View Full Version : brake bleeder screws

03-28-2007, 01:41 PM
Could someone inlighten me as to the size of the bleeder screws? I'm going to flush the brake system and would like to replace the bleeders with speed bleeders, but can't find the size anywhere. Are they 1/4-20 or 5/16-18? I'm talking about the thread pitch not what wrench to use. Thanks.

03-28-2007, 01:56 PM
Saw your post and was curious why you are flushing and what you are using. My 90 has a soft pedal and I think it is time to do the same. Any ideas or suggestions please.

03-28-2007, 05:21 PM
If you've had your a car a few years and never flushed the brake lines......YOU ARE DO! :)

Brake fluid by its nature absorbs water, so over time, as it absorbs moisture, it looses its effectiveness as a hydralic oil, and braking suffers and also the moisture can corrode brake parts.

Its not hard I just did mine last weekend. There are many ways to do it: the, old two-person, one pumps the other opens the bleeder valve method, vacuum pump method, thats what I used and the pressure pump on top of the master cylinder. All work fine. The important thing is you do it!

Start at the farthest tire and flush the nasty brown out with new DOT 3 fluid until it runs clean and clear.

I noticed mine gained a little firmness in the brake pedal.

03-28-2007, 07:40 PM
Call Summit and ask for the Russell speed bleeder; tell them year/model/etc. & they should know exactly what to send.

03-28-2007, 07:49 PM
Thanks I'll do that. To the other post, I'm flushing the system because the fluid is dark brown and I don't have a clue if the first owner ever did it. I'm going with the Prestone Synthetic brake fluid and still want to replace the original bleeders with speed bleaders. I wish to thank all who replied to my thread.

03-29-2007, 10:24 PM
Not wishing to get flamed for this suggestion, but I've had very good results with Ford heavy duty brake fluid. Great bang for buck. Do a search on brake fluid on this & other Vette forums and you'll probably find that others like it also. Not the best, certainly, but it's definitely good stuff AND affordable.