View Full Version : Insurance help/strategy needed please.... got tagged
04-17-2019, 06:48 AM
Yesterday was the day that we all dread; I was in an accident. Everyone was fine, the 16 year old got the ticket and I got the heart ache. I was obviously pissed, but that quickly tempered as my "dad" took over as she sat in her new (less than 1000 mile Honda) shaking and crying.
Long story short she "jumped through" three lanes of traffic from the middle turn lane in rush our traffic. I was in the middle of the three and the guy on the left of me locked up his brakes, I glanced over and there she was. I tee boned her as she was passing left to right direct in front of me. I mention this as I believe I have some frame damage (the steering is at 10:30) and the hood and front facia show signs of being "mushed sideways". She got an un-safe lane change violation.
This especially hurst as I got the car back (see other posts) last month from Steve Schroder at Cross Flags for some engine work and dyno. The car was REALLY running well.
I'd like some help with how to work with insurance companies with cars as special as ours. If this was my daughters car, I'd know what to do , but our cars are unique. I took it to my "go to" everyday body man. He said that the car faired better than he thought but the frame is slightly pushed-- but the car is 100% fixable barring time, parts, money. However the insurance company will most likely total the car based on age, value etc. He said that everything front of the radiator shroud would need repairing or fixing. Remarkably the shroud shows no signs of damage and the car ran home just fine.
He said to take it to a shop that specialises in Corvettes prior to the insurance company call for advise and to synch stories. I have an appointment Friday afternoon.
So, I have a few questions:
1) How does insurance companies estable the value of our classic cars?
2) How does and insurance company take into account the recent (I have all receipts) work done on upgrades?
3) What determines criteria for "condition?" This car has 80k but looks every bit of 20k. It is (was anyway) in remarkable condition as I got it from the original owner.
4) If "totalled" how does the "buy back" process work and how is a price established?
5) If totalled and bought, can I avoid a salvage title- I own the car free and clear?
Anything else? Any advise is appreciated.
(If totalled I'd like to somehow either keep to repair and/or make sure that it goes to someone in the club for donor and or parts car. It really is in great condition and I want to keep it in the family)
04-17-2019, 07:09 AM
Bill, sorry to hear the news. One of our Wazoo guys had a State Farm regular policy and made out well when his car caught on fire. Not only did he come out far better than he thought (mid-high 20's) but he gave them copies of receipts for recent mods done. State Farm gave him I believe 80% credit for the parts and came up with a value for labor (Wazoo did the labor - cost was pizza). Then they included his tax, registration etc. Ended up with a total of low $30's and more than happy.
I also have State Farm but have their collector car insurance with agreed upon value. They just started this type of policy last year.
Others are more knowledgeable about this and keep us posted. Which insurance company are you with?
04-17-2019, 08:16 AM
You can be sure we all feel badly for you.
Some comments:
1- that really does not look too bad.
2- looking at her car, you hit mostly sheet metal
3- totaled? depends.
If you have regular everyday insurance that values the car as a 1991 Corvette, and the premiums paid were based on that, the repair cost could exceed the paltry amount such policies might pay.
If you have a Collector's Policy, then if the car is actually unfixable, which I doubt, then they would pay the amount that was "agreed upon" when you started the policy.
If it was a "stated value" policy, perhaps less, but way more than regular coverage.
Please, all who read this, make certain that you have an "agreed upon value" collector policy, such as that offered by NCM Insurance, and that the value is representative of what the car is actually worth.
If you do not, then you are simply taking an unnecessary risk.
Bill, nearly all of the parts that were damaged are run of the mill C-4 parts.
These cars do not have frames per se, and because of that, minor "pushes" can easily be "pulled" back by a competent collision repair facility.
I suspect that you will be fine, and am very happy no one was injured, and that you behaved like a "dad" to the poor cherub that simply made a very foolish mistake.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Here it is cold and hard...
Pretty simple fix. Have a frame shop check it out, it'll may need a pull to align the horns. Maybe not, the front bumper assembly is mounted with four bolts, and it may have taken all the damage. It looks like you are going to need a front bumper cover, inside bumper support, possibly a front piece that welds on to the front "horns" and mounts the inside bumper support. Possibly one or both hinges. possibly some inner panels and brackets. The hood looks fixable. If it gets "totaled", salvage title almost no exceptions, and as far as a buy back, that's up to the insurance company....some do, some don't. If you want to keep the car insist on getting it fixed and don't mention totaling. If you want out, it should be fairly easy to get it totaled....most companies don't want the headaches of dealing with classic cars (or their owners). New replacement parts are almost impossible to obtain....although it is used parts that were damaged (think about it) If you can document all your recent improvements you will probably get reimbursed. In todays market, and 80k miles, a salvage title would drop the value of your car about 40%. Damage history vs no damage history maybe 10% at that mileage. Sorry for your loss, I know you put a lot of yourself into that car.
