View Full Version : Product for dissolving gum in fuel tank

05-19-2019, 01:27 PM
Hey guys, I am cleaning my tank today and its pretty bad. I can remove the solids off the liner fairly easy, and there is a lot. My question is how to remove the gummy varnish that has accumulated. I have read a few posts that suggest white vinegar and baking soda and water and another that suggests draino , I don't want to damage the liner in the tank, thanks.

05-19-2019, 01:34 PM
I think i would just buy a new tank, that looks really bad.

05-19-2019, 01:38 PM
Yes Daniel's, it is very bad, the old sending unit assembly dissolved into the tank. This is what happens when machines are neglected. I'm going to work on it for a little while and see. Thanks

Flyman 27
05-20-2019, 08:40 AM
Looks to me like it is time for a new tank, that one looks to be beyond repair. Looks like maybe the whole fuel system may need replacement.

05-20-2019, 09:53 AM
Yes Daniel's, it is very bad, the old sending unit assembly dissolved into the tank. This is what happens when machines are neglected. I'm going to work on it for a little while and see. Thanks

I'm not sure what all dissolved, but that is a massive amount of solids. You'll have to take that tank out to clean it appropriately anyway, so you might as well put a new tank in.

05-20-2019, 11:37 AM
I'm not sure what all dissolved, but that is a massive amount of solids.

Ethanol caused problems similar to this when it was first introduced.

Older fuel storage tanks had a layer of sludge built up from years of leaded fuel storage. Unleaded fuel didn't seem to affect the sludge but ethanol started dissolving it and it ended up in our fuel tanks.

The concentration of sludge that went into your tank was worse if you were unlucky enough to fill up when the storage tank was low. Those fortunate ones who filled up only at newer stations never had to deal with it.

It was a black gummy mess that required some serious flushing to eliminate.

Vette Guy
05-22-2019, 01:14 AM
Wow! The change out isn’t too bad, but you will need to remove the rear substructure. A new tank is about $300.

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