Elk in all. Some were on the snow and some were below the snow edge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0439.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0439.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0431.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0431.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0412.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0412.jpg.html)

The many areas of remaining snow causes a lot of small waterfalls that overflow the road edge:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0619.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0619.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0622.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0622.jpg.html)

We left the National Park and went to a large YMCA Recreation Area near Estes Park to attend a Ford Family Reunion(my Mother's side of the family). One of the mandatory events of our reunions is to get a photo of the Five Voter Brothers in chronological order:
(left to right) Rich, Warren Art, Jim, Bill (oldest):

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0808.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0808.jpg.html)

As the festivities continued, Lyndi got a neat picture just after sunset:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0846.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0846.jpg.html)


07-13-2019, 09:11 PM
Day 36: Drive to Hayes, KS

We left Estes Park on US-34 which runs through Big Thompson Canyon, a very scenic road along the Big Thompson Creek:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0019_4.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0019_4.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0062.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0062.jpg.html)

This cottage is nestled against the canyon wall:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0054_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0054_1.jpg.html)

In an attempt to get an "artsy" photo of the creek behind us, Lyndi's aim was a little off:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0003_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0003_1.jpg.html)

We came upon 4 Rock Sheep on the road. Two jumped the guard rail on the left side and the other two effortlessly climbed the rock wall on the right:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0126.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0126.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0140_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0140_2.jpg.html)

This began the "trip Home" part of our ZR-1 Road Trip. Our first section was ~400 miles to Hayes, Kansas.

We took I-26 around Denver, the got on I-70 East. Near the Denver Airport we crossed under the elevated commuter train:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0269_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0269_1.jpg.html)

We took a rest stop in Colby, KS to get a picture of the Largest Barn in Kansas:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0307_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0307_1.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0312.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0312.jpg.html)

Kansas is very flat, for miles and miles it is flat:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0337.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0337.jpg.html)


07-13-2019, 10:08 PM
I grew up in western Kansas.
First time I went to sea while in the Navy remember thinking to myself how flat is was out there, just like back home in Kansas. Only differences was Kansas had telephone poles on the horizon just like in your photo.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Paul Workman
07-14-2019, 06:15 AM
I grew up in western Kansas.
First time I went to sea while in the Navy remember thinking to myself how flat is was out there, just like back home in Kansas. Only differences was Kansas had telephone poles on the horizon just like in your photo.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Instead of telephone poles...sure it wasn't PERISCOPES!?:wink:


That rock "wall" in the Rocky Mtn park...looks a little familiar from a year ago, no?

07-14-2019, 07:24 AM
Instead of telephone poles...sure it wasn't PERISCOPES!?:wink:


That rock "wall" in the Rocky Mtn park...looks a little familiar from a year ago, no?

Yes Paul, that is where we stopped on the Rocky Mountain Run. How are you doing?


07-14-2019, 07:26 AM
I grew up in western Kansas.
First time I went to sea while in the Navy remember thinking to myself how flat is was out there, just like back home in Kansas. Only differences was Kansas had telephone poles on the horizon just like in your photo.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

I was thinking about you when we were looking at the city skylines that were really grain elevators.


07-14-2019, 10:59 PM
Day 37: Drive to St Louis

On Sunday we left Hayes, Kansas ad continued east on I-70. On a previous trip on I-70 we stopped in Salina, KS and enjoyed the sculptures in the downtown street. We stopped in Salina again but unfortunately, the main street was ripped up for repairs and there were only a couple of sculptures:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0563_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0563_1.jpg.html)

We were impressed by the very large grain elevator in Salina:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0561.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0561.jpg.html)

There is a neat old and apparently abandoned train station:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0562.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0562.jpg.html)

We continued east and stopped at the Kansas City Zoo. The zoo is small with relatively few animals and they were avoiding the 95 degree heat. We did enjoy the shark and ray tank:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0565_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0565_1.jpg.html)

And the Sea Lions:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0566_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0566_1.jpg.html)

The Polar Bear was asleep so Lyndi posed with the statute:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0567_1.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0567_1.jpg.html)

We continued east and stopped in St Louis, MO. We were met by Darren Wollmershauser and his Dad. Darren owns a beautiful 1996 Dark Purple C-4 Corvette and took some pictures and had a nice dinner together.