04-17-2019, 10:02 AM
The main thing is you got to hug your daughter afterwards, and no one was hurt in rush hour traffic......
Can't remember off the top of my head who I have ( Prudential I think) but I remember they wouldn't touch insuring the car without their appraiser coming out and doing his thing. Once he appraised it as a ZR-1, they insured me. But it had to be fully insured, maybe due to the age. But at time of my purchase the car was 23 years old. Not collector age yet.....
If you have a good agent / insurance they will work with you. It can be a headache to deal with, just make sure they know it is NOT the base C4 model. The damage looks cosmetic to the eye...... new hood, front clip, etc. Hopefully she is not too bad under the skin, too where it would have to be totaled. Fingers crossed your ordeal will go smoothly!
04-17-2019, 10:30 AM
Bill, if you have a good agent, you certainly should talk with him about your options, but I would suggest that you not file a claim with your insurance company unless you have an agreed value policy, and even then I am not so sure. Rather, I would suggest that you first get a couple of estimates for the repairs and then talk with the teenager's parents. If you eventually need a lawyer, fine. But I would think a discussion with the parents of the teen would probably result in them paying for the repairs (or at least a fair portion of them) rather than filing a claim with their insurance company for their daughter. Certainly worth a try and maybe a discussion with an attorney ahead of time as to how best to approach the situation. I think if there is any possibility of getting the car totaled by the insurance company you would want to avoid that as it is sure to result in a salvage title if you manage to keep the car. Always best to first try to work something out with the at fault party. Just my $.02.--Bob
04-17-2019, 11:11 AM
Bill, get with Mid Cities Classics, Jim Welch is the owner. Highly recommended by some fellow Corvette owners. Quote was "It's not cheap, he does full restorations and a lot of Corvette Work. He is easily one of the best in DFW."
Other great advice for everyone is get agreed value coverage. I have $45K on my 91, which would cover everything I've done to it (and is more than I could probably sell it for). Makes it a lot easier not having to worry about what would happen if something like this happened to it.
04-17-2019, 11:47 AM
Man, so sorry this happened to you. Glad you or anyone else wasn't injured for sure... I also did an agreed value on my 90 of $25k Seemed the safe bet to me. I wish you all the best with the situation and repairs... :cheers:
04-17-2019, 03:51 PM
Bill, get with Mid Cities Classics, Jim Welch is the owner. Highly recommended by some fellow Corvette owners. Quote was "It's not cheap, he does full restorations and a lot of Corvette Work. He is easily one of the best in DFW."
Evan- you and I are on the same track. I was trading Emails with Jim last night and spoke with him this morning. Jim has done work on both my ZR1 and Z06 and I have neveer had an issue with him. I am taking my car in Friday afternoon and putting it up on his rack. Jim kept it pretty simple after looking at the photos; he said that if the underneath and structures look good let's fix it, if not, lets get the highest value.
I did call my agent, (AllState) and he recommended using the other insurance company (Progressive) as the girl was at fault and ticketed so I was more likely to get a better deal. He did not know how the insurance companies arrived at the value of the classic cars but said that guides like Haggarty/KBB are known quantities and he wants to do some research.
Good idea to reach out ot the parents, however there will be a language barrier to overcome as I overhear them speaking after I asked her to call her dad. Poor kid was just a hot, hot mess.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'd like to keep the car if able to do a proper repair. If not I'll be back in the market looking for another unicorn ZR1!
04-17-2019, 06:59 PM
I've dealt with this before (unfortunately, but on a different and much rarer car), so here's my $0.02:
Agree with others, it really doesn't look that bad. Body shops vary widely in competence, so go with someone recommended (looks like you have that part already).
Your best bet for now will be to go after her insurance. Since she is at fault, they will be the ones to pay (unless TX is a no-fault state, but I don't believe it is).
Be prepared to fight with them on the appraisal of the car's value. Don't back down on where the car will be taken for repair, either--they will try to get you to use one of their "approved" body shops, which means they do cheap, crappy work.
