View Full Version : Busy Day...

05-05-2019, 02:19 PM
Finally got the time to take care of some minor issues...

New Spark plugs - easy
Non-working pass side bolster adjustment - turned out to be bad contacts in the switch. Removed switch, dismantled switch, cleaned contacts, reassembled. Works great.
Non-working Lumbar pumps - Rebuilt both pumps, homemade diaphragms, now work fine.
Non-working LF speaker - Removed, waiting for replacement amp. Will rebuild original at work and keep for a spare.
LED Fog lights - easy once I found out how to access them.
LED Tail lights - easy
LED capable flasher - What a PIA to get to, but done.

Need a solution for LED front parking/turn signal lamps. The ones I got didn't work when parking lights are on.....

Time for a nap......

Paul Workman
05-05-2019, 08:50 PM
Finally got the time to take care of some minor issues...

New Spark plugs - easy
Non-working pass side bolster adjustment - turned out to be bad contacts in the switch. Removed switch, dismantled switch, cleaned contacts, reassembled. Works great.
Non-working Lumbar pumps - Rebuilt both pumps, homemade diaphragms, now work fine.
Non-working LF speaker - Removed, waiting for replacement amp. Will rebuild original at work and keep for a spare.
LED Fog lights - easy once I found out how to access them.
LED Tail lights - easy
LED capable flasher - What a PIA to get to, but done.

Need a solution for LED front parking/turn signal lamps. The ones I got didn't work when parking lights are on.....

Time for a nap......

That one is a little tricky.

Suggest you PM me or -=Jeff=-

05-05-2019, 08:51 PM
Sounds like a productive weekend. Way to go.