03-28-2019, 08:08 PM
I have a problem with the car stalling. The engine starts chugging and then stops. I turn the key to on but not start and the fans run for two or three seconds, the fans stop, I hear a click and the fans start again. The engine will turn over but not start. If you continue to crank it, the battery will finally die. When I can turn the key to on, and everything is quiet I know the car will start. I don’t think the engine is getting any fuel. For no explainable reason this cycling stops, and the car will start. If I let the car set for a while, it will start. It always starts in the morning. I’ve learned to be patient and after stalling, the cycling will stop and the car will start again. I will drive in the highway and city for weeks with no problem, and then, it stops, mainly at intersections but also at speed. When it’s running it purrs. Thanks for any help in advance.