Get an independent estimate from where you would want to have it fixed. Her insurance may try to low-ball you on the repair payments, but you have the right to take the car where you want it to be repaired.
Insurance adjusters are under pressure to get their claims settled quickly. Most people are in a hurry because they have lost their daily driver, so they also settle quickly. If you show that you are patient and willing to fight it out, you'll get a much better result.
There is a lot of variance in laws state-to-state, but most have in common that the insurer must work with you "in good faith", and you must also be "made whole" financially. Use these terms liberally when you speak with them, if you have to. It wouldn't hurt to read up on TX insurance law.
If they still balk at the dollar amount to fix (and the repair cost is within the recorded sale price of recent ZR-1's), provide supporting documentation. If they still balk, then tell them you will be getting an independent appraisal of the car. You'd be surprised how effective this is, since the independent appraisal generally precedes a lawsuit. This is not something they want to spend money on, so you will generally get them to back down at that point.
Having said all that, they'll never pay $50k in repairs for a $25k car. Your best outcome if the repair costs are that high will be to get a similar amount of money that it would take to buy exactly what you had. But again, this doesn't look like a >$20k repair---I'd guess more in the $15k range.
04-18-2019, 10:43 AM
Bill, a few other suggestions for shops are Stuarts and New Concepts. Both got really great feedback from other Vette owners I know. The one caveat was that while Stuarts is probably the best around, they do take their time to do it right.
Paul Workman
04-18-2019, 12:07 PM
Been there. Done that. PM me.
Hood, bumper, frame straightening, windshield, painted...<$5k!
Looks better n ever!
04-18-2019, 06:22 PM
Paul, Check your PM. I'd like to talk to you about your experience, especially with the frame situation. I have some frame "mooshing" that will require a straightening. These guys helped me out with a windshield
04-18-2019, 11:11 PM
I am actually a Claims Director and have been in insurance claims for 25 years, one of my teams processes 48K total losses a year and TX is one of our largest states, if you have any questions please let me know.
04-18-2019, 11:20 PM
1) How does insurance companies estable the value of our classic cars?
Value is established using a company that specializes in vehicle valuations, either CCC or Mitchell. The valuation process used is consistent throughout the industry and CCC does about 70% of all carriers, they use actual vehicles for sale in your area to establish the value... adjustments in the range of the search can be made due to the rarity of the car and lack of comparables. The method used is approved by the State of TX
**Get an agreed value policy and you wont have to worry!
2) How does and insurance company take into account the recent (I have all receipts) work done on upgrades?
You submit the receipts to the insurance/ valuation company and they make adjustments, basic necessities may not add value as most comparables are dealer comps which are refurbished....
3) What determines criteria for "condition?" This car has 80k but looks every bit of 20k. It is (was anyway) in remarkable condition as I got it from the original owner.
The car is conditioned by each component Excellent, very good, good, and fair...terms may different but here is the conditioning guide
4) If "totalled" how does the "buy back" process work and how is a price established?
Copart/IAA are the largest salvage vendors they can give an instant salvage value called proquote and it can be bought back for that amount. They may also run it through take the high big and offer it to you for that anount
5) If totalled and bought, can I avoid a salvage title- I own the car free and clear?
The insurance company will have to notify the state :
04-18-2019, 11:28 PM
I don't think the car is a total based on the pics push them to repair as many parts as possible vs throwing on new. do the doors close, etc?
If the car is drivable, no airbag deployment, and no leaking fluids its probably a fixer
04-18-2019, 11:32 PM
First Damn I know you have done a lot to get her running the way you wanted.
As others has stated really not that bad and the good news nothing “ZR-1 only” specific was damaged. Did the airbag deploy? You did not mention that.
I would get the estimates and go from there. GC
04-18-2019, 11:49 PM
Rare cars can drive interesting values, from what I see the ZR-1s in the market are generally priced well over the sale price, most in the mid to high 20s on line. 5-6 years ago I bought an AMG C32 with 100K miles to daily drive. I paid $8K for the car. Last year I was rear ended at 35MPH pushing the back end of the car in 8"s folding the rear quarters Because of the rarity of the car they ran a countrywide search..... even though I now had 148K miles I got $8900 for the value.
Feast or famine with rare cars
04-19-2019, 02:25 AM
I've dealt with this before (unfortunately, but on a different and much rarer car), so here's my $0.02:
Agree with others, it really doesn't look that bad. Body shops vary widely in competence, so go with someone recommended (looks like you have that part already).