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0568.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0568.jpg.html)

As we talked about ZR-1's I remembered that a long-time ZR-1 owner, Keith Moudy lived in St Louis, and owned a bar and grill named Moudy's. Darren and David took us there to see if Keith was there. He was not there on a Sunday evening so I left my card and I hope he will say Hi here:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0607.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0607.jpg.html)


07-15-2019, 09:33 PM
Day 38: Drive to Cross Lanes, West Virginia

On Monday we left Port Saint Louis and drove east on I-64 to the Charleston, WV area. We drove through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia.

Traffic was heavy but moving fast on I-70 north of St Louis:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0001.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0001.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0003_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0003_2.jpg.html)

We had some rain in Indiana, but otherwise the trip went fine.

We put on an Audible Book and cruised toward home.


07-16-2019, 06:14 AM
Jim, was that a life size replica of the polar bear?

Paul Workman
07-16-2019, 10:50 AM
Day 38: Drive to Cross Lanes, West Virginia

On Monday we left Port Saint Louis and drove east on I-64 to the Charleston, WV area. We drove through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia.

Traffic was heavy but moving fast on I-70 north of St Louis:

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0001.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0001.jpg.html)

https://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/DSC_0003_2.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/DSC_0003_2.jpg.html)

We had some rain in Indiana, but otherwise the trip went fine.

We put on an Audible Book and cruised toward home.


traveled I-70 twixt CO and home through St Louis many a time. Never one of my favorite segments (St. Louis) to travel - always jammed.

That said, I know at one time there used to be scenic tours where ppl could ride an elevator to the top of the arch to an observation deck. I don't know if it is still available, but if so, I'm sure Lindi could capture some stunning photos from up there! Justathought!:)

07-16-2019, 11:07 AM
traveled I-70 twixt CO and home through St Louis many a time. Never one of my favorite segments (St. Louis) to travel - always jammed.

That said, I know at one time there used to be scenic tours where ppl could ride an elevator to the top of the arch to an observation deck. I don't know if it is still available, but if so, I'm sure Lindi could capture some stunning photos from up there! Justathought!:)

Yes you can still ride up in the arch. I did it and will never do that again, too crowded and not much room..

07-16-2019, 02:15 PM

We arrived home Tuesday at about 1:30 PM

Second ZR-1 Road Trip to Alaska:

39 days
9,534 miles
22 states
3 Canadian Provinces

1995 Dark Purple ZR-1: now 72,989 miles, no problems!

It is furn to travel and it is great to be HOME!

Jim & Lyndi

07-16-2019, 02:25 PM
Congratulations, welcome back, and
THANK YOU! :cheers:

So... when/where's the next trip?



07-16-2019, 02:26 PM
Congrats on a successful and safe trip!

Many thanks for including us. I enjoyed the pictures,comments and updates.

Not sure what will take the place of your travel "channel"!

07-16-2019, 06:20 PM
Happy to hear your back home without any serious interruptions. Thank you for the ride along on such an interesting trip.

07-16-2019, 06:24 PM
Welcome Home !!! Really enjoyed your travel documentary. The photos and posts were great.

07-16-2019, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the ride

07-17-2019, 08:39 AM
Welcome back!

We Gone
07-17-2019, 08:49 AM
Thanks for taking us along. yet more proof the C4 ZR-1 is still a rock solid Corvette.

07-17-2019, 09:10 AM
Thanks for taking us along. yet more proof the C4 ZR-1 is still a rock solid Corvette.

Absolutely True!!!!!

During our travels we talk to lots of people about Corvettes in general and about the C4 in particular.

Over and over we stress that the C4 marked a turning point for Chevrolet and Corvette. The C4 is a very competent TOURING CAR.

With a little ingenuity there is enough luggage space to travel long distances and to collect about a trunk-full of souvenirs.

There were a few places where we decided not to drive due to low ground clearance, but not very many. In a future trip, we may rent a Jeep occasionally to get "off-road".

I will admit that it is hard to bring the kids along.

Thank you to everyone for the support and nice comments.


07-17-2019, 09:12 AM
The Captain of Wazoo and first mate have returned safe and sound. Welcome back!
Greetings from Aruba.