Your best bet for now will be to go after her insurance. Since she is at fault, they will be the ones to pay (unless TX is a no-fault state, but I don't believe it is).
Be prepared to fight with them on the appraisal of the car's value. Don't back down on where the car will be taken for repair, either--they will try to get you to use one of their "approved" body shops, which means they do cheap, crappy work.
Get an independent estimate from where you would want to have it fixed. Her insurance may try to low-ball you on the repair payments, but you have the right to take the car where you want it to be repaired.
Insurance adjusters are under pressure to get their claims settled quickly. Most people are in a hurry because they have lost their daily driver, so they also settle quickly. If you show that you are patient and willing to fight it out, you'll get a much better result.
There is a lot of variance in laws state-to-state, but most have in common that the insurer must work with you "in good faith", and you must also be "made whole" financially. Use these terms liberally when you speak with them, if you have to. It wouldn't hurt to read up on TX insurance law.
If they still balk at the dollar amount to fix (and the repair cost is within the recorded sale price of recent ZR-1's), provide supporting documentation. If they still balk, then tell them you will be getting an independent appraisal of the car. You'd be surprised how effective this is, since the independent appraisal generally precedes a lawsuit. This is not something they want to spend money on, so you will generally get them to back down at that point
I couldn’t have possibly said any better here,bottom line,stand firm and don’t give up an inch. In all of my dealings with insurance companies in the last I’ve never walked away not getting 100% of what was asked for. Sadly in situations like this the insurance company does not call the shot and the majority of consumers don’t know this. On the subject of a salvage title,once it’s branded that’s it,I understand there are ways to -wash- the title of a car is a salvage title but I do believed once it’s in the system it’s done. As far as the girl being shook up,maybe next time she will think before kills somebody.
04-19-2019, 07:07 AM
LGAAF- I'd love to speak with you. Is there a way we could touch base this morning as I have an appointment at the shop this afternoon? It would be a great help to be armed with the information. I sent you a PM. BTW.... I grew up in Fox Lake, IL.
**NEW QUESTION** It has been recommended that I get a complete donor car base model (I found a 91 with a blown motor) for parts rather than sourcing parts through houses; less expensive and a known fit. Is that a good idea and what years will be a COMPLETE fit with a 91? I know there were little tweaks here and there through out the years.
04-19-2019, 08:30 AM
LKQ Corp
There are 5 pages of used hoods on your area about $550
Your bumper may be repairable or there are remanufactured available
04-19-2019, 07:56 PM
First A big thanks to Lee (LGAAF) and Paul (Paul Workman) for talking with me today. Both these guys are class acts and were more than willing to help a native, fellow "flat lander" weave through some of the the insurance and repair minefields; we got to keep 1388 on the road!
The visit ot Mid Cities Classics went well. The owner (Jim Welch) is a 30 year Corvette guy and looked at my car and said "That ain't nothing" and proceeded to tell stories (In Texas nobody gives a direct answer but tells great, colorful stories to make the point) about Corvettes that rolled in ditches that he brought back to life.
He did some measurements and found that the front frame moved 2/3 of an inch side to side which he said was not a big deal. He went into a lot of detail about what he is going to do for paint, repair parts and quality control. The hood is savable but the front facia is not. I asked about parts and he said, "Bill I got a line on 100% of everything." I asked for a ball park and he said between $7.5 and $9,000, well below a "total." I left the car at his shop so as to get a heads start on the inspection and repair process.
I call to Progressive went well. All three of the people I dealt with were very nice, so I'm in their system and in the cue.
So, one big hurdle down and now the insurance goat rope begins!
Paul Workman
04-20-2019, 07:59 AM
Yes, Lee = "Da Man". I'm thrilled for ya - It's gonna be fine.
Brett took me pity on me and invited me to trailer the car (4 hour drive) to his shop to prep it for painting. There we spent a long day removing panels and Brett fixed a few flaws and cracks in one of the rocker and the bumper fascia. The he primed it and sanded it before taking it to the paint shop for a single-stage (PPG) paint (that turned out to be fantastic!).
It took me a couple day to get everything to fit "just right". But, in the end, I learned A LOT from Brett and the experience. Your Vette is gonna be just fine, I promise ya!
Prep and final pix... I dubbed her after the legendary "Phoenix" as she has risen from the 'ashes of destruction to soar again'!
04-20-2019, 09:27 AM
Very pleased to hear that things are moving as they are.
Had that happened to my car, I am certain that emotionally, it would be absolutely devastating.
Objectively however, it is clear that such damage is indeed able to be fixed, and the car will come back as good or perhaps even better than it had been.
If every ZR-1 that had a "Close Encounter" became totaled, there would be tons of parts cars around or at least hundreds of "re-constructed" ones.
Both of the cars involved absorbed the impact nicely, far better than had you hit any kind of stationary object. Those types of collisions generally result in the high cost repairs.
Sheet metal, plastic and fiberglass almost always make it look far worse than it actually is.
Kind of like my plumber friend who always says the water from a leak always makes even the most minor problem look catastrophic.
You found a high quality, competent and helpful repair shop.
You had great insight from members on how to navigate the insurance waters.
Given that; All should soon be fine!
Best of luck and best wishes for the quick return of your cherished toy!
04-20-2019, 10:22 PM
we got to keep 1388 on the road!
Good news.
I know this has been (and will continue to be) a major PITA, but it looks like things will work out.
04-23-2019, 08:06 AM
LGAAF- I'd love to speak with you. Is there a way we could touch base this morning as I have an appointment at the shop this afternoon? It would be a great help to be armed with the information. I sent you a PM. BTW.... I grew up in Fox Lake, IL.
**NEW QUESTION** It has been recommended that I get a complete donor car base model (I found a 91 with a blown motor) for parts rather than sourcing parts through houses; less expensive and a known fit. Is that a good idea and what years will be a COMPLETE fit with a 91? I know there were little tweaks here and there through out the years.
I have a 1991 parts car if there is anything you need.
04-23-2019, 04:59 PM
If you look at it objectively, maybe that's the wrong word to use, most agreed upon values of C4 Z's are a lot higher than what you can get if you sold...
My 91 has an agreed upon value of $29,000 ..That's a good amount over what I could get for it if I sold it....
04-23-2019, 07:30 PM
Spork- thank you SO much- I'll keep you in mind if I need something.
I got the estimate today from the shop; $11,200. Lots of new parts, frame pulling, fascia, paint, interior trim and mirrors off, radiator and condenser out.....etc. Sounds like pretty much a new front end.
The adjuster from the "other side" goes out tomorrow for a look. I called the insurance company and "got on record" about the car, the value, the "special-ness"...etc .
Jim the shop owner, is trusted and promises me that I'll be thrilled with the results. He said the car should be ready about May 10ish depending on the Dallas area humidity and painting. I told him to keep it and take his time.
More as it develops!
rudolph schenker
04-24-2019, 03:45 PM
04-24-2019, 04:46 PM
What a "F'n Goat Rope" (I'm a Navy guy, so it is appropriate) the insurance stuff is.
Progressive (the other guys company) inspected the car and found that the estimate for work, parts, time, quality...etc was dead on EXCEPT they wanted to pay the shop $50 an hour verses the $90 they charge. Progressives solution was for me to take my car to Maaco (I'm serious) or pay the difference on 91.5 hours of work. I lost my mind on the phone and later apologized for raising my voice at the office to my staff (I own my business so they "had" to forgive me) as they know how nutty I am about my car.
I called my Allstate rep and they said they would honor the quote, labor rate and sent me a $1000 check for the deductible. AllState called my shop and said that they will authorize the repairs as-is and to stand by for the paper authorization.
So far AllState has been a 10 and Flo is not so good.
04-24-2019, 04:48 PM
I think someone told you that would happen
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04-24-2019, 04:51 PM
I am actually surprised Allstate will pay a rate higher than prevailing rate in the area. Doing that locks them in to 90 per hour anywhere in the local market.
They might argue that the fiberglass repairs are specialty item in today’s world .....average labor rate countrywide is in the 50s. Honestly lower labor rate areas can also have vastly different repair times on judgement items that make it a wash to higher rate territories
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04-24-2019, 07:49 PM
I'm surprised that $50 an hour is considered "reasonable"? Base salary, matching taxes, health care insurance, workmans comp insurance, general liability, shop over head...etc and then expect top quality work?
All than and then TRY to make profit?
04-24-2019, 07:56 PM
4600 shops surveyed 57 is average. Highest rates are in CA due to cost of real estate
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04-24-2019, 09:12 PM
I believe you, I just can't see how these guys do it?
04-24-2019, 10:49 PM
Don't forget they get a markup on parts and paint(15-25%).... they also get book time and that often is overstated on small items, along with anywhere from $25 to $100 per day for storing vehicles that end up being total losses.
Paul Workman
04-25-2019, 07:55 AM
So far AllState has been a 10 and Flo is not so good.
Boy-yo-boy....Good thing that dipstick bracket didn't get damaged. Flo woulda freaked out at the cost of that "custom, high-performance" part! :p
04-25-2019, 10:48 AM
Progressive cancelled my son’s fully paid insurance a month early and never notified him. He didn’t find out until the police stopped him a year later and cited him for a lapse in coverage that previous year. They impounded his plates and would not release them till the ticket and fine were paid. When Progressive was contacted they admitted the policy was fully paid and that they had cancelled coverage early but would not say why. He had no tickets, accidents or points on his record. The DMV stated they had seen other instances like this from Progressive and speculated that Progressive was cancelling policies when they learned the customer was switching companies. He was indeed changing companies at that time and had already procured a new policy elsewhere which was scheduled into effect when the progressive policy was scheduled to end. The matter has been appealed and accepted by the state insurance board who is currently investigating. I will never do business with Progressive again.
04-25-2019, 11:24 AM
By law a cancellation must be served in writing and with a grace period otherwise it’s not valid typically those letters are required to be registered as mailed with the post office.
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05-02-2019, 05:09 PM
When a man turns 50 it is recommended that you go for your annual "exam." Typically the gel is warm, the jokes are awkward, the procedure is quick and most importantly... PAINLESS.
Well..... not so in this case. Too much to write, but both companies are bouncing back and forth with who is doing what, subrogating this or that and/or who's paperwork to go from. Frankly is sound like a a bunch of sh*t designed to confuse, wear you down and make you accept what ever they offer.
I am a business owner and have a attorney on monthly retainer. I've been fortunate that I have not had any business issues this year so he "owes" me many hours. I'll probably just let him loose on this one.
So I stopped by the shop today and took a look at #1388. It is kind of like watching your child being operated on; you have confidence in the doctors, but it still is your kid and makes you squirm. The shop will need it for 2 more weeks.
05-04-2019, 10:20 PM
Progressive cancelled my son’s fully paid insurance a month early and never notified him. He didn’t find out until the police stopped him a year later and cited him for a lapse in coverage that previous year. They impounded his plates and would not release them till the ticket and fine were paid. When Progressive was contacted they admitted the policy was fully paid and that they had cancelled coverage early but would not say why. He had no tickets, accidents or points on his record. The DMV stated they had seen other instances like this from Progressive and speculated that Progressive was cancelling policies when they learned the customer was switching companies. He was indeed changing companies at that time and had already procured a new policy elsewhere which was scheduled into effect when the progressive policy was scheduled to end. The matter has been appealed and accepted by the state insurance board who is currently investigating. I will never do business with Progressive again.
The Nevada State Insurance Commission found in favor of my son and against Progressive. All fines and penalties were dropped by the state. Again, I’ll never do business with Progressive again! Sorry Bill didn’t mean to hijack your thread.
05-05-2019, 03:35 PM
Well..... not so in this case. Too much to write, but both companies are bouncing back and forth with who is doing what, subrogating this or that and/or who's paperwork to go from. Frankly is sound like a a bunch of sh*t designed to confuse, wear you down and make you accept what ever they offer.
Sadly that’s how the insurance industry works,if the consumer knows their rights and let’s it be known in the beginning the insurance companies will think twice before they start the games. Usually one mention on the Department of Insurance does the trick.
05-10-2019, 11:30 AM
Sadly that’s how the insurance industry works,if the consumer knows their rights and let’s it be known in the beginning the insurance companies will think twice before they start the games. Usually one mention on the Department of Insurance does the trick.
How true Jeff's quote is. I am happy (relieved actually) that my company Allstate called this morning and has agreed to use my shop and pay 100% of the repairs.
After many conversations with many insurance people I finally got to the guy who could say "yes". As above, I spoke with him about process, my rights, specific repairs, the comparative quotes I had gotten. I had to gently demonstrate that I "knew my sh*t" and the conversation was very business like.
I think what turned it for the Allstate claims guru was when I said that I was prepared for a "non resolution," pay the repairs myself and just "turn it over."
I think the insurance companies just count on people not having knowledge or resources and are (unfortunately" placed in a situation to accept what ever the offer is.
Thank for the advise guys... it REALLY helped.
I am stopping by the shop at noon today for photos and progress check.
05-10-2019, 12:18 PM
Good deal sir!! Sometimes patience IS a virtue AND pays off! Looking forward to see the after pics...
05-10-2019, 02:24 PM
I visited the shop (MidCities Classics in Hurst Texas) and checked on the car.
According to the owner Jim, the frame pulled/straightened out perfectly and he showed me the process. The radiator, condenser and shroud are back in and the AC gets charged today. He was able to locate all new parts except the valence but said he has one on order and might have an NOS buried in the back of his shop.
Jim says that I'll most likely get it back in a week.
Guys.... I'm getting itchy. Patience is a such a PITA.
05-10-2019, 03:02 PM
I visited the shop (MidCities Classics in Hurst Texas) and checked on the car.
According to the owner Jim, the frame pulled/straightened out perfectly and he showed me the process. The radiator, condenser and shroud are back in and the AC gets charged today. He was able to locate all new parts except the valence but said he has one on order and might have an NOS buried in the back of his shop.
Jim says that I'll most likely get it back in a week.
Guys.... I'm getting itchy. Patience is a such a PITA.
So he's using a fiberglass bumper cover?
05-10-2019, 03:24 PM
Good deal. Once you get it back, we need to have a DFW ZR-1 lunch meet.
05-10-2019, 08:18 PM
After many conversations with many insurance people I finally got to the guy who could say "yes". As above, I spoke with him about process, my rights, specific repairs, the comparative quotes I had gotten. I had to gently demonstrate that I "knew my sh*t" and the conversation was very business like.
That’s how the scam works and sadly the consumers don’t know they have rights. I’ve heard everything from used part to economy parts,it’s amazing what a simple mention of the State Department of Insurance can do.
05-10-2019, 08:19 PM
After many conversations with many insurance people I finally got to the guy who could say "yes". As above, I spoke with him about process, my rights, specific repairs, the comparative quotes I had gotten. I had to gently demonstrate that I "knew my sh*t" and the conversation was very business like.
That’s how the scam works and sadly the consumers don’t know they have rights. I’ve heard everything from used part to economy parts,it’s amazing what a simple mention of the State Department of Insurance can do. Good to see the car coming together.
05-11-2019, 09:21 AM
So he's using a fiberglass bumper cover?
Not sure, I'll check. Jim is first class and is very good on details so I'm sure I'll get whats best.
05-11-2019, 09:23 AM
Good deal. Once you get it back, we need to have a DFW ZR-1 lunch meet.
Perfect--Lets pick a place preferably away from high school traffic and new drivers!
05-17-2019, 02:34 PM
I stopped by the shop for a few photos and a progress check. The shop painted the hood and door yesterday and worked on the headlight covers and facia today. They pulled the car out in the sun and will sand and buff early next week. Still targeting mid-next week but a rainy forecast might push that till just before Memorial day.
Question... I checked the facia part numbers on the "new" one against my damaged. They both showed GM10135971. Are the facia ALL the same part number from 91-95?
05-17-2019, 03:14 PM
Glad to see things are looking up for you. It looks like a great job by the shop. Yes, it should be same facia from 91 even to 96.
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05-23-2019, 10:04 AM
I picked up #1388 yesterday and I am very happy. Jim, (the owner of Mid Cities Classics) and team did an amazing job. Jim walked me around the car and pointed out all the little details that they attended to- it is amazing all the "little" things the team did that would have never crossed my mind.
My insurance company had a check waiting at the desk for the full amount plus the deductible. With the help from the guys on the forum and polite firmness with an AllState supervisor, the economics did ultimately come together. Total bill was $12,822.
I drove (carefully) home and begin to crawl around her in the garage. The car is really in very good shape now and I'm thrilled with the job the guys did. I will have to resist my neurotic tendency to measure every little gap and check/retighten every bolt and "look" for imperfections. I need to just be happy that she is back home.
05-23-2019, 10:14 AM
Car looks good and happy to see everything worked out with as little grief as possible.
05-23-2019, 10:28 AM
Looks Great!
Fall in love with it again!
05-23-2019, 10:34 AM
Congrats, glad to hear it worked out for you! :dancing
Now drive it like it was meant to be driven.
05-23-2019, 10:34 AM
Congrats on getting it back!
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